Holly was working on homework at the desk in the Kiriakis' living room when Maggie walked in. “I don’t think I saw you all yesterday,” Holly said. “That’s because I took Julie to Chicago. An impromptu shopping spree. I was trying to lift her spirits. And this is her first Valentine's Day without Doug,” Maggie said. Maggie asked about Holly’s Valentine’s Day date.
“It was great. Very romantic,” Holly said. Maggie admitted she had been worried that Doug III had interrupted the date. “Why would you even say that?” Holly asked. Maggie said that Julie had told her that Doug had gone up to the cabin to pick up a book, and she was worried that he might have interrupted Holly’s date. Holly explained that Tate had been late to the cabin because he had needed to take Sophia to the hospital.
“[Sophia is fine], but while I was waiting for Tate, Doug showed up, and that’s when he found the book of poems,” Holly explained. “Well, Julie is grateful that it was found. Doug, he’s a nice young man. He certainly has buoyed Julie’s spirits,” Maggie said. Holly agreed. Suspicious of Holly’s reaction, Maggie asked what was wrong with Doug. Holly thought about when Doug had confessed that he had stolen Alice’s necklace. “Is there a problem between you and Doug?” Maggie asked. Holly admitted that Doug had told her he had feelings for her and how it had happened.
“I see. How do you feel about that?” Maggie asked. Holly admitted that she did not feel the same way. “I mean, I have a boyfriend, Tate, who I love so much,” Holly said. With a nod, Maggie asked if the confession had made Holly uncomfortable. “It did. But at the end, Doug totally backed off. I think he was actually mortified,” Holly said. Holly noted that it was not an issue. “But you did bring it up in the context of something that bothers you. I mean, is it because it bothers Tate?” Maggie asked. Holly admitted she had not told Tate.
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“I could tell when he found Doug and I at the cabin he was a little jealous. And he even brought up how he keeps finding us together,” Holly said. Holly explained that she had not wanted to ruin her big night with Tate. “I mean, what’s the point, right?” Holly said. Maggie told Holly that she agreed, so long as Holly was clear with Doug about the boundaries in their friendship.
“Tate and I don’t need another problem added to our relationship,” Holly said. Maggie asked about the baby. Holly told Maggie that Amy had agreed to an adoption, but that she wanted to sign off on the parents. “We’re all really hoping it works out,” Holly said. Maggie asked Holly if she had given thought to the possibility that the adoption might not go through. “Then the three of us will just have to figure it out together,” Holly said.
At the Horton house, Doug III sat at the desk in the living room, and he thought about when he had confessed his feelings to Holly after having read Doug Sr.’s poem. Julie interrupted Doug out of his reverie. “I was just thinking about my grandfather. I keep reading this inscription that he wrote to you,” Doug said. Julie smiled. “This time of my life, there are very few material things that have any meaning for me,” Julie said. Julie said she was grateful that the ornaments, family pictures, and the book of poetry had survived the fire.
“Someone must have been watching over them,” Doug said. “A lot of Hortons,” Julie said. Julie added that she could not forgive herself for having lost Alice’s diamond necklace. “You can’t blame yourself for the necklace being stolen. The only person to blame is the thief,” Doug said. “Well, I blame myself for pointing the finger at my own brother,” Julie countered. Julie said she wished Doug had met her brother before he had left town. With a grin, Julie pulled out a letter that she had received from Steve.
“He said Ciara was wrong to accuse him of stealing the necklace,” Julie said. In the letter, Steve had sworn he was innocent. Julie explained that although Steve had had a checkered past, she believed him since he had sworn on the memory of their grandparents. “[Steven] would never tell me a lie. I was just so focused on Steven, that I didn’t even imagine any other possibilities,” Julie said. Doug asked Julie if she thought he had taken the necklace.
“Of course I don’t think you stole the necklace. You weren’t even in town when it disappeared, let alone know about it,” Julie said. Julie noted that Doug’s run-in with the law did not make him a bad person, just like Doug Sr.’s past had not made him a bad person.
“He changed. He became a strong and loving man. This compassionate person. The best of men,” Julie said. “I only wish I could be more like him,” Doug said. Julie smiled. “You are. And I know that your grandfather is watching over us and is very happy that you are now a part of my life,” Julie said. Doug asked Julie who she believed stole the necklace. Julie noted that she would need to file a police report because the necklace had been Alice’s.
“She was the diamond in this family. And my North Star,” Julie whispered. Julie said she would give anything to get the necklace back. “I’m sure. And I’m praying for that too,” Doug said. Julie told Doug not to feel guilty because he was not to blame for the theft. With a smile, Julie thanked Doug again for going out to the cabin for her. “Did you run into Holly?” Julie asked. Doug said yes, but he had left when Tate arrived. “Wise. Don’t want to be a third wheel on Valentine’s Day,” Julie said. After Julie left, Doug let out a guilty sigh. Doug thought about his confession at the cabin. As Doug shook off the thought, Holly walked into the living room.
In the town square, Tate spotted Sophia at the cafe. Sophia explained that she had not been in school the previous day because she was resting after the incident with the cramps. “So you’re feeling better today?” Tate asked. “Much. My morning sickness is gone. So now I kind of just want to eat everything in sight,” Sophia said. Sophia admitted that between that and her mother’s decision to be open to an adoption, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her. With a grin, Tate said he had good news.
“I found a couple that wants to adopt our baby,” Tate said. “So who are they?” Sophia asked. Tate explained that Johnny and Chanel had had fertility issues, and they wanted to adopt. Sophia grinned. “And they’re really serious about it?” Sophia asked. Tate nodded yes. “I know your mom still has to approve, but isn’t that great?” Tate said. Sophia asked why Tate had not told her sooner, and he noted that he had texted her.
“Oh. Right. It was Valentine’s Day,” Sophia said as her smile disappeared. Tate averted his eyes as Sophia asked about Tate’s date with Holly. “Good,” Tate said. Sophia asked Tate if he had told Holly about Johnny and Chanel before he had told Sophia. Tate said yes. “And I’ll bet she’s just as thrilled as you are. Because as long as this works out, our baby won’t be a problem for the two of you anymore,” Sophia said bitterly. Tate apologized for overstepping.
“This is your decision too, obviously. It’s just that Johnny and Chanel are really, really great people and everything just felt like it was falling into place,” Tate said. Sophia said her objection was that she wished Tate had talked to her about it before he had talked to Holly. Tate apologized and told Sophia she was right. Sophia said she understood. Sophia and Tate agreed that their main priority was to find a couple that would give the baby a happy life.
“You know that my mom thinks having good Christian values means being members of the Korean Baptist Church,” Sophia said. With a nod, Tate noted that Chanel was Baptist. “Look, I like Chanel, and I really want this all to work out, but I just think that this couple passing the Amy Choi test is going to be an uphill battle,” Sophia said. Amy approached and said, “Did I just hear my name?”
Sophia explained that Tate had found a couple that was interested in adopting the baby. “And who are these wonderful people?” Amy asked. Sophia explained that Tate’s cousin and his wife wanted to adopt the baby. “And they both come from very prominent Salem families,” Sophia added. Amy noted that the couple did not attend her church. “They go to a different church. But they’re very active members,” Sophia lied. Tate turned and stared at Sophia in surprise as Sophia noted that Chanel ran a bible study group.
“Really?” Amy said. “[They’re] probably even more religious than you,” Sophia lied. Tate forced a smile as he looked at Amy. Sophia stressed that the couple were the perfect parents for the baby. “That is a relief, because I’m not giving my grandchild over to anybody who’s not,” Amy said. Amy asked to meet the prospective parents for lunch that afternoon, and Tate promised to send Amy the details.
After Amy had walked away, Tate turned back to Sophia. “Bible study?” Tate said. “I knew it was going to be a hard sell, and I guess I just got carried away,” Sophia said. With a sigh, Tate noted that it would be an interesting lunch.
At the hospital, Johnny stopped by Marlena’s office to talk to her. Marlena asked about the bouquet of roses in Johnny’s hand, and he confirmed that they were for Chanel. Johnny told Marlena that Chanel had undergone a procedure to remove a cluster of cells and that it had been successful. “They got all of the tumor, so it’s likely Chanel won’t have to do any follow-up treatment,” Johnny said. Marlena asked Johnny to tell Chanel that her door was open if Chanel ever wanted to talk about it.
Johnny told Marlena about his and Chanel’s plan to adopt a baby, and he stressed that they were not ruling out a possible pregnancy in the future. “We want to start a family right now,” Johnny said. Marlena asked Johnny why he and Chanel wanted to rush into adoption. Johnny told Marlena that he and Chanel did not want a baby to strengthen their marriage, because that was stronger than ever. Marlena said she was relieved to hear that.
“Things are really good between us right now. And honestly, it feels like fate that this situation has just fallen into our laps,” Johnny said. “What situation?” Marlena asked. Johnny explained that he and Chanel wanted to adopt Tate and Sophia’s baby. “What does [Sophia’s] mother think?” Marlena asked. With a shrug, Johnny noted that Amy was open to the idea if the adoptive couple had “good Christian values.” Marlena blinked.
“I know what you’re thinking, Grandma, and honestly, Chanel and I aren’t sure that we necessarily fit the bill either,” Johnny said. “Any baby would be lucky to have you and Chanel as parents. And the important thing is that no matter what the religion, a child has a safe and loving home,” Marlena said. Johnny agreed, but he said he did not think Amy Choi would agree.
When Johnny asked Marlena what she thought about the adoption, Marlena noted that Tate and Sophia were not ready to be parents. “And I think you and Chanel certainly are. And it might just ease the transition to have the baby, you know, in the family. Are you considering an open adoption?” Marlena asked. Johnny admitted that they had not worked out any details. Marlena wished Johnny luck.
In Chanel’s hospital room, Paulina was sitting at her bedside as she stirred awake. “How did you know I was here?” Chanel asked. Paulina said she had heard about Chanel from a bakery employee. “Why wasn’t I told you were in the hospital?” Paulina asked. Chanel said she had not wanted to worry Paulina about her outpatient procedure to have a small tumor removed.
“Are you saying you have cancer?” Paulina asked. Chanel said no and that she would be fine. Paulina noted that even if there was any cancer left, there were a lot of great treatment options. “And you are a great example of surviving cancer,” Chanel countered. Chanel apologized for not having told Paulina about the procedure. “I didn’t want to upset you. You’ve already been through so much this year,” Chanel said. Paulina ordered Chanel to let her support her in the future.
“How did you find out about these abnormal cells?” Paulina asked. Chanel explained that she and Johnny had gone to a check-up to determine if she was okay to get pregnant again, but Kayla had found the cells. “It also means that my chances of having another molar pregnancy are increased,” Chanel said. Chanel admitted that she did not believe she could go through the heartbreak of another one. Chanel told Paulina about her plan to adopt.
“Well, if it’s the safest thing for you, I’m for it,” Paulina said. Paulina told Chanel that she only wanted to see her happy, but she was also worried about the heartbreak of the adoption process. Chanel told Paulina about Tate and Sophia’s baby. “What concerns me is keeping the adoption in the family. It can be difficult,” Paulina said. “You’re thinking about Lani,” Chanel said. With a nod, Paulina noted that it had caused a lot of trouble in the family. Chanel said that she and Johnny planned to be open with the child about its parentage.
“And I’m not so sure how involved Sophia will want to be or how much contact she’ll want to have with the baby,” Chanel said. Chanel noted that Sophia had plans to become a doctor. “What about Tate and Johnny?” Paulina asked. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Chanel said. Paulina argued that the baby could be a blessing, but it could also tear a family apart.
Marlena and Johnny walked in, and Johnny gave the flowers to Chanel. “I brought Mama up to speed, and we are all good,” Chanel said. With a grin, Chanel noted that Kayla had discharged her from the hospital. “Great! You’re obviously feeling much better then,” Johnny said. Chanel asked Johnny if he had heard from Tate. “He said he’s going to talk to Sophia and that they’ll be in touch,” Johnny said. Johnny’s phone beeped with a text from Tate asking to meet.
Marlena and Paulina went out to the waiting area. Paulina told Marlena that she felt bad that Chanel had been reluctant to tell her about the procedure. “I think she just didn’t want to worry you. And, if it’s any consolation, Johnny didn’t say a word to me until just recently,” Marlena said. Marlena admitted she had just learned about the adoption too, and she thought it was a good idea. Paulina was unsure. “I just want them to fully understand what they’re getting themselves into,” Paulina said. Paulina said she was glad that Chanel was okay, and she hoped that everyone would have a happy ending.
In the town square, Johnny asked Chanel if she was up for the meeting with Tate and Sophia. Chanel said she felt fine, and she was eager to learn if they had a shot at adopting the baby or not. “I just hope your mom didn’t upset you,” Johnny said. “Well, it wasn’t the way that I wanted her to find out, but she was fine,” Chanel said. Chanel noted that Paulina’s panic over her health had helped her identify with Sophia. “I know what it’s like to have a mom who loves you so much that sometimes it just feels like you can’t breathe,” Chanel said. With a chuckle, Johnny said he understood that sentiment, too.
Tate and Sophia entered the square from the other end. Sophia complained about all the emails she had been receiving from colleges and how she did not know if she would be able to attend any of the schools. “You’re going to go, Sophia,” Tate said. Johnny and Chanel called out from across the square, and the two couples met in the middle.
“Thanks for meeting us,” Tate said. “Tate and I are both really excited that you’re interested in adopting our baby,” Sophia said. Tate explained that they had informed Sophia’s mother about them, and she wanted to meet them for lunch. Johnny noted that they had a chef on staff who could whip up a lunch on short notice. “We are very eager to meet her,” Chanel said. “Great! There’s just one or, uh, two things that you should probably know beforehand,” Sophia said.
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