Though DAYS might have made a few questionable calls lately, it's not out of the big game yet. Find out in this week's Two Scoops (and from it's special guest contributors) how DAYS can go from drab to fab in just a few easy plays during February Sweeps. Game on, soap fans!
It seems fitting that, since it's Super Bowl season, I should make a sports/soaps comparison. Football fans and soap fans are a lot alike. There's the diehard devotion. There're the armchair coaches and guys down at the end of the bar who exclaim, "They can do better and here's how..." There's face paint and foam fingers. Oh, stop. I know I'm not the only one who suits up, so stop playing coy. And, of course, there's all the cheering, jeering, and flat-out grumbling if a team makes a foul play.
Of late, DAYS has made a few questionable calls that have many true blue fans a little cranky. Okay, a lot cranky. So as we enter the Super Bowl of Soaps (a.k.a. a Sweeps month), I decided to reach out to a few experts soapperts to get their opinion on how the "big game" should be played. We're sort of like the panel of The View, only with less awkward arguments.
Contributing to this week's Two Scoops are several Soap Central team members as well as two DAYS devoted dames I like to call mom and Laurisa's mom. Whether we agreed or disagreed, we each had our very own "wish-list" of what we'd like to see happen on DAYS during February Sweeps. And like us, I'm sure you have your own as well so be sure to Tweet, leave feedback below or via email, or call in to the feedback hotline at 267.341.7627!
So, ding! Ding! Let's start wishing and hoping in this week's Two Scoopspalooza!
As someone who loved and misses our now-gone soaps like All My Children and One Life to Live, I am thrilled that so many former AMC and OLTL actors have found work at Days of our Lives. Kassie DePaiva and Melissa Archer are favorites, and of course I have a special place in my heart for my Emmy Red Carpet cohort Chrishell Stause.
That being said, as much as I love seeing them on-screen, I often feel like their presence isn't needed in story. When I tune in to Days of our Lives, I want to see the Hortons, the Bradys, the DiMeras, and the Kiriakises. I don't want to see a bunch of characters that I don't know or care about. Kassie DePaiva is a bit of a different situation because she is playing a character that people know and, um, love (or maybe love to hate is a better choice of words).
New characters aren't a bad thing. Adding new faces and new families is needed from time to time to keep things fresh, but abandoning the core characters or shuffling them off to support newcomers is never a good idea. It would be great if One Life to Live could come back, but when I watch Days of our Lives, I want to see Days of our Lives.
My hope for February Sweeps and beyond is that DAYS goes back to telling the stories that won it its Emmy in 2013 -- stories that people can relate to with characters that people care about. That's what keeps people tuning in, whether its February Sweeps or the middle of July.
Dan J. Kroll founder and Kroll Call host Dan J Kroll (@danjkroll)
I don't know why, but I don't like Serena, and I really wish things would go Nicole's way for a while (not with Daniel, and certainly not with Eric. They're both a little sanctimonious). I would also like Paige and Jennifer to react to J.J. and Eve, because the wait is too long, and it could be a little fun ("You slept with your girlfriend's mother? My sworn enemy?" or "Ewwww! Mom, what is wrong with you? Ewwww!").
Ben seems a little slow. I'm trying to imagine Ben engaged in intellectual discourse, but I couldn't think of a worthy adversary (a rock in Horton Town Square, perhaps?). They could go to the public park for a more private conversation, like all the other people do. I don't know about you, but when I want a private conversation and I'm in a place with lots of people, sometimes I, oh, I don't know, go to my car. But sure, out in the open works great, too, then all the people hovering in the shrubbery, eavesdropping as one does, can hear all the juicy bits that are so very secretive.
Lisa Svenson Editor
Given the opportunity to answer the question, "What would you like to see from DAYS during February Sweeps," I was initially excited. What member of the soap community -- be it a writer, an actor, a fan -- doesn't want to weigh in on the future and current state of our favorite shows? But as I sat down to begin answering the question, I suddenly became overwhelmed.< i>Where do I even begin? I don't want to trash the show, because Salem is a second home. But these days -- and for sweeps -- it's looking rather unrecognizable. Nothing against newbies like Aiden, Serena, Clyde, and Ben (okay, maybe the latter), but where are all the veteran characters we love: Stefano, Marlena, John, Kate, for example? This year marks the show's 50th anniversary, so seeing familiar faces -- in more than a supporting role -- would be a nice touch for Sweeps, as well as a good way to start the show's 50th year out with a bang.
In addition to seeing familiar faces, some deep romance would be wonderful to witness. Most of the current pairings dominating the screen (Jordan/Chad, Abigail/Ben, Nicole/Daniel, Brady/Melanie, Eric/Serena) seem like child's play. And some of the others (Sonny/Will, Hope/Aiden, Kate/Clyde) look like they're on their way to being broken -- for better or for worse. So amp up the big romance, DAYS! I want to feel something (other than annoyance) from characters' connections to one another. As Clyde might say, this ain't called love in the afternoon for nothing.
Kambra Clifford Features Editor
I need some major things to happen in the Will/Sonny/Paul saga during February Sweeps! I hope we get to see Sonny finally finding out that not only is Paul the subject of Will's story, but also his most recent recurring flashbacks. I would also love to see the moment that Will and Paul discover their connection with Sonny. No more close calls, no more interruptions from third parties! I need the truth and Sonny's inner Kiriakis to come out! Let's do this Days!
Katrina Walker Social Media Assistant
I would love to see February Sweeps present us with a couple to root for. The last grand romantic gesture we had was E.J's dying words to Sami. And, call me high-maintenance, but something about the fella dying after the epic display of romance kinda ruins the whole thing for me. So, I want February sweeps to start us on a road of an exciting romance. I want a couple to cheer for when he shows up on a motorcycle and whisks her away at her wedding. I want a couple to believe in when they're trapped together in a building that's about to explode. I want a couple to swoon after when she shows up for the school dance looking like a princess. I want a tango on the pier. I want a geek with a party trick. I want a your-love-brought-my-memories-back kind of love. And then I want them to stay together for more than just a week. I don't think that's too much to ask.
Laurisa Two Scoops Columnist, Days of our Lives
A temporary alliance would be good for Stefano and Victor to get rid of Clyde....
Rafe needs a mysterious connection with the Horton family...maybe through Bill or Jennifer's crazy mom.
Belle and Shawn should reappear for a storyline....maybe with Serena to give her character some justification for entering the heart of storylines.
It is time to send Ciara to school in Switzerland.
Laurisa's Mom
I know Nicole's not always a "good girl," but I felt bad for her. I'd like to see her come out on top. Be the hero for once because there's something sketchy about that girl Eric is seeing now [Serena]. She's no Polly Pureheart. I'd like to see her exposed!
I also want to see Eve exposed because I think she's scum. Sleeping with him [J.J] once? Maybe. But now it's a little sick. She supposed to be old enough to know better.
And another thing -- as much as I like Brady and Melanie -- I'd like to see them act adult, and not like two teeny boppers who are cutesy cutesy all the time. Maybe I'm just old and cranky, but a little bit of cute is okay, and bubbly is one thing, but it's almost like they're making her [Melanie] into a kindergartener. It's time to see her grow up and have an adult relationship.
I don't like what's happening between Sonny and Will. Was it supposed to be a lesson in being human that he cheated? I get that, but they make a cute couple, and I hope they can get back on track.
I would hate to see Maggie and Victor break up over the things he's done. They're a classy, mature couple, and I like the loving way he looks at her. His ways to deal with things may be bad, but he does them for a good reason.
Tony's Mom
Okay, since you hear me blabber on every other week, I'm providing my February Sweeps Wish List in random style. Here's it goes:
Nicole and Apologizing need to break up. Forever. She needs to return to being the unapologetic, boozing schemer with a heart of gold, "I'll wear a wedding dress to my ex's wedding in case he changes his mind and wants to marry me instead" Nicole Walker I adore and love.
Damon finds things in Salem too hot at the moment and comes to my house to hide. Don't worry. I'll take this one for the team. Oh, stop. It's not an imposition. You're welcome.
Sonny needs to discover Will's pitcher pouncing and send him to the dugouts for a time out. Actually, I really want to see Sonny find out, burn all of Will's cardigans, and then exclaim, "And now we're even!"
Mike Horton needs to return to Salem and meet Eve. Something about that seems so wrong and right at the same time.
Eric and Dr. Dan attend a seminar about letting things go but get into a fight with the speaker because they think they know better. Just ask them. They do.
Full disclosure -- Christopher Sean is crushing the role of Paul, and I'm kind of crushing on him. I'd like to see Paul interact with his family as well as have a blowout with Will. Okay, I just want everyone to yell at Will these days it seems.
I want to see Hope team up with Roman, Abe, and John to tackle crime in Salem in some sort of Old Dogs/Red/The Expendables extravaganza. If Shane and Kimberly returned to help, too, right on!
On topic, I definitely want more Mar Mar/Stefano scenes. Love their legendary rivalry, complete with flashbacks.
I want to see something more romantic than, "Hey, babe. Let's go for a jog," or "Whoopsie daisy! I slipped on the ice, and now we have to use our body heat to stay warm." Romance is good and shouldn't be dead on DAYS.
Hope, Adrienne, and Kayla take Jennifer clothes shopping.
Okay, if Damon does stay in Salem (and not my house) he should definitely meet Nicole. There'd be something fun about Victor's henchman and Nicole snuggling up. Oh, I know what it is! The Nicole/Victor scenes that would come of it. And, let's face it -- he really can't lecture her on morals, so that's an amazing thing.
I've quoted Don't Trust the B--- in Apartment 23 before, and this one goes out to Paige and her recent toe-dip into feistiness. Chloe said, "I like this side of you. You're like a homeless lady with just enough fight inside of her to survive winter." Yes, Paige. Fight. You're more interesting that way.
Like Nicole and Apologizing, Eric and Pouting need to break up, too. His face is going to freeze in that scowl and he's too handsome for that. By the way, no, I didn't mean Serena "Will You Pretty Please Get Me a Smoothie Because I'm Using My Cutesy Voice" Mason is "Pouting," but come to think of it, that works, too.
More Anne, T, Rory, and Zoe, please!
Speaking of "More, please!" I'm loving all the Victorness of DAYS right now, and this needs to continue. It's great having such a powerhouse as a main attraction.
I'd like to learn more about Jordan. Oh, wait! Didn't I write those same words last year at this time? My bad.
I'd like to see more of the new Rafe. I know, I can't believe I wrote "more" and "Rafe" in the same sentence, either, but his snarky club manager 'tude is cracking me up. More so, I hope he uses his power to phone a friend to help Victor when and if he needs it.
I want to see NuChad wear at least one ironic T-shirt to prove that old hipster Chad isn't entirely dead.
Kate. I want Kate to be done with Clyde and get back into the ring with the big dogs of Salem like Stefano and Victor.
I want a loop of Marlena answering her phone with her patented "Hello!" to run instead of most flashbacks now airing.
I'd like to see Melanie get some help from someone like Sonny, Will, or T to investigate Dr. Mandrake. Her saving the day for Theresa will be sort of like Dr. Dan takes down Kristen lite.
I'd love to see Hope actually visiting with Shawn-Douglas, Belle, and Clair-Bear in Tahiti.
I kind of don't want to see the Clydecicle thaw. Let's count our losses and move on, but something tells me he isn't as dead as believed. One, there wasn't any blood. Two, no one went back to check on him. Three, I've seen this in every horror movie. So, yes, he'll be back for one last showdown. I hope it's epic.
I'd love to see more of Kayla's venture into online dating. I'm still holding out she reconnects with former flame Chris Kositchek played by *insert soap vet of your choice*.
Less of Gollum Serena clutching the ring the elephant and making statements like, "I've found it after all this time!" would be kind of nice. Though, I am kind of curious to know what the "it" is and why she's one bald cat away from being a new criminal mastermind.
Oh, and I want to discover who Serena is working for. Pretty, pretty please make it the "Eviler Than the DiMeras" crime family Bo was investigating. That way, Abe, John, Roman, and Doc can take them down, save Bo, and we can have a nice Bo/Hope/Aiden love triangle. Well, as nice as love triangles can be.
Serena needs to stop complaining. No one's ever called me "Bluebird" before, though I do get flipped the bird often. I digress. It's a cute nickname, and Ted's committed. So, there's that.
Ultimately, I think the vets need to rise and create balance with all the new faces in Salem. Romance needs to bloom for a bit; that way, when it explodes in some lovebirds' faces, there's actually an impact. I want more adventure and passion. One big epic event would be nice (I'd even settle for them blowing up the town square again). And, of course, Kristen needs to return as soon as bloody possible! PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of February 2! If you want a real sneak peek of what will happen on DAYS during Sweeps, click here to read Kambra's latest articles about the happenings in Salem, USA. Spoiler alert: it's a great read.
With that, I'm off to celebrate the big day! No, not the Super Bowl. Groundhog Day! But even if I see my shadow, I'll be back next week with a play-by-play of the first week of February Sweeps. And "That's a fact!"
What are your thoughts on ? What did you think of this week's Two Scoops? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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