As May swept into Salem, connections and reconnections have been made, while some could be lost forever! Twister half-sister Gwen twisted the knife in Abby, Susan used psychic powers to link CIN and the Wonder Twins, Julie had Abe's number, and so many more Salemites proved just how well they know one another. Plus, welcome to the world, Baby Bo Weston! Let's connect in this week's DAYS Two Scoops!
First things first. Welcome to the world, Baby Bo! That little nugget sure knows how to make an entrance. He was delivered at the Horton cabin by Satan over Mother's Day weekend. That covers SO many spots on the Soap Birth Bingo Card. I mean, I wish there had been a howling storm outside to go for the gold, but a devilish delivery is delicious drama. One shouldn't be greedy.
Though if a Salemite were ever going to live up to all the drama their namesake has endured, Baby Bo's off to a great start -- born and Bo-napped in the blink of a glowing yellow eye. Yep. This kid is bound for soap stardom. And soap suffering.
Of course, I felt horrible for all the suffering Ciara and Ben endured, but especially Ciara. She's been through, well, hell. Victoria Konefal played that anguish astoundingly! She brilliantly balanced Ciara's fright and fight. We knew she was scared, but we also knew she'd keep swinging. That's our gal!
At the other end of the ring, Lindsay Arnold's Satanic swing at Possessed Allie remains spectacular. She manages fun yet frightening perfectly. You can tell she's having a ball with the material, too. It's almost like this talented thespian should be nominated for an Emmy Award or something. Oh, wait! She was. Congratulations, Lindsay (and the other nominees, who we'll applaud more later)!
So. Basically, if you're CIN or have Susan's help, you can be connected to a close loved one without a cell phone if -- as Peter Pan might say -- you believe. That worked for CIN (again) and now the Wonder Twins. Given the context of this supernatural storyline, it all gets a pass. Plus, Johnny was so proud of himself, and I loved his time with Grammy Susan. She loves hard. It was as cute as it was exasperating at times.
Still, Baby Bo was missing by the end of the week, but CIN reunited. Good! They need to find their little man. They won't be alone, though, which is a part of this storyline I love. Susan and Johnny are eager to help. Marlena, too! I'm sure crybaby Jake will as soon as he's done being concussed. I kid. I kid. His ouchie looked legit.
If Father Eric's done drooling over Nicole, his heavenly help is warranted. Can we get Steve to put down the darts, grab John and Roman, and track down the devil? Hell. Bring Kayla in case of injuries. She also has pent-up rage. She'll be an asset. Rafe's already on the case, but if everyone really wants it solved, send in Julie. Lady will get it done in under 20 and still have warm tea to sip on afterwards. Always go with the "Julinator." As John says, "That's a fact."
Speaking of Julie, she's going to be jubilant to know her grandson is awake. Yes, folks -- welcome back to the world, Eli Grant! He's conscious, and T.R. is already shaking in his baddie boots.
While his presence loomed largely via Paulina's terrifying tales, T.R. is a recent addition to the canvas. Still, I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for "Dangerous Ray" to get his comeuppance. Perhaps what T.R. lacked in screen time, he made up for in terribleness toward Salemites I adore. Like, he's horrible. He needs to be stopped. It has to happen soon, right? It's Sweeps, after all.
Not so terrible is William Christian. He's a beast in all the best ways possible. Like, I'm a bit terrified of the man. He can go from charming to chilling in a second. Cyber hat tip to you, good sir, for playing bad so wonderfully!
Meanwhile, Paulina's packing to go away with the D-Ray'nged. Like I said a few weeks ago, "C'mon, Auntie P!" She is SO much better than this. When they were at the hospital and she refused to go back to his room, I was like, "That's right!" There's our powerhouse who shut down Chanel and Tripp a few weeks ago. And then she suggested her place and later agreed to go away with him. Oof. So close yet so far away. I'm heading to room 227 now with a Manhattan to recharge her superpowers. Hang tight, P.
Then again, we could just get the "Julinator" on that case, too. She was right. What does Paulina have to lie about at this point? I mean, it's Salem. Even when we watch someone grow up, they can still have a secret past we didn't know about, but I digress.
Julie was advocating for love and Abe's happiness, and I support all of that. Luckily, lovestruck Abe also embraced her very special Julie brand of advice, and he set off to find Paulina but will have to go through T.R. first. Go. Get. Him. Abe! And be careful.
So, while Ciara became a mom and had her bundle of Bo abducted over the holiday, Lani found out her father is a monster over Mother's Day weekend. So, yeah. That's all awful. Luckily, Ciara and Lani are two badass mothers who will fight like hell, but, based on the "Time Jump" storyline and the events of last week, it's safe to say Mother's Days in Salem are rough. That's probably not the major takeaway, but it's good to remember when planning a brunch for ma in Horton Town Square.
It seems like each week, there's breaking Beyond Salem news. The latest is good! The DAYSverse is getting a new Stephanie Johnson! This means a lot of fun things, including more Steve and Kayla airtime, and there's nothing wrong with that. Ever. I'm also intrigued how it'll be when Steph and Tripp finally interact. Will she interact with cousin Gwen and perhaps team up with other cousin Abby to take Gwen down? Oh! And will she fall out of a sunroof this time!? Yes. I'm intrigued.
Concerning "Stayla," the connection between Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans remains as strong and charming as ever. I adored the banter between Mister and Doctor Patch while they played darts!
Still, I certainly get Sweetness' sorrow and sourness for "being punished for doing the right thing." She was dealt a raw deal. I guess there's a silver lining now that Craig's heading back to New York, but I can't help but wonder if we're going to see a surlier side of Sweetness once she resumes the role. At the very least, she's not going to be overly polite to stupid Seth Burns. It'll be things like a curt "Thank you" instead of a friendly "Thank you very much." That'll show him, Sweetness, you animal.
I have mixed feelings about Nancy and Craig reconnecting. I adore the actors. Kevin Spirtas and Patrika Darbo are magic together. I also adore that Craig and Nancy consider each other best friends. That actually does track, though a little more time for them to get back there would have been much better. Then again, in Salem, time does work oddly, so there's that.
I'm glad that Nancy's moved past anger, is putting herself first, and only wants the best for Craig. Still, her advocating for Leo was a bit, uh, much. Sure, she was really advocating for Craig's happiness, I get that, but besties should be like, "You can do SO much better, try this app!" not "I know he emotionally gutted you and wanted to take you for all you're worth, but..." There are no "buts," just "Buh-bye, Leo."
Oh-My-Soap-Gods. I think I just borrowed advice from Bonnie. Moving on!
Craig's chosen to move back to the Big Apple. I get wanting to get out of dodge (and eventually find a bigger dating pool), but I was looking forward to more of his journey. I guess one takeaway to this entire storyline is everything was "too soon."
Kevin Spirtas and Greg Rikaart were great as Craig said goodbye to -- and thanked -- Leo. It was such an intimate scene, and it's especially nice to get a glimpse behind Leo's leopard print curtain to his softer-ish side. Greg layered that so impeccably well. Then, Kevin got me in the feels when Craig tearfully expressed, "I can be myself." There was such hope and freedom there, despite the sadness. Bravo all around!
On the other hand, perhaps it would be better for everyone if Leo would take Craig's charge and sashay out of Salem. Chad's still willing to call Sonny his bestie, but he's put him on notice -- no more nutso schemes regarding Leo. I'm with Chad here. Sonny asked a lot of him (and other loved ones) just to take down Leo, and he wasn't even there to watch said takedown. I'm still sore about that one, but again, I digress.
Seriously, though. What was Sonny's so-important meeting about that he couldn't be there for Leo's downfall!? I'm probably reading too much into this. I'm sure Zach Tinker just had a conflict and that was written in to excuse Sonny's absence. Or was it!? Is Sonny up to something shady? I feel like there's something there. Could he be helping Gabi? I don't know yet, but maybe I can enlist investigator Abby's help, and we can crack this case together.
Back to Chad! He called Leo a "vindictive little drama queen." Nailed it, especially after the hit job he did with that article. Leo also later warned Brady and Sonny, "I'm coming for you. I'm coming for all of you." Have Leo and Julie met yet? This might be another case for her. I think Leo might respect her divaness and fold. Maybe. Then again, Matty C could team up with Gwenie again. From what I've seen, that dastardly duo somehow balances each other out. I'd be willing to see more of their combined wickedness as they work together.
Oh, and Gwen. Wow. She's terrible. Not a news flash, but Emily O'Brien was just next level last week. I want to run around with an "O'Brien for Everything" banner. She's that tremendous. Add in the genius of "Killer Miller," and I could watch these two all day.
Gwen's scenes with Abigail were just soul-crushing. When she stated, "I punched her with my words," I was all, "Damn!" It was a near knockout, Rizzy-Chick. She certainly went in for the kill by not admitting to killing Laura. She exulted, "Not knowing is killing you," and "I'm never going to tell you." Talk about knowing your enemy. As a reporter (and granddaughter), knowledge is Abigail's power. Gwen's holding it for ransom. If a few weeks ago belong to Abigail, this round went to Gwen. Either way, audiences win by watching these two greats go at it.
Credit where credit it is due goes to Jennifer. Despite her grief, she actually acknowledged that "given the arrogance of what my mom did," she understood why Gwen would want Laura dead. Damn, Jennifer. That's deep. I don't know if I could cough up that much -- read: "any" -- understanding for someone who may (or may not) have killed my mom. Then again, my mom would have never done what Laura did, but that's not the headline. Sorry to report, Gwenie, Jennifer really is THAT good of a person. Say otherwise, and she will give you a stern look.
The Gwen and Jack scenes were on par with the rest of the acting greatness. Matthew Ashford is amazing when given such complex material to work with. Jack's horrible history hangs right in his every thought when looking at Gwen. The remorse and disgust and even love and pity. It's all there. Matthew makes sure of that. Then, Jack lowered the boom by stating, "I never chose to live my life without you...I will always be your father, but I don't know what kind of family we'll be." I repeat again, "Damn!"
I knew there would be some excuse why Dr. Rolf couldn't come up with some more Mend: Un-Melting Your Mind by Wilhelm! As it turns out, the mad scientist was sent to solitary confinement. Go figure. Naturally, that meant Xander had to turn to Gwen. He shockingly left with the antidote. Those scenes, though. Wow. They were harsh in the finest way possible. Kudos to Paul Telfer, too!
After explaining that little old possessed thingy, Johnny admitted that Chanel was "everything I've always wanted." He's still sweet on her, but I'm not sure where her sweetness sets. She admitted that he nearly broke her. She also threw out a lot of past tense statements. So, I'm not sure these two will rebound, which makes me wonder what (more so, who) is next for Johnny. For them both, really.
Like Laurisa, I'm really waiting for a Rafe and Johnny scene, since they've always meant so much to one another. E.J. even brought that up this week, too. I guess John-Ro called him about Ciara and Allie. That's a start.
Oh, yeah, that conversation. E.J. opened up to Rafe! To Rafe!? Yes. That happened. And I kind of loved it. Daniel Feuerriegel's introspective take was fantastic. E.J. stated (and I'm slightly paraphrasing), "I was proud of my son when he wasn't himself. What does that say about me?" Oof. That also hit me in the feels.
Eej may want to reflect more on that, especially as he was quick to point out Rafe's rather close relationship with Johnny. More credit where credit is due, Rafe excels as a stepfather. Johnny and Ciara have a common thread, and that's both loving Rafe. Bravo, Rafe-A-Roni! He also gave E.J. wise advice. Take it, Eej. My advice? Let's lock E.J. and Johnny in the DiMera wine cellar and pipe in "Cat's in the Cradle" on repeat until they cry and hug it out. Would I make a good shrink like Marlena? Maybe. Just maybe.
HOT I loved everything about Julie and Abe's tea talk. It was heartwarming and hilarious. Sometimes a simple scene between two brilliant actors steals the show.
Also HOT!? Congratulations to everyone on Team DAYS for well-deserved Emmy nominations! Of course, we already knew each and every cast and crew member shined brightly, but a little bling on their mantels doesn't hurt to remind them of said shine. Cheers, Team DAYS!
NOT Not the NOTTIEST of "NOTS," but, oh, Paulina. If I weren't already worried about you letting Dangerous Ray back into your life and agreeing to go away with him, when Chanel tried to explain that Johnny was possessed, you asked, "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Yes! We all do. Satan encouraged Chanel to blow up your wedding day. Big Mama issued warnings. Then you saw it for yourself. Marlena even apologized. She gave you a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You know better than to doubt the devil. I'm not mad, Ms. Price, just concerned. And I'll be by with that Manhattan shortly. We'll get this sorted out, my friend.
Abe: "I really love confiding in you, Julie." [later] "You are an evil woman. Evil."
Nancy (to Craig): "He looked good in a dress. Too soon?"
Chad (to Sonny regarding Leo): "The little creep outted me, and I wasn't even in!"
Abigail (to Gwen, Jack, and Jennifer): "Which compels me to reiterate that's not what she said at the wedding, unless, of course, I managed to misinterpret 'I killed that bitch on purpose.'"
Julie (to Abe): "Oh, give me a break." [Later] "Of course I'm right."
Craig and Chloe got me again! Their goodbye might have made me a little misty. I hope this farewell isn't for too long. Maybe Craig can visit this summer with Joy and Parker, perhaps.
Also, I'm glad Chloe has Brady. She'll need his connections if Clyde happens to hurt Nancy. And, again, Clyde, you've been warned.
Could Ghost Zack come back to help his nephew? Oh! Or Ghost Great Aunt Izzy B? Please and thank you!
I enjoyed the game of telephone that brought everyone up to speed on Salem's currently possessed resident. Though Sami and Lucas REALLY need to get home. Like, last Sweeps ago.
Johnny's excitement over Paulina shutting down Chanel and Tripp was hilarious. His comment about everyone having problems was, too. Ha! Get this guy unchained and out of a crypt, and he's a barrel of chuckles.
"Satan turned Susan into a cat" will never not be funny.
Did we know CIN's cabin is in an area called "Mammoth Falls"? With the history of that shack withstanding everything thrown at it, maybe it should be Mammoth Doesn't Falls? Just saying.
With all this Deveraux drama going on, I miss J.J. (Casey Moss)! Though I think the mantle of Jack's Most Jack-Like Child has officially gone to Gwen now. J.J. might have wrestled with some Deveraux demons when he was younger, but Gwen is in full-on conflict with them, and they're winning.
"What's good for the gander is good for the goose, especially when the gander likes ganders" needs to be embroidered onto a throw pillow. Or a made into a meme. Either way, thanks, Nance.
Satan stating, "No one can stop me now!" is such a throwback to the original storyline. It also brings about warm and fuzzies. I have a friend Sumer (one "m" and not a bummer like some dead Salemite we know and detest, Beelzebub bless her soul). We still quote that line to each other in our best devilish voices. See, DAYS and, I guess, Satan really do bring people together. *insert demonic laughter*
So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's it for May 9. I hope each and every ma, mom, mum, mama, mother, et al has a marvelous Mother's Day! My gift to my magnificent DAYS-loving mom -- and every other mother out there -- is not singing "Mama" by the Spice Girls. While the sentiments of the lyrics track, I've been told I have the singing voice for writing along with a face for radio. With that, one of my favorite mothers, Laurisa, brings her voice back to Two Scoops next week!
Until then, you should certainly check out Deidre Hall presents: A Mother's Day Tribute. It's amazing. There are some super sentimental clips I was surprised found their way in there! There's also a ton of DAYS fun on their YouTube channel so be prepared to be there for, well, a while. As always, thank you for reading, and "That's a fact." Tony
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