Days of our Lives Recap for Friday, December 20, 2024: Tate supports Sophia's pregnancy, Leo advises Doug

Tate and Sophia talk about the options for her pregnancy on Days of our Lives | Image: JPI
Tate and Sophia talk about the options for her pregnancy on Days of our Lives | Image: JPI

Doug III visited Leo’s hotel room to ask for help fencing Alice’s diamond necklace. “This, my friend, is some serious bling,” Leo said. “What do you think?” Doug asked. Leo noted that the necklace was good enough for royalty. Doug wondered if Leo could sell the necklace for him.

“And what makes you think I would?” Leo asked. “Because a little birdy told me that you were the go-to guy in Salem for this kind of job,” Doug explained. Leo scoffed and asked for a name. Doug noted that it was public knowledge that Leo had fenced Abigail’s jewelry after her murder. Leo argued that he had been desperate at the time. “Can you help me or not?” Doug asked. Leo demanded to know Doug’s identity.

“Wait a minute. Did Steven Olsen send you?” Leo asked. “Who?” Doug asked. Leo explained that he had talked to Steven, and Steven had been accused of stealing a family heirloom. “[Steven] swore up and down that he didn’t do it, and I believe him,” Leo said. Doug admitted that he had stolen the necklace, not Steven.

“Listen, I didn’t want to take the necklace, especially from my own grandfather’s wife,” Doug said. Leo’s eyes went wide. Doug introduced himself. Confused, Leo noted that he had researched the Horton family history for the paper, and he had not heard of Doug. “That’s because they didn’t know about me until a couple of days ago,” Doug admitted. Leo asked Doug why he had taken the necklace.

“I owe someone quite a bit of money, and they’re eager to collect,” Doug confessed. “So, if I’m hearing correctly, you came to Salem to steal from your bereaved family?” Leo asked. Doug said no. Doug stressed that he had wanted to pay his respects to his grandfather. “By all accounts, he was a great man,” Doug said. Doug explained that when he had arrived at the house, he had overheard the family discuss the necklace. “It was like the universe’s way of saying, here it is, Doug, your way out,” Doug said. Doug said that after everyone had left for the funeral, he had impulsively gone inside to take the necklace.

“Doesn’t sound very impulsive,” Leo countered. “I guess at the time, I figured that they didn’t even know about [the necklace] before that day. And it’s not like they need the money,” Doug said. With a laugh, Leo noted that Doug’s excuse would not do well in court. “I’m not proud of what I did, okay? At first, I didn’t feel too bad. But that family, they’ve been so nice to me. Welcomed me in with open arms. And now the guilt — it’s just eating at me. Part of me wishes I could just put the necklace back. Stash it somewhere for them to find,” Doug said. Leo asked why not.

“Because I’m afraid that they’ll be suspicious if it just suddenly reappeared, and–” Doug said. With a nod, Leo filled in that Doug would still need money for his debt. “I get it,” Leo admitted. Doug said he wanted to pay off his debts and start his life over. “I need your help,” Doug said. “This sort of thing is no longer in my jurisdiction,” Leo said. Doug begged for help. With a sigh, Leo admitted that he might have a contact, and he asked Doug to leave the necklace with him.

“How do I know I can trust you?” Doug asked. “Well, my handsome and so very desperate new acquaintance, you don’t have much of a choice, do you?” Leo countered. “I guess I don’t,” Doug whispered. After Doug left, Leo modeled the necklace in the mirror. “No, Leo, what are you thinking? You can’t do that to this poor kid,” Leo said.

When Brady went to Ava’s room to pick her up for their date, he gasped playfully when he saw her. “You look stunning,” Brady said. Ava smiled. “I’ve never been to the ballet. I wasn’t sure if I was overdressed,” Ava said. Brady admitted he had felt the same way, and he helped Ava put on her necklace. As Brady reached into his coat pocket to check the tickets, he was surprised to realize they were gone.

“I don’t know what happened?” Brady said. “Maybe Kristen took them?” Ava joked. Brady sighed, and he admitted that it was possible. Brady decided to order more tickets, but the performance was sold out. Brady apologized. “Don’t worry about it,” Ava said. Brady suggested that they still hang out. Ava admitted that she was in a celebratory mood because of Clyde’s coma.

Brady and Ava ordered burgers from downstairs, and they streamed The Nutcracker ballet on the TV in Ava’s room. “The only problem was, I was going to take you to Chez Rouge for dinner,” Brady said. With a smirk, Ava confessed that she preferred burgers and fries to French food. Brady and Ava talked about food and the ballet, and they both agreed that they were not enjoying the performance.

Brady switched to Christmas Vacation. Ava talked about how her family had been far more dysfunctional than the Griswolds in the movie. Brady noted Tate had joked that his family was like the Griswolds, and Ava admitted that Brady had a Chevy Chase vibe about him. Ava switched to A Christmas Story, and Brady confessed that it was his favorite Christmas movie. “Mine too,” Ava said.

After Brady and Ava finished their food, the wi-fi cut out before the end of the movie. Ava joked that Kristen had cut off the internet, and Brady groaned. “It seems like fate does not want us to watch a program tonight,” Brady said. Brady asked for a do-over, and Ava agreed. “But maybe next time, don’t tell Kristen,” Ava said. Brady agreed.

“Snafus aside, I enjoyed my time with you tonight. A lot,” Brady said. “Me too,” Ava said. Ava walked Brady to the door, and he kissed her goodbye on the cheek. After Brady left, Ava stared dreamily into the distance as she got undressed. Ava received a text from an anonymous number that said, “So, how was your date?” Ava sighed.

At the penthouse, Tate was ending his call with Holly when Sophia knocked on the door. “What’s going on?” Tate asked. “I’m pregnant,” Sophia said. Stunned, Tate asked Sophia if she was sure. Sophia explained that she had taken three pregnancy tests to confirm. When Tate noted that he had used a condom, Sophia reminded Tate that they were not 100% effective.

“We’re having a baby,” Sophia said. Sophia complained that she was not sure if her nausea was morning sickness or the dread of having to tell her parents about the pregnancy. Tate offered to support Sophia with whatever decision she wanted to make, but Sophia noted that she did not have a choice. “If you’re in this state of ours, and under 18, which I am, parental consent is required,” Sophia said. Sophia argued that her parents did not know she had kissed a boy, much less had sex.

“I think I understand,” Tate said. “They had such big dreams for me. Like, they would disown me if they knew that I, that we,” Sophia stammered. Tate argued that if Sophia’s parents wanted her to fulfill her dreams, they would help. “You don’t get it, Tate. My parents believe abortion is a sin. They don’t even believe in birth control,” Sophia said. “But it’s your body!” Tate argued. Sophia agreed, but she noted that it did not matter under the law.

“What I think is best doesn’t matter. Not if my parents don’t agree,” Sophia said. Tate started to suggest they travel to another state, but Sophia countered that she did not have money or transportation. Tate offered to help Sophia. “You didn’t get pregnant on your own, okay? And you are not going to do this alone. So if you are sure that this is what you want to do, then I will take you, and we can do this together,” Tate said. “But what if my parents find out? I mean, they’ll kill us both,” Sophia said. Tate assured Sophia that her parents would not know.

“We’ll just have to make sure that no one knows we’re gone and figure out a time that works,” Tate said. Sophia nodded in agreement. “And what about Holly?” Sophia asked. Tate admitted that he did not want Holly to know about the baby. “You’re not going to say anything, are you?” Tate asked. With a frown, Sophia said she would not tell. “But it’s amazing how this is about her all of a sudden,” Sophia muttered. Tate apologized.

“I’m just a little freaked out, obviously,” Tate said. “Yeah, so am I, believe me,” Sophia countered. Sophia worried aloud about how they could pull off any plan without someone discovering their secret. Tate promised to research their options. “I wasn’t sure that you’d step up,” Sophia admitted. “I know things didn’t end well between us, to put it mildly, but I’m gonna take care of you, Sophia. I promise. We’re in this together,” Tate said. Sophia left.

In the square, Holly sat with Maggie in the cafe and sipped coffee. Maggie asked about Tate, and Holly admitted that she wanted to spend less time with her boyfriend. Holly told Maggie about her conversation with Leo. “He warned me that something could happen between me and Tate when we least expect it, and then it would all just be over between us,” Holly said. Maggie noted that there were no guarantees in life.

“My advice to you is just to enjoy what you and Tate have together right now, at this very moment, without fast-forwarding to all the things that may or may not go wrong,” Maggie said. Holly promised to try. Maggie reminded Holly that Holly was her responsibility, and she offered to assist Holly if she needed to see an OB/GYN for birth control. Holly gasped.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s important to be prepared,” Maggie said. “I appreciate that. Really, I do. But nothing like that is happening between me and Tate,” Holly said. Maggie was surprised. With a sigh, Holly said she wished that Tate had not already slept with Sophia. Holly admitted she had been a terrible friend to Sophia but that she could not forgive Sophia for having pursued Tate.

“But hadn’t you broken up?” Maggie asked. “Yes, but that was partly because she was trying to come between us,” Holly countered. Holly told Maggie about how Sophia had blackmailed her and Tate about Smith Island. Holly confessed that she could not stop thinking about how she and Tate had decided not to sleep together, but Tate had jumped into bed with Sophia.

“May I remind you that Tate made his choice to be with you and not her?” Maggie said. “I know. But still, it hurts to know his first time was with someone else. And they shared this like, super intimate thing together that he hasn’t shared with me yet,” Holly said. Maggie squeezed Holly’s hand. “This isn’t a contest. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sophia was having regrets,” Maggie said. Holly disagreed. Maggie reminded Holly that she did not need to be intimate with Tate until she was ready.

“Sex has a lot of consequences that you don’t necessarily think about when you’re caught up in the moment,” Maggie said. Maggie told Holly that she only wanted what was best for her. As Maggie and Holly got up to finish their shopping, Sophia walked into the square and stopped in her tracks. Holly introduced Maggie to Sophia.

“How’s everything with Tate?” Sophia asked. “Fine. I was actually just shopping for his Christmas present,” Holly said. Sophia smiled, and she wished Holly and Tate the best Christmas. After Sophia walked away, Maggie noted that Sophia had been nice. “Yeah, except she didn't mean a single word of it,” Holly grumbled.

When Brady returned to the penthouse, Tate was deep in thought. “Something wrong?” Brady asked. “You caught me zoning out wrapping one of Holly’s gifts,” Tate said. Curious, Tate asked about Brady’s fancy clothes. “I had a date. Tried to have one anyway,” Brady said.

Julie was reading in the Horton living room when Jennifer returned home from dinner. “How are you doing?” Julie asked. Jennifer said she was okay. “I really want to thank you for letting us use Gram’s time capsule to commemorate Abigail,” Jennifer said. Julie noted that JJ had liked the idea, too. Jennifer asked about JJ, but Julie said he had gone out with Chad while the kids were upstairs asleep.

“Doug’s grandson has gone out for a walk, so this is really the quietest the house has been since…the quietest it’s been in a long time,” Julie said. Julie forced a smile. “It occurs to me that Doug, he arrived at the perfect time, didn’t he?” Jennifer said. Julie agreed. Jennifer asked if Doug had any plans or family in Salem. Curious, Julie asked Jennifer if she had an issue with Doug’s presence in the house. Jennifer explained that her only worry was that Doug might take advantage of Julie.

“Why do you think he would?” Julie asked. “Because Hope doesn’t trust him, and I told her that I would look out for you,” Jennifer said. Julie rolled her eyes and smiled. Jennifer pointed out that Doug had arrived in town when Julie and the family had been most vulnerable. Julie argued that Hope had called Doug’s father and confirmed Doug’s story.

“I thought that had put all of Hope’s concerns to rest. Now, is there something else?” Julie asked. “No. Hope just told me to keep an eye on him, that’s all,” Jennifer said. When Julie asked if Hope’s concern was because Doug had been in prison, Jennifer gasped. “No! We didn’t even know about that!” Jennifer said. Julie downplayed Doug’s incarceration, though she admitted she did not know all the details of it. Jennifer furrowed her brow.

“Considering his criminal past, maybe Doug is the one who stole Gram’s necklace,” Jennifer said. Julie protested, but Jennifer reminded her that Julie had defended Steven. “[Steven] has turned over a new leaf. I believe him,” Julie stressed. “Okay, well what a strange coincidence the necklace vanishes the day that Doug III comes to Salem after being released from jail. That’s not suspicious?” Jennifer asked. Julie refused to believe Doug was the thief. Julie reminded Jennifer that they had not met Doug until after the necklace had been stolen.

“Doug’s innocent. End of story,” Julie said. Doug returned home with a box of Christmas cookies. “You’ve been so great to me, it’s the least I could do,” Doug said. Jennifer narrowed her eyes as she watched Doug interact with Julie. “Red velvet! Your grandpa’s favorite,” Julie said. “Really? They’re mine too,” Doug said. Jennifer scowled. Julie told Doug that she was grateful for him. “You have no idea how grateful I am that you’ve welcomed me into your home,” Doug said. Julie hugged Doug while Jennifer watched disapprovingly.

Full episodes of Days of our Lives can be streamed weekdays on Peacock.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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