It's a phone call no parent wants to receive -- their child is being taken to the emergency room.
There were some scary moments for Greg Vaughan this week. The actor received a phone call that his son, Cavan, was rushed to the emergency room.
"Nothing worse than getting a phone call & hearing your child got hurt," Vaughan shared on Twitter along with a photo of himself with his son. "Cavan suffered a dislocated knee during his playoff bound basketball practice and was nothing but incredibly brave and strong! In [an] ambulance, ER bound he asked his coach, when can I come back to practice?"
Vaughan offered a big thank you to his son's "coaches, administration, first responders, teammates, [and] friends."
While every case is different, a dislocated knee is usually treated with a brace to hold the patella (knee cap) in place, which is followed with physical therapy to help restrengthen the muscles around the patella.
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