Hope held the chair out for Carter and watched proudly as he took the seat behind the CEO's desk. He told her that he never could have done it without her. Zende came in, confused, as he’d heard something big had gone down. Now, Hope was back in the building after being banned, and Carter was in the CEO’s chair. Hope announced to Zende that he was looking at the new head of Forrester Creations.
Zende told Carter that he knew he was treated like family, but when it came to the company, there had to be a Forrester in charge. He noted that Ridge and Steffy weren’t looking to step down. “No, they weren’t, but the papers are signed. It’s a done deal. I’m in control of Forrester now,” Carter told him.
Carter explained to Zende how he named himself the manager of the LLC and got Ridge and Steffy to hand over the company to him without realizing it. As that sunk in, Zende yelled, “You stole Forrester?!” Carter said he didn’t want to. Hope tried to convince Zende that he knew they had no choice. She complained that Steffy had fired her and canceled the line he was working on.
“That’s their call to make!” Zende argued. Carter tried rubbing Zende’s shoulder and calming him by adding that he did it for them. Carter looked at Hope and tenderly said his first order of business was to bring her back and resurrect HFTF. “And my first order of business is to make a request to you, Zende,” Hope said. She asked Zende to stay on as her lead designer.
Zende said he agreed that the line shouldn’t have been canceled, but Forrester was his family’s company. “It still is. I’m just the one running it, helping it thrive,” Carter explained. He added that as a Forrester, he would benefit, and his whole family would. Hope told Zende that there was something else he should know: She and Carter were together. Zende stared as they put their arms around one another and smiled lovingly at each other.
Hope told Zende that the day she was in lingerie in the office, she was trying to surprise Carter. Zende wondered why they didn’t just tell Steffy the truth and avoid all of this. Hope and Carter said they wanted to keep their relationship between them as a secret, and Hope wanted to protect Carter’s integrity.
Zende laughed. “So you two have been secretly involved. And now, all of a sudden, you’ve taken over the company?” Zende asked. “Zende,” Carter said patronizingly, “If you think that Hope is using me, you’re wrong.” Carter insisted he saw the company heading in a direction that would destroy it. “I had to step in,” Carter added. He told Zende that he was valuable to the company and HFTF. “I understand you’re in a complicated position, but I’m hoping I can count on you,” Carter told him. Zende thought Ridge must be irate. Hope complained that Ridge put all the blame on her.
In the salon, Electra explained to Will that Remy surprised her with a pizza. Will thought it was cool that he brought it over but hoped he hadn’t wasted his whole lunch hour doing it. Remy assured him it was worth it. Will thought it was odd that Remy just happened to show up working a block away from Electra’s work. Remy agreed and added that it was also a coincidence that his new boss, Deacon, just happened to be the father of Will’s cousin.
Will suggested they get back to work and assumed Remy would understand he was being dismissed. “It’s not a problem, right? For me and Electra to see one another? We’re old friends. I thought you understood that,” Remy replied. Electra said that Will wasn’t insinuating anything.
Will explained that all he meant was Forrester was a place of business. “So if you’ve got pizza, great. There’s no reason to linger. You see, most pizza boys I know are out the door before the pie’s cold,” he challenged. He leaned in past Remy to open the pizza box to see if it was cold. Smiling, he suggested that Remy hit the road and deliver some other orders. “Don’t keep them waiting, right?” he grinned. Remy fumed and looked at Electra.
Zemy stammered that he wasn’t trying to linger, he was just catching up with an old friend. Electra pulled him aside and said she had a real opportunity there and didn’t want to appear flaking on the job. She told Remy that he, more than anyone, knew what she had left behind, and she didn’t want to mess up her new job. “You’re saying I can’t come see you?” Remy asked. Remy reluctantly and bitterly said that he got it. “You work here now. Forrester Creations. I’m just the pizza delivery guy,” he sneered before walking out. Electra tried to stop him, but he turned and saw Will smiling, then walked out angrily.
Will told Electra that he thought it was strange for Remy to show up like he did, but she thought he was just being a friend. Will said he couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something wrong with Remy. Electra hoped Will and Remy would become friends, but he told Electra he wasn’t sure he trusted Remy.
At home, Remy looked at pictures of Electra on his computer. “L.A.’s not good for you,” he muttered to her picture.
At Eric’s house, Brooke told Ridge that he shouldn’t have talked to Hope the way he did. Ridge said he wasn’t attacking Hope, he was stating the obvious. Brooke said that wasn’t true, but Ridge insisted that Carter never would have taken over the company for years and years. “He fell in love with your daughter for 10 minutes, betrayed us, betrayed the company,” Ridge pointed out.
Brooke said it was too bad that Hope and Carter felt like they had to do something so drastic, but he couldn’t blame Hope. Ridge asked what she was talking about. He said Hope was like this before Carter got involved with her. Ridge said Hope gets into people’s heads and that Thomas will be in therapy for the rest of his life because of it. Ridge thought Carter was going down the same path.
Brooke said Hope was only guilty of falling in love. She told Ridge she knew he was in shock, but it was more shocking that he could call Hope a bitch. “I will not tolerate you speaking about my daughter that way,” Brooke seethed.
Brooke said that Hope made a mistake supporting Carter but she was not and has never been what he called her. Ridge said he spoke in anger, but he didn’t trust her. He asked Brooke to see that Hope wanted her job back. Brooke told him Hope only lost her job and HFTF because Steffy fired her over a misunderstanding. She said it was messed up to think it was a sin for Hope to want her job back. “What I said was messed up?” Ridge asked.
Brooke asked Ridge to admit that Steffy was wrong to fire Hope. “You know what? You’re right. The second time Hope came onto Finn, that was a misunderstanding and she shouldn’t have been fired for that. But what she did now, being part of this takeover? Unforgivable,” Ridge said while Brooke shook her head in disbelief.
Ridge sat Brooke down and explained that what Carter and Hope did was a monumental performance. Brooke defended them and said they felt backed into a corner. “If they were in a corner, it’s because they were sitting in there, plotting,” Ridge countered. Brooke thought the takeover was a last-ditch effort to save Hope’s line. She reiterated that they didn’t want to do it. “But they did do it. They used Hope’s plan, and they did it,” Ridge pointed out.
Brooke argued that Carter insisted it was his plan. Ridge knew that Hope was telling him it was the best plan ever and encouraging him to do it. Brooke suggested that Carter might have his own reasons for being hurt. She asked if he and Steffy even considered his expansion idea. “No, and eventually, he would have been okay with that. But not with Hope in his ear convincing him to steal our company,” Ridge told her.
“My hard-working daughter who has given her life to the company,” Brooke started as she ranted about Hope’s treatment. Brooke said Hope had constant disrespect at the hands of Steffy. “No wonder Carter and Hope had to seize control of the company — to silence your daughter once and for all!” Brooke lamented. Ridge asked if she was really spinning this into Steffy’s fault. “Hope was going after Finn, and before that, she went after my son, who she had so crazed, he had to leave the country. And now she’s going after Carter, my best friend, so he would steal the company for her,” Ridge told Brooke. He couldn’t believe she was justifying it. “It’s no wonder after what they went through!” Brooke cried. Ridge countered that Brooke kept saying he was attacking her daughter, but it was Hope who kept attacking him and his family, and he was tired of it. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to stop Hope, once and for all,” Ridge told Brooke.
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