As Will and Clyde break into ''love to hate'' status, could Theresa just be downright lovable? And if so, will Brady ever return her feelings? See what odd couples are doing great things for DAYS.
I'm in a weird place. I don't know what to believe in anymore.
You see, two truths that I held to be certain were that Clyde needed to go back to Poplar Bluff, and Will needed a full-character lobotomy. For months, these two have been the hair in my chocolate fudge sundae.
But then a funny thing happened.
Will and Clyde's storylines intertwined, and their individual forces of annoyance managed to counteract each other and rip through the fortress of suck that surrounded them both. Suddenly, my fast-forward finger stopped twitching. Since I feel safe here, I can say...I actually liked them last week. Both of them. At the same time!
Now, it seems that this magical power is strictly limited to when these two are the only ones in a scene. I still have no use for Clyde/Kate, or the Will pity-party-tantrum he throws anytime Sonny appears. But together, they really work.
If Will is actually going to be a villain, he needs to have an evil mentor. Clyde fits the bill extremely well. He doesn't know Will as a golden child. Much like Kate with Sami, Clyde treats Will as an adult opponent. Will's gotten way too comfortable believing that he can control everything. Clyde throws all of that off kilter. It's a good thing. As a bonus, Clyde's slow drawl threats actually kept Will from getting too many words in!
And as for Clyde, Ben has forgiven him. Rafe and Hope seem to be chasing their tails when it comes to him. Victor seems more challenged by him than scared. But Will was legitimately scared of Clyde. This gives me hope that, finally, someone will work to get hard evidence of the bad man Clyde really is.
Knowing what Clyde did to Jordan, I really despise seeing him laugh it up over cocktails with Kate. Will's particular blend of biased, narrative-driven journalism (which is the worst -- go write an opinion column if you want to do that stuff, Will!) may just have found the perfect use.
In other odd couple news, Brady and Theresa are trying to figure out where they go now with Christopher.
I'm growing to love Theresa more by the day. Theresa's main redeeming quality (aside from being helmed by the ever-charismatic Jen Lilly) is her vulnerability when it comes to those she truly loves. We've seen it with Caroline. And now that she's got a child, that side of Theresa will get to peek out just a bit more. Is she still a scheming minx who capitalizes on any advantage that comes her way? Of course! But my argument is that she can be both a bleeding heart and a wicked diva.
Let's take Brady for example. You can see it in her wide doeeyes that Theresa thinks Christopher will bring Brady back to her arms. And I'm really not that mad at Theresa at all. I keep thinking back several months to that scene on the park bench when Brady told Theresa that he wanted to make an honest go of things, not just be drug-funtime buddies. I'm not sure how many guys have ever said that to Theresa. She seems to be the type of gal who gets all the wrong kind of attention from men. Brady's a guy worth fighting for. And no one can claim that Theresa isn't a fighter. She'll have her work cut out for her, too, because, well, basically everyone hates her. Did you catch that serious side-eye shade Daniel threw at her when she asked about Christopher? Sure, she's only the kid's mother and bone marrow donor, Dan-O. But don't let that stop you from judging!
Melanie's starting to question her role in Brady's life, but for my money, her best place is as his honorary little sister/best friend. I've always adored their bond and felt downright cheated when the show took the easy way out and paired them romantically. Brady needs another "love of his life" like Ciara needs a bigger ego. Even if Molly Burnett wasn't on her way out, I'd still say that Brelanie has long since run its course. I will miss Molly. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about Melanie.
In news of other redheads who seem unnecessary to DAYS, there's some nonsense going on about Serena trying to get Eric to move to Hawaii because Xander is a bad news dude. I have to be honest. I've become so captivated by the strangely painful dynamic between Xander and Victor that Serena's nothing more than a secondary thought.
It's very clear that all Xander wants is a seat at the Kiriakis Christmas table. But for some still-needs-to-be-explained reason, Victor treats Xander like the stepmother treated Cinderella. I felt so bad for Xander when Victor told him that he was to work security for Brady. It's was downright cold how Victor said "my family" and not "our family" when talking to Xander about Brady. All Xander wants is a hug here, big fella!
It's not hard to see that the bully Xander is with Serena is a complete result of how harshly Victor treats Xander. And in turn, maybe that's why Serena is a complete brat to Nicole. And she really is. Sure, Nicole is an easy target. But that's what makes it infuriating when Daniel or Serena get up on their high horse around her.
So I am looooooo-ving this game that Nicole has started with Xander where she pretends that Daniel is the wrong guy for her (spoiler alert -- he is!) to make Xander open up to Nicole. I've got my fingers crossed that it's only a matter of time before Nicole realizes that she really doesn't need Daniel, and spending all that time with Xander hasn't exactly been the worst thing in the world.
To his credit, I think Xander was sincere about not wanting to step on Daniel's toes. But Xander really shouldn't be worried about that. Daniel's golden shoes would totally protect his footsies from getting hurt.
Besides, the Kiriakis really in need of guidance in the love department is Justin. It doesn't really matter what they're doing, I just love Justin and Adrienne. Watching Justin and Adrienne argue was like watching champion Ping-Pong players compete. He has no business giving Adrienne a hard time for getting friendly with Lucas when he let everything go with Queen Elsa. (Point: Adrienne) But then he shot down her stance that Justin was just taking out his frustrations with Will's father on Will when Adrienne went around for months blaming Will for the actions of his mother. (Solid, very solid, point: Justin)
But what I like best about this pair is that neither of them thinks they're particularly right in any situation. I get the impression that neither of them is particularly proud of the crappy spot they put themselves in. And I think at the end of the day, they both really want to be together.
Considering DAYS had to share Wally Kurth for a while, it was a great move to bring him back and immediately get him in a beautiful scene with Sonny. This took the focus off the cheating husband element and back on the supportive father thing.
It was totally fair for Sonny to point out that it was hypocritical for Justin to condemn Will for cheating. But I loved Justin pointing out that Will isn't playing fair (he so isn't) and that Sonny shouldn't just do something because he thinks that's what he's supposed to do (like...stay in an unhappy marriage for Arianna). Better yet, Justin flat-out told Sonny that he went to see Paul and was honest about their conversation. That takes away any stench of manipulation or agenda and sets Justin back on the good-guy path, where he belongs. After all, Justin is the Danny Tanner of Salem. And we missed him.
LOOSE ENDS I'm really glad that Paul and John seem to be on their way to patching things up. And, if this were the real world, I would applaud them for their grace and class in handling Tori. But since this is a soap, the fact that they both just up and forgave her so quickly seemed strange. Daniel and Melanie didn't speak to Carly for weeks, and she had a great reason to keep her secret. Tori...meh...I'm still not sold on the "I thought it best to go ahead and lie to a priest" thing. I'd like to see her stick around a bit and play that storyline beat out a little more.
As adorable as giggly Victor was, we all know that until there's a body, Kristen's really only "dead." And even if there is a body, let's not forget that there are literally three other people walking around this earth with her face. So, I have a feeling that Krissy might be on her way to meet Eej at a DiMera compound somewhere (perhaps, in a far-off land called Hollywood), to plot her next move. And that's A-okay with me.
But if I have to humor the Salem bunch with talk of Kristen's "death," I will say that I thought it was a really nice touch that Brady and Jen had a moment together to mourn Kristen -- even if it's just a memory of the Kristen that they knew.
I adore the idea of Lucas working for DiMera Enterprises, running Countess W! I hope he brings up the Billie connection, considering that his sister is the company's namesake.
I really do like Haiden. But I have to throw a flag on how casually Hope suggested Aiden should just start turning business away. First of all, everyone is entitled to a defense. As an officer of the law, Hope should respect that. Second, Aiden's in private practice. He's doesn't have a salaried job like Hope. At least Hope realized she put her foot in her mouth.
Jennifer told Daniel that Eve keeping the jacket was as sign Eve was "about to go off the rails." Right...because you know, a grown woman sleeping with her daughter's 18-year-old boyfriend is completely, smack-dab right on top of the rails. Jen really didn't have anything to worry about until she saw the jacket.
Paige and J.J. announced that they're moving to California for school. While clearly less than thrilled, Jen really can't criticize J.J.'s decision-making skills, since she personally cleared the path for there to be no consequences from his worst decision ever. Second, the idea of J.J. moving to California, only to meet and befriend Andrew Donovan, doesn't exactly make me mad.
I give Lucas 5,000 bonus points for offering to step aside before Adrienne has to break his heart when she goes back to Justin. It made me a little mad at Adrienne for going all, "Oh, no, Lucas! That's not going to happen!" because -- hello -- that's totally what's going to happen. Once again, I restate my position that Lucas is a solid guy and should be given a chance at a real relationship. Please and thank you.
I practically clapped my hands and smiled like a goofy kid when Doug started singing. I so miss Doug's Place!
NOT I'm done watching Stefano disappear, or have these Dr. Claw phone calls, or whatever. Yes, it was super cool to see him sitting on a plane, listening to opera. But, why couldn't Chad be on that plane with him? If we're going the full Luke Skywalker path with Chad here, let's have him spend just as much time with Darth Vader as he does with everyone else -- just so Chad can make a fair decision. Remember, he didn't grow up DiMera.
LINE OF THE WEEK Kate (to Clyde about Stefano): "Don't worry. If he truly felt threatened by you, he'd probably put a microchip in your brain or something like that."
Understatement of the year show:
Aiden (to Doug and Julie): "I hear you're really into cruises?"
RANDOM THOUGHTS I liked Maggie's black/gold snakeskin (?) leather jacket.
Eve must have really hit rock bottom to be drinking ros. Talk about something you'll regret in the morning!
Lucas was living in Kate's condo?
What happened to Lucas' house?
And since when does Kate have a condo?
I get that Eric and Daniel are friends, and that Eric has moved on with Serena. But something about the scene where Eric whipped out his "How to Date Nicole" manual and started reading passages to Daniel seems a little odd to me.
I want to do that swoop-sideways-yet-still-looks-put-together braid that Theresa was rocking.
I'm sad that we never got any Kristen/Eve scenes. Kassie and Eileen would have killed it!
From the "No Kidding" category, Will admitted that his first piece was about making a name for himself.
Help me out here. I'm a little lost as to why Gabi would need a lawyer when it comes to what may happen between Sonny and Will. Didn't E.J. already draw up a custody agreement for Arianna?
I liked Hope saying that she missed working with Rafe! I just wish we had actually gotten to see them work together. Seriously, was there any case that we got to see them work on?
This is now the third week in a row someone has mentioned Chez Rouge. Let's see that place!
I chuckled at Ben turning down Will's fake "coffee date." Maybe Lenny can really learn when someone is tricking him.
Ha! The look on Brady's face when Theresa hugged Melanie was like he'd just encountered a unicorn playing dominos with Big Foot.
Let me get this straight: Daniel can blackmail Eve with her secrets, but if Nicole used someone's secrets against them, it's lecture time. Right. Got it.
I love pineapple pizza too, Eric! Gosh, we have so much in common!
And with that, I'm off to buy little Christopher a baby present. Though I won't have it monogrammed because we still don't know if that's his for-sure name. I'm guessing "Clint" probably didn't make the short list either.
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