Steffy Forrester's most dangerous enemies: Who tried to kill her on The Bold and the Beautiful?

Steffy Forrester imprisoned by Luna Noah
Steffy Forrester imprisoned by Luna Noah (CBS)

Steffy Forrester on The Bold and the Beautiful has had many close calls. Currently imprisoned in a cage in Luna and Poppy’s former apartment, the clock may be once again ticking on Steffy’s possible demise. Not only is the person who imprisoned her a known killer, but the apartment building is scheduled to be demolished.

It remains to be seen how Steffy will be freed from the clutches of her captor, Luna Nozawa, but if she survives, it wouldn’t be the first time Steffy escaped early death. Over the years, these other characters on The Bold and Beautiful tried unsuccessfully to eliminate Steffy:

Aly Forrester

Aly Forrester tries to kill Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS`
Aly Forrester tries to kill Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS`

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Steffy’s cousin, Aly (short for Alexandria), was the daughter of Thorne Forrester and Darla Einstein. Aly struggled with some mental health issues and had a disdain for Steffy. Being a bit prudish, Aly thought that Steffy flaunted her sexuality.

Aly also held a deep grudge for the death of her mother, Darla. Steffy's mom, Taylor, had been drinking and driving and had accidentally hit and killed Darla. In an effort to reenact the night her mother was killed, Aly got Steffy to the spot where Darla had died. Aly punctured Steffy’s car tire then tried running her over.

Believing she was carrying out her dead mother’s wishes, Aly attacked Steffy with a tire iron then tried to kill her by bashing her head in with a rock. Ultimately, when Steffy fought her off, Aly fell, hit her own head on a rock, and died.

Sheila Carter

Sheila Carter shoots Finn and Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS
Sheila Carter shoots Finn and Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS

Sheila Carter believed the only thing preventing her from having a relationship with her biological son, Finn, was his wife, Steffy. Sheila wanted to eliminate the problem and pulled a gun on Steffy behind Il Giardino.

However, just as Sheila raised her gun to point it at Steffy, Finn opened the back door. Seeing Sheila about to shoot, Finn moved in front of Steffy and took the bullet for her.

With Finn dying beside her, Steffy tried calling 9-1-1, but Sheila wasn’t having it. She aimed again, this time shooting Steffy, as well.


Sugar plots to kill Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS
Sugar plots to kill Steffy on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS

After Steffy had a physical altercation with Sheila Carter, Deacon asked Sheila to calm down. Instead, she flipped a table and was shown saying, “Steffy Forrester, tonight, you die.”

Later that evening, Steffy was home alone when a storm knocked out her power. While Steffy tried to light candles to see in the dark, she spotted a shadow creeping up behind her. Although the person was wearing a veil, Steffy could see that it was Shelia and grabbed a kitchen knife to protect herself.

Steffy kept warning Sheila to back off, or Steffy would use the knife. Sheila lunged at Steffy, who kept her promise and stabbed Sheila to death. Later, it was discovered that Sheila, much like Steffy, was very much alive, and it was actually Sugar who had gone after Steffy that night. Sugar had a long history with Sheila, starting as friends and progressing to enemies after Sheila tricked Sugar into undergoing plastic surgery to look just like Sheila. Sugar wanted revenge a long time, especially after sitting in prison for years because of Sheila—years during which she could plot her revenge.

Steffy Forrester

Steffy Forrester in the hospital on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS
Steffy Forrester in the hospital on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image Source: CBS

Unfortunately, some of Steffy’s near-death experiences on The Bold and the Beautiful have been due, at least in part, to Steffy herself. As a child, Steffy believed she could fly and jumped off a cliff. Luckily, she only broke an arm. Another time, Steffy fell off a cliff and nearly drowned in the Adriatic Sea.

After hitting her head and slipping in the bathtub, Steffy nearly drowned, but Liam saved her. She also suffered a head injury after falling off an ATV, and she broke bones and suffered a miscarriage in a motorcycle accident.

At one point, Steffy intentionally tried to harm herself. After the death of her twin sister, Pheobe, Steffy was so distraught that she considered suicide but Ridge stopped her before she could jump off a balcony.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS.

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Edited by Lisa