At the Hernandez house, Arnold continued to role-play Rafe as he cooked breakfast. “What is all that noise?” Jada asked as she entered the kitchen. Arnold turned off the music and apologized. Jada leaned in for a kiss, but EJ knocked on the door. “What are you doing here?” Jada asked. EJ explained that he was there to talk to his P.I. Jada announced that she was going to work. EJ started to complain that the police had not found Rachel, and Arnold warned EJ to back off.
“I am doing everything in my power to find Rachel,” Jada said. Jada explained that the department had been out searching Salem all night. “My sister doesn’t want to hear your excuses and neither do I,” EJ countered. EJ threatened to sue the police department if they did not find Rachel soon. “You are nothing but a bully who has zero concept of what goes into a missing person’s search,” Jada said. Jada left for work.
“What the hell did I just walk in on?” EJ asked. Arnold explained that he had made breakfast for Jada but that he had not slept with her. “You said not to touch the broad, and I didn’t,” Arnold said. When EJ asked about the sleeping arrangements, Arnold explained that he had slept alone in the bed because Jada had been out all night searching for Rachel. EJ warned Arnold to stay on mission. “Which is making that woman pay for costing me my job,” EJ growled.
EJ explained that he wanted Arnold to help him get Jada fired. “I want you to expose her for the corrupt cop she is,” EJ said. Arnold shook his head, and he noted that Jada appeared to be clean. EJ disagreed. “I’ll do the digging [for dirt], and you concentrate on the exposing,” EJ said. EJ explained that once he had evidence of Jada’s corruption, he would force Paulina to fire her.
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“Who do you think Mayor Price is going to get to replace her?” Arnold asked. “You, you idiot! Posing as Rafe,” EJ said. Arnold asked EJ what benefit he received from the arrangement. “You’ll convince Paulina that Jada had me fired because I was on to her corruption. Then Paulina will have no choice but to hire me back,” EJ said. Confused, Arnold asked if EJ wanted him to get Jada to call off the wedding. EJ shook his head no. “If all goes according to plan, the wedding between Rafe Hernandez and Jada Hunter will definitely be an affair to remember,” EJ said.
Stephanie was admiring Jada’s wedding invitation in her apartment when Philip called. “We have nothing left to talk about,” Stephanie said. Philip thanked Stephanie for not having told Xander about the letter. “You mean the forged letter to steal half of Titan from him?” Stephanie asked. When Philip thanked Stephanie for helping him, Stephanie clarified that she had kept quiet for Sarah, not Philip.
“Sarah’s worried about Xander having absolute power at Titan. She thinks he needs a check on him. Someone who can reign him in even if it’s someone as morally bankrupt as you,” Stephanie said. “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Philip said. Stephanie reminded Philip that he would have to live with the guilt of having stolen his brother’s birthright. “As I’ve told you, I truly believe my father would have wanted me to run the company, okay?” Philip countered. Unfazed, Stephanie told Philip that she did not want to hear any more of his excuses to justify his bad behavior. Philip reiterated that he was grateful for Stephanie’s silence.
“For the record, I hate this. I hate that you roped me into it and you used me,” Stephanie said. Philip apologized again. With a sigh, Stephanie noted that Philip was still the same “manipulative liar” he had always been. Stephanie marveled that she had defended Philip and been seduced by him. “You got what you wanted, Philip. And what I want is to wash my hands of this whole thing,” Stephanie said.
In the Kiriakis living room, Sarah scowled at Victor’s painting. “Yes, I’m keeping a secret. It’s your secret that got us into this mess in the first place. I’m just trying to keep the peace. Trying to keep Xander from murdering Philip,” Sarah said. Sarah argued that she did not want Xander to turn into Victor. Sarah noted that she could not let the truth come out.
“Not that I feel any less guilty about that,” Sarah muttered. “What do you have to feel guilty about?” Xander asked as he entered the room. Sarah explained that she had been telling Victor that she felt guilty about not being there for Justin. Xander scoffed, and he noted that Victor would make jokes about Bonnie’s accident.
“I’m sure Justin will understand. It’s not like there’s anything you could have done,” Xander advised. Sarah shrugged. “My heart goes out to him,” Sarah said. With a shake of his head, Xander noted that it was astonishing how quickly Bonnie’s life had gone from rising star to mangled actress. Sarah agreed that Bonnie was lucky to be alive. Xander changed the subject to work, and Sarah admitted that she had not talked to Kayla yet about a job. Sarah promised to check on Bonnie while she was at the hospital.
As Xander announced that he needed to leave for work, Sarah noted the enthusiasm in Xander’s voice. “Things are going pretty well since I adjusted my attitude,” Xander admitted. “Seems like this partnership might work out,” Sarah said. Xander said he had promised Maggie to make an effort, and he enjoyed looking forward to going to work instead of dreading it. “Plus, it’s not like I have much choice. Philip does control half the company. Thanks to that letter that Victor wrote,” Xander said. Xander kissed Sarah goodbye.
When Xander arrived in his office at Titan, he warmly greeted Philip. Philip asked Xander if his greeting was genuine. “Did I not come in peace yesterday?” Xander asked. “I guess us coexisting peacefully will take some getting used to,” Philip admitted. Xander told Philip that he wanted them to be equal partners. “So does Victor. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have written you that letter, would he?” Xander said. Philip averted his eyes.
“We have both wanted this opportunity so badly for so long, to prove ourselves worthy of carrying on the Kiriakis legacy. So let’s do it, Philip. Let’s make the old man proud,” Xander said. Philip nodded yes. Xander added that Philip had been right about the hostile takeover. “Or not. Upon further reflection, I think you might be onto something,” Philip said. Philip argued that a takeover could be how they make their mark on the company.
“This is how we do it. By accomplishing something that Victor never could: taking control of Stefano’s empire,” Philip said. Confused, Xander asked Philip why he had changed his mind. Philip thought about when Sarah had ordered him to work with Xander instead of against him. “I realized that if we’re going to work together, I need to compromise,” Philip said. Xander reminded Philip that he had claimed he no longer wanted to cross a moral line.
“I have to be flexible,” Philip said. “But you also banged on and on about how dangerous our feud was with the DiMeras the last time around, especially for your girlfriend, Stephanie,” Xander said. Philip explained that he and Stephanie had broken up. Curious, Xander asked why. “[We] just didn’t see eye to eye,” Philip said. Philip told Xander that he had been hasty with his initial response.
“A hostile takeover is a major move. We’d have to think it through. Strategy, timing,” Philip recounted. “The time is now. Stefan, EJ, Chad, all out. Kristen distracted,” Xander said. Philip noted that it was ruthless to move against Kristen when her daughter was missing. “There are lines I won’t cross,” Philip said. Xander agreed, but he noted that this was not one of those lines. Philip took a deep breath.
“You’re suggesting we attempt to profit off a missing child who also happens to be Brady’s?” Philp asked. Xander noted that Rachel had been kidnapped by her parents multiple times in the past. “Rachel wasn’t kidnapped. She ran away,” Philip countered. Xander argued that he still believed that Rachel would return home soon.
“And in the meantime, we cannot let this opportunity pass us by. Kristen is definitely off her game right now. We need to strike,” Xander argued. With a nod, Philip noted that Kristen had attempted to barter for Sarah’s recovery. “Just like she did with your mom’s life,” Xander said. “With that orchid! She is one cold-hearted snake,” Philip agreed. Xander argued that Titan would be unstoppable if it took over its biggest competitor.
“My point is, Kristen had absolutely no problem taking advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable. She had no sympathy. She had no compassion. She just saw an opportunity to take everything from us, and she didn’t hesitate. So, now the shoe is on the other foot, why should we?” Xander asked. Philip agreed that Kristen had no problem taking advantage of their misfortunes.
“And Stefano, he was the definition of ruthless,” Philip said. “And so was our father,” Xander added. “Hell yeah,” Philip whispered. Xander grinned. “Are the Kiriakis brothers going after the DiMeras?” Xander asked. “It is game on. Kristen and the rest of those losers won’t know what hit them,” Philip said.
At the hospital, Alex asked Justin if he had seen Bonnie. “Kayla told me to prepare myself. I mean, I’m going in. I just need another minute,” Justin said. Alex offered to go in with Justin, and Justin accepted the offer.
In Bonnie’s hospital room, a battered Bonnie lay in bed and moaned. Bonnie had on a neck brace and both her arms were in slings. Justin entered the room with Alex. Bonnie whimpered as she attempted to turn and look at Justin. “I’m here, and Alex is with me,” Justin said softly. Justin sat next to Bonnie’s bed. “You took a pretty serious tumble. But Kayla said that you’re going to be just fine, okay?” Justin said. Bonnie attempted to talk, but Justin discouraged her because her jaw had been badly injured.
“I’ve got 60 pages,” Bonnie said. Alex explained that Bonnie was talking about the pages of dialogue from her script that she needed to memorize. “Like hell you do!” Justin said. Justin commanded that Bonnie quit the show. “Dad, come on. Don’t overreact,” Alex said. Bonnie whimpered. Justin argued that his response was justified.
“I made it crystal clear to Abe and Kate that they are not to contact you and that you will never, ever be going back to that death trap of a set,” Justin said. Bonnie attempted to object, but Justin cut her off. “You could have been killed!” Justin said. “No,” Bonnie said. Justin promised to sue the production. “Take it easy,” Alex said. “This isn’t just gross negligence. It is willful misconduct,” Justin argued. Alex reminded Justin that Bonnie’s fall had been an accident.
“So you’re taking your employer’s side over your own family?” Justin asked. “Of course I’m not, Dad. I’m just saying Kate and Abe didn’t mean for this to happen,” Alex said. Justin vowed to make the production pay. “You sound like Uncle Vic,” Alex said. Bonnie whimpered that she agreed with Alex and that her fall had been an accident. Bonnie’s phone rang with a call from Richard in the wardrobe department. Furious, Justin answered the call and tore into Richard because Bonnie had been on her way to a last minute wardrobe fitting.
“You’re damn right I’m blaming you. It was your text that set this whole thing in motion,” Justin said. Richard told Justin that the wardrobe department had not texted Bonnie about a fitting. Justin ended the call and told Alex and Bonnie the news. Bonnie confirmed she had received a text. Justin wondered aloud why Richard would lie. Justin looked at Bonnie’s texts, and he confirmed an unknown number had sent the message.
“Richard said they didn’t need [Bonnie] for a fitting, so why would they [text her]?” Justin wondered aloud. Bonnie groaned. As Alex rose to give Justin and Bonnie some privacy, Justin stopped him at the door. “I don’t like this. We need to contact the police,” Justin said. “I’m on it,” Alex said. After Alex left, Justin assured Bonnie that he would figure everything out.
By the nurses’ station, Jada ran into Stephanie. “I was up all night searching for Rachel Black. And now I have to question Bonnie,” Jada said. Jada explained that Paulina had asked her to question Bonnie personally. “I’m here for Bonnie too, actually. I wanted to make sure she was all right and to make sure that the media was not swarming the hospital,” Stephanie said. Jada and Stephanie both expressed disbelief over Bonnie’s freak elevator accident.
“It has been one crisis after another ever since I took on this show as a client,” Stephanie complained. “On top of all that, you’re dealing with a break-up,” Jada countered. Stephanie said the break-up had been for the best.
Curious, Jada asked Stephanie why. When Stephanie hesitated, Jada assured her that she did not need to tell her any personal details. “You’re my best friend. Of course, I will tell you,” Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that she realized that Philip valued power over family. “The way that [Philip] does business just doesn’t sit right with me,” Stephanie said. “I respect that,” Jada noted. Jada said she felt the same way.
“I’m sorry you’re going through this,” Jada said. Stephanie offered to help Jada with her wedding now that she had free time. Jada politely declined, and she asked Stephanie to be her maid of honor instead. “What about Talia?” Stephanie asked. Jada explained that her sister was working and that she would not be able to make the wedding.
“Even though we’re not blood-related, you’re like a sister to me,” Jada said. “I feel the same way. And my answer is yes,” Stephanie said. As Jada and Stephanie hugged, Alex said hello. “How’s Bonnie?” Stephanie asked. “Broken bones, broken jaw. It’s pretty bad,” Alex admitted. Jada asked if it was a good time to ask questions, and Alex admitted he had wanted Jada to talk to Justin. Jada went over to Bonnie’s room.
Alex told Stephanie about the mysterious text that Bonnie had received, and Stephanie agreed that it was strange. “I’m glad the police commissioner is looking into it,” Alex said. With a grin, Stephanie told Alex that Jada had asked her to be Jada’s maid of honor. “You hoping Philip catches the garter belt?” Alex teased. Stephanie admitted that she had broken up with Philip.
In Kayla’s office, Sarah and Kayla talked about Bonnie’s accident. Kayla said she felt responsible since she had convinced Seth Burns to let the soap opera shoot at the hospital. Sarah assured Kayla that the accident was not her fault. Sarah asked about Bonnie’s health. Kayla admitted that Bonnie had sustained severe injuries, but she believed Bonnie had a good prognosis.
Kayla thanked Sarah for the research she had left on her desk. Sarah thanked Kayla for the opportunity to help. “And I learned a lot. And I ran into Stephanie when I dropped [the research] off, and we got to chat for a little bit,” Sarah said. With a nod, Kayla noted that Stephanie was disappointed with how her relationship with Philip had ended.
“Did she say why it ended?” Sarah asked. “She told me everything. We don’t have any secrets,” Kayla said. Sarah asked Kayla what Stephanie had told her. Kayla said that Stephanie had been upset about a business decision that Philip had made. “So she didn’t get into any specifics?” Sarah asked. Kayla asked Sarah if Stephanie had told her more details. Sarah lied and said no.
Sarah changed the subject to her health, and she confirmed that she had made a full recovery. “And just to be thorough, I saw an occupational therapist who evaluated my fine motor skills, such as the ones I would need to perform surgery,” Sarah said. Kayla told Sarah that she had reviewed her records, and she was happy to have Sarah return to work. Kayla said she was also pleased that Sarah had been there for Stephanie after the break-up.
“I just feel like maybe she dodged a bullet with Philip,” Kayla said. “Really?” Sarah asked. Kayla explained that Stephanie’s previous relationship with Philip had been a disaster. Kayla added that she also had concerns about how Philip had framed Brady. “I have always had this feeling that [Philip] is broken somehow and that he can’t be fixed. And I don’t know if it was just that he was born that way or if it’s something that Victor put him through. I don’t know, but I just feel, honestly, like it was a matter of time before he would do something that would really hurt Stephanie or god knows who else,” Kayla said. Sarah appeared unsettled by Kayla’s words.
In Bonnie’s hospital room, Jada said she was thankful that Bonnie had survived her accident. “Well, that’s just it, commissioner. I’m not so sure that my wife’s fall was an accident,” Justin said. Justin told Jada about the text, and he noted that someone might have intended for Bonnie to have the accident. “Who would want to do that?” Jada asked. Justin argued that the person who had sent the cupcakes could be the culprit. In the park, a hooded figure held up a press photo of Bonnie and placed a red X across her face.
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