Sarah recovers a shocking memory; Days of our Lives recap for Friday, October 11, 2024

Eric tells Sarah that he believes Fiona was the driver of the car that hit her.
Eric tells Sarah that he believes Fiona was the driver of the car that hit her.

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen told Xander that Rolf was convinced that his serum would cure Sarah’s paralysis. “Do you have some good news for me?” Kristen asked. Xander confirmed that Sarah had retracted her statement. “So, can we have that serum please?” Xander asked. Kristen asked about E.J.’s response to Sarah’s retraction. Xander danced around the question.

“So, E.J. specifically said that he would drop the charges?” Kristen asked. Before Xander could answer, Kristen called E.J. to get a confirmation. Xander took her phone and ended the call. “I knew it. You’re lying to me, aren’t you?” Kristen said. “We did as you asked! We told E.J. that Sarah recanted—he just wouldn’t listen,” Xander said. Kristen suggested that Sarah go public with the situation to increase the pressure on E.J. Xander refused. Kristen asked why.

“Because he’s threatening to prosecute Sarah for making a false statement to the police,” Xander explained. Xander said he could not let Sarah go to prison after all she had endured with the accident. Kristen argued that no judge would send Sarah to prison, but Xander countered that Kristen could not guarantee that Sarah would remain free. “This isn’t right, Xander,” Kristen said. “I’m not disputing that, but please. I did what I could. But I’m begging you, Kristen, just bring me that serum,” Xander pleaded. Xander argued that Sarah deserved the chance to walk again.

“I’m sorry, Xander. No can do on the serum. A deal’s a deal,” Kristen said. “Have you no heart? After everything you did to Sarah on that bloody island, you owe her this!” Xander yelled. Kristen reiterated that there was no deal unless Brady walked free. When Xander argued that Sarah’s daughter needed her, Kristen countered that her daughter needed her father, as well. Kristen urged Xander to find a solution.

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“Now, I want Sarah to walk again, but I am not running a charity,” Kristen said. Xander violently grabbed Kristen’s arm to shake her, and she warned him to be careful. “I’m your only link to that serum,” Kristen said. Xander let go. “You DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of the unthinkable. Have you checked on Rachel recently?” Xander asked. “Why are you asking that?” Kristen countered. “Just reminding you what I’m capable of,” Xander said. Kristen scowled, and she warned Xander not to threaten the people that she loved. Kristen noted that if Xander hurt Rachel, she would make sure that the serum was destroyed.

“Do we understand each other?” Kristen asked. “Damn you,” Xander growled as he walked out. Kristen poured a drink and stared at the painting of Stefano. “Don’t you dare look at me like that, Father. We both know that you would have done much worse to get what you want from your opponent. I just hope I motivated Xander enough to help Brady get out from under those charges,” Kristen said. Kristen held up her drink in a toast to her father.

In the Kiriakis living room, Eric asked Sarah if she was covering for Fiona. “You think Fiona hit me? Why? Where is this coming from?” Sarah asked. Eric asked Sarah to confirm. Sarah said no. “Where did you get this idea?” Sarah asked. Eric said he had overheard Sarah and Fiona talk about a secret. Sarah explained that the secret was not about Fiona.

“What were you talking about?” Eric asked. Sarah thought about her conversation with Fiona and how Sarah had confirmed that she had lied to the police to protect Xander. “I can’t say,” Sarah told Eric. Sarah stressed that the secret had not been about Fiona. “[If Fiona had been the driver], I sure as hell wouldn’t cover for her,” Sarah said. Eric appeared unconvinced. Sarah asked Eric why he was so sure that Fiona had been the driver.

“Fiona and Brady were together the night of your accident,” Eric said. Sarah admitted that Fiona had never mentioned that to her. “How do you know this?” Sarah asked. Eric explained that the waiter at the bar where Brady had gotten drunk had witnessed Fiona leave with Brady. When Eric mentioned that he had questioned Fiona, Sarah asked for details. Eric told Sarah that Fiona had claimed to have left the bar separately from Brady, but when he had told Fiona about the waiter’s statement, Fiona had admitted that she had left the bar with Brady.

“So, she changed her story,” Sarah said. “Yeah, with another lie. She said she went after Brady, knowing he was drunk, persuaded him to take a taxi,” Eric said. “You don’t believe her?” Sarah asked. Eric said no. “Nor do I believe that she said she hadn’t had a drink all night,” Eric added. Sarah noted that Fiona did not drink. “That’s what she claims,” Eric muttered. With a sigh, Eric noted that it did not matter, since Sarah had remembered that Brady had been behind the wheel. Eric apologized for having accused Sarah of lying.

“I’m dealing. And I know that it’s a struggle for your brother, as well. I know that he’s feeling incredibly guilty, and now he has to go to jail,” Sarah said. “It’s been really tough, obviously. Not that it compares to any of your struggle. I’m just worried about him, his kids. I just don’t want to lose him,” Eric said. Eric squeezed Sarah’s hand, and he walked out.

In the square, Sophia said hello to Fiona. Sophia told Fiona that the boy she liked had broken up with his girlfriend. With a smirk, Sophia explained that Holly had caused a fight, and the relationship had ended without Sophia’s interference. Fiona sat in the café, and she invited Sophia to join her and tell her about the breakup. “Get this. She totally went behind his back and started going through his father’s stuff,” Sophia said. “Looking for what?” Fiona asked. Sophia shrugged, and she noted that the point was that her love interest had caught his girlfriend in a lie.

“Next thing you know, she tells him it’s over, just like that,” Sophia said. When Sophia mentioned the names Holly and Tate, Fiona perked up. “Do you know them?” Sophia asked. “No. Not well. I just happen to live in the same house as Holly,” Fiona admitted. As Sophia joked about the coincidence that Fiona had ordered a martini from her, Fiona’s face darkened. “You need to forget that I ever ordered that drink,” Fiona said. When Fiona grabbed Sophia’s arm and repeated her order, Sophia wrenched her arm free. “I heard you!” Sophia yelled.

“I’m sorry, but my son and his family believe I am sober. And if they find out otherwise, it would be disastrous for me,” Fiona explained. “What’s the big deal?” Sophia asked. Fiona made Sophia swear that she would never tell anyone that she had served Fiona alcohol. “I am not some lovesick teenage rival that you can mess with, Sophia. You keep your mouth shut, or you’ll be sorry,” Fiona growled. Sophia said she understood. “I’m not a snitch,” Sophia said.

Holly called Maggie from Paris to confirm that she had arrived at her destination to meet up with Nicole for dinner. Maggie wished Holly luck. “This isn’t going to be an easy conversation for you or your mom. I just hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive her,” Maggie said. “We’ll see,” Holly said.

In Salem, Maggie sat outside the Brady Pub with baby Victoria. Tate said hello as he was walking by, and he joined Maggie on the bench. “How’s Sarah?” Tate asked. Maggie noted that Sarah was adjusting, and she thanked Tate for his concern. “I just wanted to say I feel really terrible about what happened to her. And my dad does, too,” Tate said. “I know he does,” Maggie said. Maggie asked Tate if he was okay.

“It seems wrong to feel sorry for myself, considering Sarah is in a wheelchair,” Tate admitted. Maggie assured Tate that he was allowed to feel that way. “It feels like I’m losing everyone I care about. Mom and Dad,” Tate said. “And Holly?” Maggie countered. Tate asked if Holly was okay. Maggie explained that Holly had flown to Paris to see her mother.

“She needed to confront her mom face to face about her father’s death,” Maggie said. When Tate noted that it was terrible that everyone had lied to Holly, Maggie said it had been Nicole’s decision because she had wanted to protect Holly. “It still doesn’t excuse what [Holly] tried to do to my dad,” Tate said. Confused, Maggie asked Tate what he meant. Tate filled Maggie in on the details of the breakup. Maggie was surprised that Holly had slapped Sophia.

“Then she must have been provoked,” Maggie argued. “No, all Sophia did was she called Holly out for snooping on my dad,” Tate countered. Maggie asked Tate if he was sure. Reluctantly, Tate added that Sophia had also admitted to Holly that she had feelings for Tate. “Well, that’s provocative. You know, I don’t believe that Holly would hit her,” Maggie said. Tate noted that Sophia had been a good friend to him. With a raised eyebrow, Maggie asked if Tate also had feelings for Sophia. Before Tate could respond, Holly called Maggie’s phone.

“I need to take this,” Maggie said. With a nod, Tate said goodbye and walked away. Maggie answered the call, and Holly told Maggie that her talk with Nicole had gone better than expected. “She basically just apologized a bunch, and I don’t know, she seemed really sincere,” Holly said. “That’s great. Where is she now?” Maggie asked. Holly explained that Nicole had gone home to relieve the babysitter. Holly added that she had stayed behind to have time to think.

“We have plans to meet tomorrow,” Holly said. “How are you feeling?” Maggie asked. Holly said she was not sure. Maggie noted that Holly would need time to process everything. “And hopefully, you’ll be able to let your mother help you. And maybe Eric, too,” Maggie said. Holly agreed. Maggie told Holly to call if she needed anything. “And Holly, your father would be so proud of you,” Maggie said. Holly smiled as she fought back tears.

After Maggie ended the call, she was getting up to head home when Xander walked up. “Is everything all right?” Maggie asked. “No, everything is not all right. Kristen DiMera has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis, but she’s refusing to hand it over,” Xander said.

In Sarah’s room at the Kiriakis mansion, she thought about her conversation with Eric. “No. It can’t be,” Sarah said. Sarah remembered that Fiona had been behind the wheel of the car that had hit her. “Oh, my God!” Sarah exclaimed. Fiona walked into the room, and Sarah paled.

Tate was walking through the town square when he saw Sophia and said hello. Tate informed Sophia that he had learned that Holly had flown to Paris to talk to her mother. “That’s great news,” Sophia said. “Why?” Tate asked. “Because I know that she’s been really mad at her mom for lying to her, so maybe now, they’ll have a chance to work things out,” Sophia said.

When Tate expressed surprise that Sophia cared, Sophia noted that Holly was still her friend. “But she attacked you,” Tate said. “Just because we like the same guy, doesn’t mean I want her to be miserable,” Sophia said. With a smirk, Sophia added that she did not hate the idea that Holly might stay in Paris and leave her alone with Tate.

In Chad’s apartment in Paris, Abigail suggested that they wait to make love. “I just think there’s something we should do first,” Abigail said. Abigail suggested that they get married as soon as possible. “I know it’s sudden. It's just being here, in this apartment, in this magical city with all this familiarity coming back to me. These feelings. Not memories but definitely feelings for you,” Abigail said. “But you’re not ready to be intimate,” Chad noted. Abigail explained that despite her feelings for Chad, he still felt like a stranger.

“I want to make love to you so much. But I just, I want to remember our love together. I also want to remember our life. The life that we had,” Abigail said. Abigail explained that she thought getting married would help her remember. “I know it’s wishful thinking. But we’re in Paris, where dreams come true,” Abigail argued. Abigail said she felt like a wedding would jolt her memory.

“What do you say? Mr. Chad DiMera, will you marry me?” Abigail asked. Chad chuckled. Chad explained that he was desperate to remarry Abigail, but he wanted to do it with their children and family in attendance. “In a perfect world, but we get to go home to Salem and tell them the good news that we got married. But we also get to tell them that my memories came back,” Abigail said. Chad asked what would happen if Abigail’s memories did not return.

“Well, if it doesn’t happen, I’m going to stay true to my word. I’m going to tell the children that I’m their mother. That’s my promise to you,” Abigail said. “I can hardly remember a time when I didn't love you. Or didn’t want to be married to you,” Chad said. Reluctantly, Chad agreed to get remarried.

Abigail kissed Chad, and she thanked him. “I know it’s sudden, but I have a really good feeling about it,” Abigail said. “Me, too,” Chad agreed. Chad gave Abigail a credit card to buy a dress while he made phone calls to set up a wedding. While Abigail was walking through Paris, she stopped in a café to call her brother Mark. Holly recognized Abigail.

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Edited by Lisa