Steve was waiting in the garden outside the church for Rafe and Jada’s wedding when Kayla arrived. Kayla lamented that she had missed the bachelorette party because of work. Kayla complained about the bags under her eyes, but Steve told her she looked beautiful.
“All you have to worry about today is that you don’t upstage the bride,” Steve said. Kayla asked about the bachelor party. Steve told Kayla about Rafe’s unexpected job for EJ.
“Rafe claims that EJ hired him to track down Sloan Petersen,” Steve said. “What do you mean by claims?” Kayla asked. Steve told Kayla about how Rafe had lied to Jada and said that Steve With a shrug, Steve said he had not wanted to confront Rafe at the bachelor party, but he planned to have a serious talk about work after the honeymoon. Kayla noted that Rafe was a trustworthy, honorable man. “I mean, there must be a rational explanation for him to go behind your back,” Kayla said. “To take a case working for EJ DiMera? I sure as hell hope so,” Steve said. Kayla promised not to mention the issue at the wedding.
“I sure wish Marcus was here to see his little girl today,” Steve said. “Me too. I would love to see him give her away, wouldn’t you?” Kayla said. Steve nodded yes. Kayla told Steve that Marcus would be grateful to know that Steve was there to “step into his shoes.” Paulina arrived, and Kayla asked about Abe. With a groan, Paulina noted that Abe and Kate were stuck at work.
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“I’m just so glad I didn’t have to tape today,” Kayla said. “Oh, I heard about that new role of yours, Kassandra,” Paulina said with a chuckle. Kayla reminded Paulina that it was a temporary solution. Steve asked Paulina to sit with them, but she declined. “I’m the officiant,” Paulina said. Paulina complained about Javi's numerous instructions about the ceremony.
“Rafe and Jada, they are going to get hitched without a single hitch,” Paulina said. Paulina admitted that she was surprised that Rafe had wanted her to officiate his wedding after everything that had happened. “Maybe he is trying to mend fences,” Kayla suggested.
In the Hernandez kitchen, Stephanie helped Jada prepare for her wedding day. As Jada confided to Stephanie that she was worried that Rafe had not contacted her, “Rafe” called. “I just wanted one last call with my gorgeous fiancee before she becomes my wife,” Arnold said. Jada admitted that she had worried that Rafe was getting cold feet.
“No way. My feet are so damn hot, you could fry an egg on them,” Arnold said. Jada said she was so grateful that Javi had planned the day for them. “But I have a feeling that we are in for a few surprises,” Jada said. Arnold smirked. “What’s a wedding without a few surprises, huh?” Arnold said. Jada told “Rafe” that she had a surprise for him and that she loved him. When Jada ended the call, she told Stephanie that “Rafe” had sounded upbeat and excited about the wedding. “See? I told you there was nothing to worry about,” Stephanie said.
In the DiMera tunnels, Rafe broke free from his restraints and knocked EJ out. “There’s not going to be a wedding, you son of a bitch,” Rafe said bitterly. Rafe hurried out of the wine cellar. In the DiMera living room, Rita Lesley, Kristen’s executive assistant from DiMera Enterprises, marched into the living room and called out for a response. Rita looked at Stefano’s portrait.
“This would have never happened when you were alive, sir. There’d always be someone here to greet a guest. My, how times have changed,” Rita said. Rafe stumbled out of the tunnels, and Rita gasped. Rita greeted Rafe by name, and she introduced herself. Rafe asked for a phone to call the police. Rita asked for an explanation. Rafe said that EJ had been holding him hostage in the wine cellar.
“Why would Mr. DiMera do that?” Rita asked. Rafe told Rita that a man named Arnold had been posing as him and was due to marry Rafe’s fiancee that day. “I need to stop this!” Rafe said. Rita dug through her purse to find her phone. “Please, can you hurry? I think I’m about to pass out,” Rafe said. Rita pulled a device out of her purse. “What is that? It’s not a phone,” Rafe said. “No. It’s not. It’s a taser,” Rita said. Rita shocked Rafe until he passed out on the couch.
From his hotel room, Arnold called EJ, but there was no answer. Arnold left a voicemail asking EJ for his instructions. As Arnold ended his call, there was a knock at the door. “It’s about time, EJ,” Arnold said as he opened the door. Gabi was standing in the hallway. Gabi asked “Rafe” why he had thought EJ would be at the door. Arnold lied and said that EJ owed him money for a job.
With a shrug, Arnold explained that was why he had expected to see EJ at the door. “That tracks, the cheap bastard,” Gabi muttered. Gabi told “Rafe” that he should have asked her for money instead of having taken a job from EJ. “That man is a slimy, malignant narcissist,” Gabi said. “Trust me, I hate the guy as much as you do,” Arnold agreed. Arnold added that he just wanted the money. Gabi warned “Rafe” that she had been burned by every business deal she had entered with EJ.
“Promise me you’re not going to let that happen to you,” Gabi said. Arnold assured Gabi that he knew how to handle EJ. With a grin, Gabi gave “Rafe” a birthday present from Eli and Lani. “It is a little bubbly for your wedding night. I figured you’d want to chill it,” Gabi said. Gabi suggested that they drive to the wedding together.
“Rafe, I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that I am so happy that you and Jada found each other. You’re such a great brother and a great guy, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you so much,” Gabi said. Arnold hugged Gabi tightly and told her he loved her, too.
In the DiMera living room, a panicked EJ rushed out of the tunnels. “Rita? What on earth happened here,” EJ said. Rafe was unconscious on the couch. Rita announced that she had retrieved the information that EJ had requested from the police station about Jada. “That’s great, but what the hell happened here?” EJ asked. Rita explained what had unfolded. “I did it out of loyalty to you, to this family. Especially now that you’re no longer in a position to make those charges, poof, vanish,” Rita said. EJ thanked Rita.
“I’m in your debt,” EJ said. “To secure my silence, I do hope that this will be reflected in my yearly bonus,” Rita said. EJ assured Rita that she would be accommodated. “I do need you to tell me exactly what you’re up to,” Rita said. EJ promised to tell Rita everything after she helped him stash Rafe away again. Rita declined because of her bad back. “I did the tasering. You do the lifting,” Rita said.
When EJ had returned Rafe to the basement room and seated him in the chair, EJ asked Rita for help with the knot. Rita shoved EJ aside, and she noted that EJ's lack of Boy Scout skills was likely why Rafe had escaped his ropes in the first place. “Constrictor knot, nearly impossible to slip. Take note in case you are planning a future hostage situation. Which I fervently hope you are not,” Rita said. EJ thanked Rita for the help despite the fact that Kristen was her current boss. Rita explained that she was loyal to all the DiMeras because they kept taking turns at the helm of the company.
After EJ gave Rita the broad strokes of the situation and the plan, Rita asked about Arnold. “I thought he was paid off ages ago, you know when you and your father faked his death,” Rita said. EJ explained that Arnold had returned for more money. Rita reminded EJ that the last time Arnold had posed as Rafe, things had fallen apart quickly. “I had no intention for this particular history to repeat itself, but Rafe happened to stumble upon Arnold, and he foolishly blurted out everything, so I had no choice but to put Rafe on ice,” EJ explained. EJ confirmed that Rafe had been there for a few weeks.
“I only recently realized I could use the situation to my advantage,” EJ said. EJ explained that the woman who had ousted him from his position as DA was engaged to Rafe. “And let me guess. You’re going to use this information to return the favor,” Rita said as she held up the folder she had retrieved from the station. EJ took the folder from Rita and read through it.
“That is, I suppose, a novel way to exploit this information. Though, will it allow you to accomplish your goals?” Rita asked. Rafe groaned in the chair. EJ asked Rita to watch Rafe while he enacted his plan. “You owe me more than one,” Rita muttered as EJ ran out of the room.
In the square, Javi blamed Leo for having ruined Rafe’s wedding with his stripper friend. “Last night, Rafe cheated on Jada,” Javi whispered. “Rafe is head over heels in love with Jada. I can’t believe he would cheat on her,” Leo said. Leo asked if Javi had been confused, but Javi confirmed he had talked to the stripper that morning.
“Sally would never do that. She and I go way back,” Leo said. Leo added that Sally was not interested in men. “Well, that Sally must have called in sick because that skank, her name was Savannah,” Javi said. Leo groaned. “Savannah? She would sleep with a lamppost,” Leo muttered. Javi said he did not understand what had happened.
“This isn’t the Rafe I know. At all,” Javi said. “I’m so sorry. Like, Rafe is so straight, in every sense of the word,” Leo said. Javi agreed. After a moment, Leo asked Javi if it was possible that he had jumped to conclusions like Leo had about Lady Whistleblower. Javi said he was certain.
“[Rafe] admitted it. And then he begged me, pleaded with me not to say anything to Jada. How am I supposed to keep this a secret from her?” Javi said. Leo advised Javi that it was easier to live with the guilt than to see the hurt on the face of someone you loved. Javi confessed that Rafe had guilted him into agreeing to keep quiet.
“But now you’re not so sure?” Leo asked. “Don’t you think Jada has a right to know? She’s about to marry this man. She’s wearing my mom’s engagement ring,” Javi argued. With a sigh, Javi noted that family had been everything to his mother. “I planned the wedding. The whole thing. And so what, I’m just gonna destroy it? How can I do that?” Javi said. When Javi asked for Leo’s advice, Leo was surprised. Leo noted that people usually did not want his advice about moral decisions. Leo told Javi that he had once kept a big secret that had caused him a lot of anxiety.
“And If I had to do it over again, I would never,” Leo advised. “So you’re saying I should tell Jada?” Javi asked. Leo said yes. “Although, I don’t know what it’s like to come from a loving family with siblings and cousins and a mother who would call a babysitter,” Leo said. Leo noted that if he had had a family like that, he might feel obligated to keep the secret. Leo added that Rafe could lash out at Javi and throw him out of the house. As Leo continued to weigh arguments on both sides, Javi groaned in frustration. “You’re not helping me at all!” Javi said.
At the Hernandez house, Jada had a tearful phone conversation with her mom. She promised to send her lots of pictures from the big day. “You just focus on getting better,” Jada said. Jada told her mother that she loved her and ended the call. Stephanie handed Jada a tissue to dry her eyes, and she asked about Jada’s mom.
“She’s okay. She had a really bad flu,” Jada said. Jada added that she was relieved that her mother had not attempted to board her flight despite Jada’s desire for her mom to be at the wedding. Jada noted that her mother had not been at her wedding to Bobby either. With a shake of her head, Jada explained that when she had not gotten emotional about her wedding to Bobby, that should have tipped her off that the marriage was a bad idea.
After Stephanie finished Jada’s makeup, Jada changed into her wedding dress. “You are stunning!” Stephanie gasped. “Thank you! You know, it’s not my usual style,” Jada said. Stephanie told Jada that she looked like a queen. Stephanie picked up a jewelry box, and she said that Talia had wanted her to give it to Jada. Inside the box was a gold necklace.
“This is the necklace that Daddy got her when she was a little girl. She never took this off. She always wanted him close to her heart. Wow. I can’t believe she sent this to me,” Jada said. Stephanie put the necklace on Jada. “I’m just so sorry that your family couldn’t be here today,” Stephanie said. “They are. They’re right here. And I have an adopted family: the Johnsons. Not to mention, I am gaining a whole new family,” Jada said. Stephanie next gave Jada a sixpence coin for her shoe for luck. “Not that you’ll need it. I have a hunch that you and Rafe are going to live happily ever after. No luck necessary,” Stephanie said.
In the DiMera tunnels, Rafe opened his eyes, and he saw Rita sitting next to him. “You. I thought you were going to help me,” Rafe said. Rita told Rafe not to make any more efforts to escape. “I should have known. Just another DiMera stooge,” Rafe said. Upstairs in the DiMera living room, EJ texted Arnold, “Everything is in place, Finegar. The rest is up to you.” EJ shook his head, and he muttered that he hoped Arnold did not screw up his plan.
In the church gardens, Paulina was dismayed to see Leo walk in with Javi. Leo greeted Paulina, and he noted that his boyfriend, Javi, had invited him. “It’s good to see you again, Mayor. I love the dress,” Javi said. Leo started to introduce Javi to Steve and Kayla, but Steve confirmed that he had already met Javi at the bachelor party. Kayla shook Javi’s hand. Javi saw “Rafe” enter with Gabi, and he excused himself.
“I have to check on the fireworks,” Javi said. Leo asked Javi if he had decided what to do about Rafe’s secret. “I just need a little more time to think,” Javi said. Gabi walked over. “You really outdid yourself, primo,” Gabi said. Arnold joined them, and he patted Javi’s shoulder. Javi’s smile disappeared. “You know this day would not have been possible without you, right?” Arnold said. Javi forced a smile.
When Stephanie arrived, Steve and Kayla greeted her. “How’s the bride?” Kayla asked. Stephanie said Jada was good. “Dad, it means the world to her that you’re stepping in for her dad today,” Stephanie said. “Well, it means the world to me that she asked. It’s a privilege,” Steve countered.
The ceremony started, and Stephanie walked down the aisle. Steve stood next to Jada. “When Marcus and I were growing up in the orphanage, the only family we had was each other. So when he made a family with your mom, your sister, and you, it was everything he ever dreamed of. And I want to tell you, he was so proud of you, Jada,” Steve said. “I hope so,” Jada whispered. Steve wished Jada the same happiness in her marriage that Marcus and Steve had had in their marriages.
“When you find the right person, and you make a family with them, there’s nothing better in the whole world,” Steve said. As the music started, Steve linked his arm with Jada’s, and he led her down the aisle. Steve leaned close to Arnold and told him to take care of Jada. “I will,” Arnold said. Arnold winked at Jada as Paulina started to speak. When Paulina asked if anyone objected to the marriage, Leo jumped to his feet.
“I have something to say,” Leo yelped. Furious, Paulina yelled, “What is going on here?” Javi growled at Leo, “What the hell are you doing?” Leo noted that if Rafe wanted to shoot the messenger, he would take the hit for Javi. “Leo, your interrupting behavior is becoming a bad habit,” Paulina complained. Leo announced that there was something he needed to tell Jada.
“It’s nothing!” Javi said. Leo asked Javi if he was sure. “Thank you for trying to protect me, but this is my secret to tell. Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say,” Javi announced. Arnold told Javi that any wedding surprises could wait until after the ceremony. Arnold’s phone beeped, and he noted that he thought he had silenced his phone. Arnold read the text from EJ.
“Oh, my god,” Arnold said. “Rafe, what is it? Is everything okay?” Jada asked. Arnold told Javi to wait. “Because I’ve got something to say now,” Arnold said. “Rafe, you’re scaring me. What is going on?” Jada asked. Arnold told Jada that he could not marry her.
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