Alex gets steamy on set; Days of our Lives recap for Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Johnny walks in on Alex having sex at the hospital.| Image Source: JPI Studios
Johnny walks in on Alex having sex at the hospital.| Image Source: JPI Studios

Leo was walking through the square when Hattie confronted him about the loss of her job. “I thought we were friends, Leo,” Hattie said. “We still are!” Leo countered. Hattie told Leo that she did not want to hang out with him anymore. Leo stressed that it had not been his idea to write Hattie off the show. “The producers are the ones who make those decisions,” Leo said. Leo lamented that he would be unable to write for the character of Charlemagne.

“Why didn’t you [tell me I was being written off]?” Hattie asked. “Because Abe and Kate were worried that if you knew about being fired, you would leave the set without finishing your scenes, and then we’d all be screwed and out of work,” Leo said. Hattie smiled. “Just like me. I kind of like the sound of that,” Hattie said. Hattie told Leo that she felt betrayed by Leo’s fake-out about Kassandra’s death. Leo argued that the story was more shocking with the twist.

“You killed me off before I even had a chance to have a week under contract,” Hattie said. Hattie admitted she was disappointed that she would not have a chance to grow a following, and she started to cry. Leo apologized. “You are a total babe. You are charming and spirited. And even when you are bloated on pork rinds, you manage to be a whole lot of fun,” Leo said. Hattie was still angry. Leo told Hattie that he hoped that they could still hang out together, but Hattie refused. “If you see me coming down the street, I want you to go the other way. Because if you don’t, Leo, I will end you,” Hattie said. Hattie stomped off.

In the Body and Soul offices, Bonnie thanked Kate and Abe for having kept her on the show and saving her character. “Now that Charlemagne’s going to be dead, all her stuff is going to be up for grabs, right?” Bonnie asked. “Her stuff?” Kate said. Bonnie suggested that her character Kassandra could romance Charlemagne’s widower. As Bonnie continued to pitch ideas, Kate interrupted to remind Bonnie that she was not the star of the show.

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Body and Soul is an ensemble production. When Hattie did not respect that, we had no choice but to buy her a one-way ticket to soap opera heaven,” Kate said. Kate intimated that Kassandra could join Charlemagne. “Got it,” Bonnie said. Bonnie apologized. “It’s okay, Bonnie. Just remember, now and into the future, that Body and Soul has no stars. We all work together in harmony,” Abe said. “With a modicum of humility,” Kate added. Bonnie agreed, but then she asked for a raise. When Abe and Kate averted their eyes, Bonnie retracted her request and hurried out the door.

When Leo arrived at the office, Kate asked him if he was feeling okay. “Feeling like a bad friend and a rotten, insubstantial person in general, confirming everything my mother thinks about me, even though she’s all those things, which is probably why I’m this way, since she passed down half of her putrid DNA to me,” Leo said. Kate asked what had happened. Leo told Kate about his conversation with Hattie, and that he was worried that Hattie would seek revenge. “At least Hattie is going out with a bang,” Leo said. “Yeah, pretty dramatic exit,” Kate said. Leo admitted that he had stolen the idea from an episode of L.A. Law.

At the hospital, production on the soap was setting up for the day when Seth told Kayla that he was enjoying working on the show. “I think I’ve been bitten by the acting bug,” Seth said. “You are obviously a man of many talents,” Kayla said. Seth noted that he had no plans to give up his day job, but he asked Kayla if she could speak to the producers about a romantic interest for his character. “Maybe a love scene or two,” Seth said. Kayla forced a smile.

Johnny and Chanel curled up together in their bed at the DiMera mansion. As Johnny apologized, Alex appeared, dressed only in his underwear. “What are you doing here?” Johnny asked. “What do you think I’m doing here? I'm here to make mad, passionate love to your wife,” Alex said. As Chanel smiled at Alex, he climbed into bed and kissed her. “No! Stop!” Johnny yelled as he woke up. Chanel poured Johnny a glass of water, and she asked Johnny about his bad dream.

Reluctantly, Johnny told Chanel about his nightmare. “I am so sorry you had that dream. But I guess it kind of makes sense, since you’re going to be directing our love scene today,” Chanel said. Johnny admitted he was still bothered by Chanel’s real past affair with Alex. “I’m going to tell you this one more time, and I hope it is the last time that I have to tell you, Alex and I, there are no feelings,” Chanel said. Chanel stressed that even when she had slept with Alex, she had not had any feelings for him.

“And unlike you, I never think about that anymore, okay? He and I are just co-workers now and friends,” Chanel said. Johnny nodded yes, then furrowed his brow. “Friends?” Johnny said. Chanel explained that she and Alex had decided that work would be less awkward if they called a truce. “You’re right. The less backstage drama, the better,” Johnny agreed. “There’s gonna be enough drama on-screen,” Chanel said.

When Johnny suggested they head into work, Chanel noted that she and Alex had agreed to rehearse the hospital scenes before the shoot. With a nod, Johnny said that he needed to get to set and shoot Charlemagne’s death scenes. “Which I have a feeling is going to be a little tricky,” Johnny said.

Stephanie was sitting in her living room as she talked to Jada on the phone about Rafe’s stubbornness. “I’m sure you will keep him in line,” Stepanie said. Jada asked about Alex, but Stephanie said she had nothing new to report about her neighbor. There was a knock at the door. As Stephanie walked over to answer it, she assured Jada that she and Alex were just friends.

“I’m totally fine with that,” Stephanie said as she opened the door. A shirtless and sweaty Alex was in the hallway. Stephanie hurriedly ended her call, and she invited Alex inside. “What brings you by?” Stephanie asked. Alex explained that he had bought an extra latte for Stephanie, and he handed her the cup. “How nice to live across the hall from a man who can anticipate my needs,” Stephanie said. Alex apologized for his sweatiness, and he explained that he had gone to the gym to work off his nerves.

“Big love scene with Chanel,” Alex said. Alex explained that because there had been so many requests for script changes, the producers had denied Alex and Chanel’s request to move back the love scene to a later date. “You must be disappointed,” Stephanie said. Alex said he still believed that it was too soon for his character to sleep with Chanel’s character. “How do you feel about acting opposite Chanel in general?” Stephanie asked. Alex admitted that he and Chanel had agreed to start fresh.

“That’s very mature of you,” Stephanie said. Alex said he was eager to get past the love scene. “How does Johnny feel about all of this?” Stephanie asked. Alex said he hoped that Johnny would be okay and that he had suggested to Johnny to hire a director for the love scenes. “[He declined because] he wants to prove that he’s Mr. Professional,” Alex said. Stephanie said she hoped everything worked out.

In the park, Chanel was sitting on a bench, doubled over and rubbing her back as she groaned. “Are you all right?” Kayla asked as she walked over. “I think I threw my back out,” Chanel said. Kayla examined Chanel, and she asked what had happened. Chanel admitted that she had felt a pain after she had bent over to tie her shoe.

“I think you pulled a muscle,” Kayla told Chanel. With a sigh of relief, Chanel stood up to continue on to set, but winced and cried out. Kayla urged Chanel to rest first. After Chanel texted Alex and she rested a bit, Chanel was still in pain. Kayla ordered Chanel to go to the hospital for tests. “[Your scenes] can wait,” Kayla said.

On the hospital set by the elevator, Abe told Johnny that he had decided to be on set during Charlemagne’s death scene in case there was any trouble. “Good call,” Johnny said. When Johnny called all the actors to set, Charlemagne was nowhere to be found. “Talk about unprofessional,” Bonnie muttered. “It’s just what I was afraid of. So, how are we going to shoot Hattie’s death without Hattie?” Abe said. “Did I hear my name?” Hattie said as she walked onto the set. Hattie explained that she had gotten lost in the hospital.

While everyone set up for the shot, Hattie glared at Bonnie. “Would you stop looking at me like that? For Pete’s sake. It’s not like I asked them to kill you off. Not that you weren’t thrilled that they were willing to kill off Kassandra in a miserable death so you could be the star of the show,” Bonnie said. “Can we just get this thing going?” Hattie yelled.

When everyone was ready, Johnny called action. Kassandra thanked Dr. Lemoray for having saved her life. Charlemagne noted that since Kassandra had a second chance at life, she hoped that she and Kassandra could have a second chance at a friendship. “Truce?” Kassandra said. Hattie reluctantly shook hands with Bonnie, then paused. Johnny reminded Hattie that she needed to push the button for the elevator. The elevator door opened, but Hattie was unable to let go of Kassandra’s hand or step into the open shaft of the elevator.

“You need to get onto the elevator,” Johnny said. After a moment, Hattie said, “I can’t.” When Johnny asked why, Hattie said she was afraid to fall onto the air mattress. Abe assured Hattie that the stunt was safe. “It’s just that I don’t want to die,” Hattie whispered. “You can do this. You’re a professional actor,” Johnny said. Hattie agreed. Johnny ordered everyone to restart the scene.

“Kassandra, why don’t you come with me?” Charlemagne asked. Confused, Bonnie said, “What?” Charlemagne explained that she wanted to buy a drink for Kassandra to seal their truce. “I’m on an I.V.,” Kassandra said as she pointed at the bag on her I.V. stand. The elevator door opened, and Charlemagne suggested that Dr. Lemoray take the elevator, since she had heard a page for him. “That elevator is just for you,” Dr. Lemoray said. After a moment, Johnny yelled at Hattie to walk into the elevator shaft.

“No. I won’t do it,” Hattie said. “Cut! Going again,” Johnny said. Hattie refused. “You can kill off my character if you want to. I can’t stop you from doing that. But by God, I will not help you do it,” Hattie said. Hattie walked off the set.

Down the hallway, Alex arrived with Stephanie for his rehearsal with Chanel. Alex checked his phone, and he groaned. “Chanel is running late,” Alex said. Alex lamented that he would not be able to rehearse the blocking for his scenes before the shoot. “I don’t suppose you’d want to run some lines with me?” Alex said. “Sure. Production probably doesn’t need me this minute,” Stephanie said. Alex gave Stephanie his script.

Alex and Stephanie went into the hospital room that they would be shooting the scene in, and they ran through the lines. “What are you saying, Arrow?” Stephanie said. “I’m saying that when you find the person you love, you mustn’t squander a single second of that precious time,” Alex said as he cradled Stephanie’s face in his hands. Alex kissed Stephanie. “This is gonna be some love scene, huh?” a breathless Stephanie said. “Yeah, it is,” Alex agreed. Alex swept Stephanie into his arms, kissed her, and laid her onto the hospital bed.

At the hospital nurses’ station, Chanel wanted to go to the set, but Kayla assured Chanel that the production would understand that Chanel was too ill to work. “I’m gonna call Abe and Kate and let them know you’re going to call in sick,” Kayla said. “What? No!” Chanel said. Kayla argued that Chanel needed to take an anti-inflammatory and rest until the next day. “There’s gonna be no love scene today,” Kayla said.

Down the hallway, Johnny approached the hospital room set to check in with Chanel, but Seth stopped him before he could enter. “I don’t think you wanna go in there,” Seth said. Seth explained that he had peeked in on the set earlier to see the rehearsal, but he had realized that the actors were having a real love scene. Johnny’s eyes went wide.

Inside the hospital room, Alex was having sex with Stephanie when Johnny walked in. With Alex’s back obscuring Stephanie underneath him, Johnny stared in horror at the scene.

After Bonnie finished shooting for the day, she ran into Leo as she walked through the square. “How did it go on set today?” Leo asked. Bonnie explained that Hattie had refused to do the elevator stunt. “That moody little diva just stormed off in a huff,” Bonnie said.

At the Body and Soul offices, Abe updated Kate on Hattie’s walkout. Hattie marched into the office. “My two favorite backstabbers,” Hattie said. Kate reminded Hattie that she would not get paid if she broke her contract. “Why don’t you keep your money. I don’t want anything from you two traitors. In fact, I think I’m gonna blow this one-horse town,” Hattie said. Abe groaned. “You’re going to regret the day you crossed me!” Hattie said. Hattie cursed the show, and she promised to make sure the fictional town went up in flames.

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Edited by Lisa