That was close! Elton John nearly had to re-re-record his famous tune to sing ''Goodbye Salem's Rose'' as Sonny had a near brush with death. But it was the truth bomb that Derrick detonated in Sonny's heart that really has the power to destroy his life. Find out why Cupid may not be so welcomed in Salem this year in the week's Two Scoops!
You know what's worse than finding out your husband/the current love of your life is sleeping with the former love of your life and then getting stabbed in back while going to confront them? Anyone? Anyone? Nope. Me neither.
Of course, that happened after Sonny's new business venture tanked and his successful one has taken a worse turn than the Super Bowl for the Seahawks. Well, at least Sonny didn't spend a lot on his car insurance. There's that little nugget. Anyway...
An already emotionally distraught Sonny was in bad shape due to an unknown assailant attacking him in the park -- and then rubbing cocaine into his wound. Okay, eww. But I digress. His personal belongings were also stolen, making Roman and Abe draw a parallel to E.J.'s death. Yes, please! Keep drawing. Could this be a reprieve for E.J. fans who thought the true nature of his death would never be unveiled? I won't hold my breath, as the writers are currently making that hard to do, but I'd consider it amazing if that were the case.
What we do know is that Sonny was stabbed. We're not sure by whom. Clyde has never been shown again, and he certainly has motive. He (and Jeremiah, for that matter) both knew the details of the cover-up regarding E.J.'s death. The same thing happened here, leading many to suspect Clyde or someone in his orbit being the (attempted) killer. I could see that, but I could also see this coming back to someone else.
That someone is Derrick. He's a shady little nut. Does he have a motive? Kind of, sort of, not really as it would be a grasp, but DAYS has done crazier things in the past (SEE: Gemini Twins, Marlena's Possession, Madison James). Perhaps Derrick didn't want Sonny to out Paul in fear he'd lose his job. That would work if Derrick weren't already easily influenced to break the rules for a Benjamin or two. Regardless, I think there's still a spin in it that if Derrick stabbed Sonny, it could work. He'd at least give Vargas some competition for the state pen's hottest felon contest. There's that.
Ultimately, Sonny survived the attempt on his life, but that's just the beginning. He now knows that Will and Paul played ball. Will he remember? I hope so! I'm dying for this confrontation. I hope Sonny takes off his Care Bear costume to reveal a pissed-off grizzly and mauls the heck out of Will and his ugly shirts.
I'm also more than a tad curious to know if Victor overheard Will's confession in the chapel. Part of me thinks Victor wouldn't have been so kind to Will had he heard, but part of me also realizes that Victor's priority at that point was Sonny's health. Still, Victor is known to keep secrets. They're his trump cards, after all. The best part of Sonny's stabbing was the fact it brought so many characters together. I adored Victor's role. Nicole showing class is always a nice touch! Chad came up a winner. And we've been promised that Justin is coming home. Um, yes, please! So, generally speaking, I loved everyone playing nice on behalf of Sonny and sharing warm memories. He is a little ball of sunshine, isn't he? Oh, the good part is, Will remembered that, too.
Yes, praise the Lord, the Back Street Boys, all nine James Bonds (even Roger Moore), all of the Stooges, and Missy Elliot! Will has finally learned the error of his ways. And he seems so sincere about it, too. Ugh. I can't. I just can't. Will hurts my head. I hope he really has realized how big a d-bag he's been, but something tells me as soon as he feels the warmth of a spotlight, he'll dive headfirst into center stage of the It's All About Will Show again. His redemption will actually be if he confesses to Sonny before his hubby has the chance to out his affair, but something tells me Will won't take that big boy step and will continue to hide behind his cardigans. I repeat, "Ugh."
I'm in. I'm dying to know. Aiden hid a shovel and axe from Hope. Nope, nothing to see here. Nothing shady. Let's move it along. Mad kudos to Daniel Cosgrove and the writers for keeping us guessing!
Hold up. I don't know why Abigail is so worried about Jordan finding out what Chad said about them to provoke Ben into their fight. Chad basically said Jordan was good in bed. That's a compliment. Abigail is the one who should be upset to be considered lousy in the sack. In any event, I don't care which way or the other. Jordan's expiration date is rapidly approaching, and Ben can be provoked by someone asking him what "provoke" means.
Serena, Serena, Serena. Have you seen Eric Brady? The man wants to go to bed with you *whispers: have sex* -- and you're more concerned about swapping out an elephant statue? Really, girl!? Sex and then swap! Have your cake and eat it, too. Geesh!
If you're keeping score, Dr. Dad gave Melanie and Brady his blessing to date. They were touched. I know I'd be honored to have the okay to date from a man who's been through two generations of Reed women, slept with married gals Carly and the Chlomeister, and has played doctor with more patients than the number of times Stefano has died. And with Dr. Dad's blessing and knowing that Sonny was going to be okay, Brady and Melanie decided to carpe diem with each other. Yep, they did it. The best thing I can say about their romp was that there wasn't any giggling.
True story! When Dr. Dan opened the door and Nicole was there, I said aloud, "Oh, dear, Lord!" In other words, that's not a good reaction. I agree with Melanie. They don't need to get back together (again).
In an odd twist, Jennifer extended an olive branch to Nicole. I'm kind of okay with this. Nicole needs a friend, and Jennifer does well with bad gal besties with sordid pasts. Look how far Kristen had to alienate her until they broke up. More so, I'd rather see Nicole and Jennifer hang out than "Dannifer" or "Dancole" again. So, sure. Why not?
To be fair, I was never really into the entire J.J. and Theresa stuff mostly because of the odd age gap, but seeing Casey Moss and Jen Lilley share a scene reminded me of how lively J.J. can be when not neutered by his feelings for Beige. I meant, Paige.
Speaking of Paige, yes, Eve, yes! It is weird for you to be hanging out on a college campus. Then again, I guess if late-teens/early twenties are your dating pool, you have to go where the water is warm.
It was a close call for Lucas and Adrienne. They almost locked lips, but that buzzkill baby started to cry. I mean, really, Arianna Grace -- hold it together, girl, and let your grandparents get lucky. Oh, right. That's not the point. The point is that Lucas and Adrienne almost kissed!
Now, there's a special place in my DAYS' loving heart for both Lucas and Adrienne. I also adore Justin, so this one has me confused. Here's why:
One, cheating is never right. There are very few instances that make it easy to root for a couple to consummate when they're just being sneaky. Plus, even if Justin is cheating (and we don't know that yet), two wrongs don't make a right.
Two, we've had our fair share of cheating storylines on DAYS this past twelve-month period. Do we need another? I know. I know. Cheating is a soap staple, but I feel more cheated by not getting to see legit love stories of two characters who actually are free to date do so. All these torrid affairs just seem like easy shock value for the writers to pen with little substance behind the trysts other than to be shocking.
Three, does another DAYS dude really need to be destroyed? Steve, Jack, and Bo were all kind of bastardized because they weren't on-screen to wrap up storylines. I don't want to see this happen to Justin, too. Those dimples deserve more.
I know Paul's coming out was a best-case scenario reaction from his family and a bit schmaltzy, but I loved it nonetheless. The scenes were touching, especially with grandpa Norita. Grandpaps is proud and called Paul a brave young man. Aww! And, really, what sold it was Christopher Sean's performance. It was earnest, and those tears had me welling up a bit, too. Bravo, Christopher!
NOT Sentences from Nicole beginning with, "You have to..." need to stop. Like, they really need to stop. I'd rather be snuggled up between Jan Spears and hunky henchman Troy Winston in the coma ward than hear her utter them again. And whether they continue with a "...believe me," "...forgive me," or a "...understand," I can't take them anymore. I just can't. It hurts too much. So, yep. We get it, writers. Nicole's an apologetic wimp now. Stop beating this dead horse because my tears over the loss of the real Nicole Walker are starting to water down my Scotch, and ain't nobody got time for watery Scotch. LINE OF THE WEEK(S) Theresa: "You might want to see who's calling, Abigail. It might be some married man who has fifteen minutes to spare." #ouch!
Victor (to God): "You let that boy die, you and I have a big problem." #aww!
I'm still a sucker for any and all Theresa and Eve scenes. Ladies are funny together.
In elementary school, we took a field trip to a pile of rocks a quarter mile from our school so we could dig for fossils. Jealous much, Ciara and Chase?
Salemites! There's snow on the ground. Go inside and share your secrets. There'll be just as many people in a coffee shop to hear you as there will be in the park, don't worry.
Okay, sure, he kills people, but he's hired to do so, therefore is Damon really that bad of a catch since he has a job? #ivedatedworse
Um, this Puget Sound house... is that the EJami safe house set? I definitely recognize the trees outside from everywhere in Salem.
Speaking of islands, Victor offered Dr. Dan a private one for saving Sonny. He didn't say yes. He's dumb.
Yes, yes, and yay! I'm so glad Alex Kiriakis and the twins were mentioned! And I think it's about time we met one of them, eh?
The Green Mountain Lodge, aww, memories! I hope they bring up Salem Place, Shenanigans, and Blondie's soon!
Um, yes. I want one of those brownie sundaes Ben and Abigail were enjoying, too.
Just to be clear, Victor's new club is called "Edge of the Square," right?
Nicole's comment to Melanie about being an amateur at yelling at her was kind of hilarious. And kind of sad because it's so true.
John's first police assignment took him to Chicago. Maybe he's investigating why Philip and Morgan Hollingsworth haven't gotten together yet.
D'oh! A part of my heart went pitter-patter when Melanie mentioned Dario.
Freddie Smith had to get out of a lot of trouble as a kid with that sad face. Work it, pal. Work. It.
Okay, Paul's line to Will about discovering he's gay was hilarious. Paul said, "Talk about getting confirmation."
Something tells me hanging out with Maxine and Paul would be fun.
Salem must have a pretty high crime rate. There hasn't been such a small city plagued by that much crime since the town on Murder She Wrote. #timetomove
When Lucas and Adrienne told Will that Sonny had been injured, was I the only one waiting for him to exclaim, "Sonny who!?"
PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of February 9! The lovely Laurisa will be back next week to shovel ol' Clyde out of the snowbank and see if Sonny needs to be re-stitched when he remembers what he discovered before his attack. And "That's a fact!"
As always, thanks for reading! Tony
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