It takes two to make a thing go right (or wrong)

10th Annual Golden Donuts: The Best of DAYS 2016
It takes two to make a thing go right (or wrong)

Will Abigail and Chad's breakup stick? Should it? Is Tripp the best thing to happen to Steve and Kayla since the 80s? Let's discuss it all in this edition of Two Scoops.

DAYS has always been able to tell a good story -- Marlena's possession, the Salem Strangler, E.J. and Sami, Trent's murder, the Cruise of Deception. But the problem is they couldn't ever tell two storylines at the same time. The "A" storyline was great! But, the "B" ones were pretty weak.

So I'm downright thrilled that's not the case right now! The lead storyline is pretty fantastic. And that's due to the talents of Marci "Killer" Miller and Billy "Razzle Dazzle" Flynn. Jokingly, there's part of me that wants Chabigail to break up just because Marci and Billy are so heartbreakingly good at those painful drama scenes. They're both masterful to watch in that instance.

The writing is top-notch, too, because I genuinely think everyone is right in this situation. I don't see a bad guy here! I didn't know love triangles could do that anymore!

When Marci Miller took over the role, she gave an interview about how Abigail is soooo much stronger now, and I think I rolled my eyes so hard they broke. But I stand corrected! This Abigail, this week, was an Abigail I'm such a fan of, I'm ready to invite her out to happy hours.

I could have stood up and cheered for her when she told Jennifer that she needed to get a job and a place to live on her own. That type of self-awareness will get you far in life, Abby. Plus, there's a lot of truth to Abigail saying she can't be with someone who isn't all in for her. I totally get that and respect her for it! Right on, sister! All you women who are independent, throw your hands up at her!

As for Chad, I believe he does want to be with Abigail. But, he's 1) not over Gabi, 2) worried that Abigail will leave again at any minute (hard to kill that one after this week), and 3) justifiably frustrated with her for making decisions about who he belongs with. (In her defense, that last one might be a genetic thing. Jack did that a time or two.) And while Abigail is totally right about not wanting to settle for half of his heart, he's settled for half of hers a lot. So that's got to sting a bit.

Also, in the span of about an hour, both ladies told Chad to give his final rose to someone else. Maybe there's something to be said about Chad spending some time alone before he jumps back into the stash of bachelorettes. Taking down a specific Greek enemy might be a good thing to focus on right now, since he's free of ladies/hostages at the moment. Just a thought.

Rounding out this "A+" storyline is Gabi. She's giving Maggie a run for her money when it comes to setting the bar for class in Salem. Even with J.J., Andre, and Julie snarling at her every chance they get, she still remains respectful of Chad and Abigail. Think for a minute how embarrassing it must be for Gabi to walk around town when everyone knows she's in love with a guy who is working his tail off to win someone else. Then she's got to go home and share her well-earned ice cream with her brother who also thinks that other gal is the bee's knees. If anyone deserves a Nicole Walker martini, it's this gal. Have a seat next to me, Gabbers. I'll pour.

I try to give newcomers to the show a month or so before I judge them, but I can't wait any longer. Lucas Adams is a damn find. The dude is so good, and it can't be easy to get right in the ring with Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans. I get the Billy Flynn/Chandler Massey/Blake Berris feeling from him, which is one of the highest soap compliments I can give. (In case you're wondering, the highest would be "I'd whip up a Nicole Walker pitcher of dirty martini's for her!")

The storyline is the tremendous "B" storyline that I referred to earlier. And like any good Steve storyline, the addition of Kayla in it is a sublime bonus. I give the writers a lot of credit for keeping Steve and Kayla front and center with a creative storyline that doesn't involve relationship drama for them, or them meddling in their kids' love lives. The twists and turns of this storyline are downright delightful.

I'm not on Steve's side when it comes to the money. Tripp could use some financial stability. Heck, he could use any type of stability. Plus, the storyline possibilities open way up if Tripp can play in the big leagues with Sonny and Chad. So, stand down on that one, Patchman.

However, I loved him showing the pictures of Ava's room of doom! I didn't have a problem with Tripp asking for proof that his mom had gone nuts. That's a logical thing to do. But I'm so glad that Steve didn't hold back and showed him how crazy she'd actually gone. Lady was a loon by the time she met with that pillow.

Credit to Tripp for taking it directly to a, "But she didn't have to die!" place. (Dude, from your mouth to Corday's ears! I'd welcome Tamara Braun back in a hot second.) Anyway, it's at this critical point where Steve has to start lying. And, you guys, Steve is a crappy liar. (The subtle face acting from Mary Beth Evans and Stephen Nichols each time Tripp mentions that Steve killed his mother is so, so good.) I think Tripp is smart enough to figure it out. It won't be long until he realizes Steve's covering for someone.

Of course, we'll have to tangle with the Jade element, which I can't wait to get started so it will be done. In fact, I'd much rather see Tripp and cousin Abigail live together. Talk about someone who could help him come to grips with both how great Steve is and how people literally do crazy things when they're suffering mental damage.

LOOSE ENDS: Jen showing up to Eric's office with her grandson proves the problem with these two. Eric hasn't even gotten to the point in his life where he can have a kid, or even be a stepdad. Yet she already has two adult kids and a grandbaby. They are at different points in their lives. This whole pairing ages both of them out of so many storylines.

Ugh. Again, in a vacuum, Julie is right. Gabi killed Nick. But her constant shrilling about Gabi the murdering succubus rings incredibly hollow when Julie said absolutely jack nothing about her other nephew Will and the hell her precious Nick put him through. I also haven't seen her darken Deimos' door to read him the riot act about drugging Abigail. Sonny missed his calling as a minister because dude was puh-reaching the truth on Friday. Eli would be smart to take his advice. Gabi is worth any trouble she might come with. I can't necessarily say the same about Julie and her Fred Sanford self.

To Dario's credit, he didn't pounce on Abigail, but pointed out some real truth. And I like Dario much more in these scenes with Abigail. Dario is a great supporting character. But he needs to be with a lead. Eddie was not a lead, thus Dario kind of flailed around him. Abigail, however, is the show's leading lady right now. So, go on young Hernandi. This path is right for you.

I kind of hope that Wyatt's "boss" is someone like Claire or Victor who actually wants Ciara to be with a good guy.

John coming back to Doc made me happy for her. Marlena has been through a lot by herself recently, specifically Stefano' s "last" stand. It's nice to see her have him by her side again. Plus, after reading of Drake's injuries, it was wonderful to see him healthy and on screen again. (All together now, "That's a fact!")

HOT: What a week for homecomings! First Drake Hogestyn and then Alison Sweeney announces she's coming back to Salem! A Sami-free Salem is a lesser Salem for me, so I'm thrilled! I can't wait to hear what Sami's been up to and why she's coming home! Did she find E.J.? Is she coming back for a Jarlena wedding? Can she swing by to pick up Belle and Shawn on her way in? Are the twins done with med school by now? Hurry back, Sami!

NOT: So let me get this straight. The way to handle a kiddie-porn loving dude is to convince his wife to dress up as a teenager and play into his sick world? Are you kidding me?! This appalling storyline stinks more and more each week. No, Brady, it is not mature of Nicole to react this way. Of all the times for Nicole to go all Nicole on someone, it should have been with this creep! The message this sends is when a man sexually harasses you, the right thing to do is to throw another woman into his cave so that he can be satisfied. That type of thinking has no place in decent society.

LINE OF THE WEEK: Abigail: "My God, can we please stop with the pitching thing?" Chad: "Then stop!" Um, word. Basing the Chad/Gabi connection on such a stupid rewrite is the one big blemish on this otherwise good storyline.

Honorable mention: Adrienne (apologetically): "That's all the scotch I have." Steve: "This is fine." Adrienne: "You put more scotch than that on your cereal." I will take all the Steve and Adrienne I can get, pleaseandthankyou.

RANDOM THOUGHTS Oh, good. Chloe is self-righteous with Eric about Daniel. Whew. I was worried a week would go by without mention of The Biggest Crime to Ever Hit Salem.

It's okay, Claire. I'm a hugger too.

Of course Nicole loves Brady. She's spent the last month in the woods seeing no one except him, a pedophile, and a shrill, disgruntled housewife. I'd run for Brady too.

I literally slapped my head in embarrassment when Jade suggested a sex tape. If DAYS even goes there so soon after the degrading Scooter poop pile, I will be furious.

Gabi and Valerie need to get to be good friends.

Brilliant as Lauren Koslow is, I can't take Kate's Chabi shipping seriously.

Is it bad that I think Tripp's going to be madder when he learns Joey kissed Ava and told her that he loved her?

I was mesmerized by Nicole's pink flowy top. Was it a blanket? Was it on backward? Can I have one?

Oh...Tripp doesn't like chowder. That's not going to fare well in Salem.

I am not an outdoor person. My idea of nature is sitting outside on a winery patio. But I may go glamping with Adrienne.

I'm surprised Commissioner Raines still lets Roman arrest people.

That Kate/Andre drink/fight/kiss thing played out like a scene from The Three Stooges. I'm still not sure what that was.

At least things have come full circle. I remember when Sami got blamed for Gabi being dehydrated. Now Gabi is getting blamed for Julie not taking her blood pressure pills. I see what you did there, soap universe. Well played.

Dario and Chloe make a lot more sense than Eddie and Chloe ever did.

Abigail and J.J. are on a streak for long-lost cousins. First Eli, now Tripp -- congrats, you two!

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