General Hospital has entertained audiences for some sixty plus years now- thirsting passions and drama, spelling medicine drama, and catching everyone with their jaws droppingly open in between-the only soap that can rise so high to touch the sky in reality push boundaries. While soap operas naturally fly overboard with thoughts and ideas, GH, turns the pages and takes the fork of weirdest and most unexpected storyline ever on daytime television.
Featured in this are supernatural encounters, mind control, diamonds controlling the weather, and serial killers coming back. The show has proven time and again that no plot is too absurd and odd for Port Charles. It makes GH a soap opera that's never predictable. You name it: aliens landing in town, characters impersonating each other with frighteningly real masks, and suddenly- born cryogenic viruses from a source other than ones expected. The show almost lives in shock and innovates with much of these parts turning to cults while others are always butting heads with the old fans. Whatever way they are accepted, they are unforgettable.
So now, here are the 10 weirdest, maybe the ten-worst storylines in General Hospital history- thus, proven in Port Charles, that anything is possible.
Disclaimer: This entire article is based on the writer's opinion. Readers' discretion is advised.
1. An alien encounter in Port Charles

Soap operas are not new to over-the-top storylines, but General Hospital went whole hog into science fiction in the late '80s when they brought in an extraterrestrial guest. Casey Rogers, a Lumina alien, crash-landed in Port Charles and formed a telepathic connection with young Robin Scorpio. The plot involved glowing crystals and psychic contact, and it ranks as one of the most bizarre storylines in GH history. Although Casey did return to his home planet later on, this bizarre story is one of the most surprising deviations from the show's typical drama.
2. The Ice Princess and a chilling plan for control

One of General Hospital's most notorious plotlines brought Mikkos Cassadine's outrageous plan to control worldwide weather with a rare gemstone called the Ice Princess. The plot seemed ripped from a spy novel, with Luke Spencer, Robert Scorpio, and others working around the clock to keep Port Charles from being frozen solid. The Ice Princess storyline also spawned the Cassadine family's long history of villainy. Years later, the plot is still being referenced, demonstrating that GH has no qualms about embracing its campy past.
3. Faison’s bizarre Duke Lavery disguise

Soap opera villains always seem to fake their deaths, but Cesar Faison took deception to an entirely new realm by coming back to Port Charles with a mask of Duke Lavery's face so lifelike it was an unnerving thing to behold. So much so, in fact, that even Duke's closest friends and loved ones believed the ruse. The very thought of such a perfect mask seems ridiculous, but the drama of Anna Devane's heartbreaking unmasking left viewers riveted. But while the story was absurd, it added to making GH known for one of daytime's most unusual plot twists.
4. Helena Cassadine’s sinister mind control plot

Among many wicked schemes by the Cassadine family, Helena Cassadine's overarching obsession with mind control is among the most disturbing. Throughout the years, she has implanted tiny control chips in many characters, from Lucky Spencer on down, turning them into unwilling puppets. While brainwashing is not an alien concept in soap operas, GH made it chillingly unique with Helena's ice-cold demeanor and utter command over her victims. Even after her supposed murder, her influence remained ever strong; surely, GH villains never stay dead.
5. The outbreak of the deadly Monkey Virus

A medical crisis is a longtime mainstay of General Hospital, but the Monkey Virus was one such story taken to extremes. The airborne contagion, carried by the monkey Eli, went through Port Charles, threatening the lives of major players like Sam McCall. The hospital staff struggled with containing the outbreak before it clawed its way into a full-blown catastrophe. Dramatic as it was, the notion of a deadly virus unleashed by one lone monkey seemed a lot more like sci-fi thriller material than a soap opera. But it did provide some very intense and emotional hospital scenes one could ever watch in GH.
6. Franco’s brain tumor and instant personality shift

It's quite a stretch, but they explained very improbably Franco Baldwin's dark past by attributing his violent tendencies to a brain tumor. Following its removal, Franco had a miraculous change of heart, becoming kinder and gentler. The storyline divided viewers, with some appreciating the redeeming of Franco while others deemed it an out for his past actions, but whatever the case may be, this plotline gave Roger Howarth ample opportunities to stretch his acting chops portraying the metamorphosis of Franco from villainous stance to an unlikely fan favorite.
7. The chilling Text Message Killer murders

Port Charles has had its share of serial killers, but the "Text Message Killer" put a new spin on the old murder mystery. Diego Alcazar, the crime boss Lorenzo's vengeful son, terrorized the town by sending threatening text messages to his victims before he attacked them. While the suspense had the fans on the edge of their seats, the identity of Diego as the murderer surprised many as he had been assumed dead many years prior to the climax of the storyline. Although the reasoning behind his return was dubious, this plot showed GH could effectively mix horror, suspense, and soap opera drama.
8. The strange arrival of One Life to Live characters

After the cancellation of One Life to Live, General Hospital surprisingly included some of its cast in a story that felt strangely forced. John McBain, Todd Manning, and Starr Manning suddenly materialized in Port Charles, getting involved with longtime GH characters as if they were long-time fixtures there. For legal reasons, these characters had to be eventually written out, and their entire insertion now seems all the more sudden. Although crossovers between soap operas are not common, this one was different due to its random implementation and unsolved storylines.
9. The endless cycle of resurrections in Port Charles

Perhaps more than any other soap, GH is notorious for killing people only to resurrect them later. Jason Morgan has died and come back so many times, and then there's the case of Stavros Cassadine, who has also enjoyed a number of resurrections. Indeed, Port Charles' life has peddled so many near-theatrical returns that it almost borders on absurdity. If nowadays one has to lean on miracles to explain how someone can come back to life after being dead and buried, GH seldom has that as a reason- it exploits amnesia or even the presence of a long-lost twin.
10. Ryan Chamberlain’s twisted twin deception

Ryan Chamberlain could truly win awards for the most vicious killer on the planet, considering the day he exchanged places with twin brother Dr. Kevin Collins in order to murder for days without detection. Able to impersonate Kevin, Ryan fooled just about everyone, actually getting up close and personal with victims while ironically keeping himself in plain sight. The suspense-filled buildup kept audiences guessing, and the unveiling of Ryan's identity hit a tidal wave of catastrophe. The psychopathy, coupled with pure unpredictability, renders this one of the most compelling and horrifying villain stories in GH history.

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