Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

SC Desk
A special week of episodes featuring some of The Bold and the Beautiful
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Sheila warned Stephanie away from James and sent Thomas a gift to back up the threat. Stephanie confused James with her mixed signals, and Lauren threatened to tell Sheila about Stephanie's feelings for James. Amber and Rick slept together, and Brooke fired Amber.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Monday, June 29, 1998

by Michael Keith

James and Stephanie are at the Forrester pool where an unseen Sheila hearsStephanie blaming Sheila for James losing his license. Sheila becomes lividwhen Stephanie gives James a kiss. After James leaves, Sheila surprisesStephanie and says this time you have gone too far. Sheila advises Steph thatshe isn't leaving until I have dealt with you.

Eric and Lauren return to Brooke's house so Eric can talk to Rick about whathappened at dinner tonight. Brooke doesn't understand why Eric is so upsetuntil he informs her that Amber had on one of your dresses and had her handsall over Rick tonight at dinner. Brooke assures Eric that she will have atalk with Rick when he returns home but Eric insists on staying. Eric wantsto straighten things out since Rick stormed out after their confrontation atthe restaurant. Brooke hopes Eric handled things with Rick correctly.

Rick is upset at his father for treating Amber like trailer trash and takesher to the cabin at Big Bear for some privacy. Amber doesn't think she andRick are right for each other and suggest the leave. Rick declares Amber isthe best thing to ever happen to him and he gives her a kiss.

James returns home to find a babysitter with Mary and wonders where Sheilawent since she did not leave a note or message. Sheila warns Stephanie sheought to be afraid of her since she caught Stephanie kissing her husband andSheila is not letting her get away with that. James is a friend, Stephreplies, but Sheila accuses Steph of trying to get him in bed. Sheila istired of Stephanie interfering with her family and is not leaving untilStephanie promises to stay away from James. Stephanie isn't going to do thatbecause James is her friend and he needs her support. Sheila is a master ofmasking the darkness inside her and every so often it bubbles up. It's just amatter of time...

Eric thinks Rick is in over his head and Amber is taking advantage of him.Brooke reminds him that Amber gave Rick a kidney and was instrumental inhelping bring Bridget home. Eric still feels Rick shouldn't be dating thebabysitter! At the cabin, Rick admits he doesn't want to be a kid anymore andwants Amber to teach him to make love. Rick wants Amber to take hisvirginity. Amber resists at first but gives in when she and Rick startkissing.

Stephanie accuses Sheila of being responsible for James losing his license topractice. Sheila grabs Stephanie and throws her to the ground. As Steph getsup, she and Sheila struggle and the both fall into the pool. Sheila holdsStephanie underwater until she almost drowns! Sheila lets Stephanie go withone final warning. Stay away from James or find out what happens! .

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Tuesday, June 30, 1998

by Michael Keith

A concerned Eric informs Brooke that Rick stayed out all night with Amber.Brooke feels this is very unlike Amber while Eric says Amber has no excuse forletting Rick stay gone all night. At the cabin at Big Bear, Amber wakes inRick's arms and fears what Eric's reaction will be. Rick says their lovemaking was beautiful and it was his idea to come to the cabin. One more thingworries Amber though. They didn't use protection!

Stephanie tells Taylor's father, Jack, that seeing Eric with Lauren made herrealize she has to move on. Sheila stops by again and overhears Stephanie sayshe cares for the man she brought home last night, but the situation comeswith baggage. There is a dangerous woman who must be dealt with. Stephanietends to a crying Thomas and says there isn't anything she wouldn't do forthat baby. After Jack takes Thomas and leaves, Sheila startles Stephanie whothreatens to call the police if Sheila doesn't leave.

Amber regrets not using protection but feels they should be ok. Amber justwants to get Rick home and is sure she will be fired. Rick has a plan tosneak in the back so his parents will not realize he didn't come home lastnight. While sneaking in through Rick's bedroom, Eric and Brooke surpriseRick and Amber. Rick quickly tries to cover saying he took Amber to the cabinbut all they did was talk all night. Eric asks why they didn't call. Noteenage son of Eric's stays gone all night, especially with a woman who issupposed to be watching over him. Amber admits she should have had Rick homesooner, but Rick accepts the blame and says he and Amber are in love. Ericfires Amber and orders her out of the house.

Sheila tells Stephanie she'll need proof when telling the police Sheila almostdrowned her last night. Stephanie says she's not going to tell the policeabout their run in, but she is going to tell James. Stephanie feels Jamesshould know about his wife's abnormal behavior for Mary's sake. "You selfrighteous bitch," Sheila says. You are using this to get closer to James,Sheila continues, and she is not going to let that happen. Stephanie is goingto inform James because he is a dear friend. James has lost his career, awoman who really cared for him, and he's not happy in his marriage. You are athreat to James and Mary and you can't do anything to stop me from seeing him,Steph says.

Stephanie promises Sheila that she will not have James after what happenedlast night. Since Stephanie feels Sheila is dangerous, she is capable ofdoing terrible things, even to a child. There's another baby involved besidesMary. Sheila swears if Stephanie tells anyone about last night or ifStephanie makes a move toward James, she will kill Thomas.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

by Michael Keith

Eric doesn't think he is overreacting by firing Amber. Eric and Brooke hiredAmber to watch over their children not seduce Rick. Besides, what do theyreally know about Amber? What kind of person is she? What has she done inthe past? Eric promises to play a bigger part in his children's life from nowon. Amber's done great things for their family but she lacks judgment andresponsibility. As much attention as Rick and Bridget need these days, Ericdoesn't want Brooke to forget about herself. Now that Ridge is married toTaylor, Eric advises Brooke to concentrate on herself.

Amber packs her things and starts to leave. Rick wants her to stay butrealizes that is unrealistic considering how his parents feel. Amber wantsRick to remember that her feelings for him will not change once she walks outthat door. Rick feels guilty for dragging her to the cabin last night, butAmber's only regret is that they did not use protection. It's stupid to havesex without a condom. Rick professes his love to Amber.

Sheila doesn't want to threaten Thomas but feels she has no other choice. IfStephanie doesn't stay away from James, she will regret it for the rest of herlife. Meanwhile, Stephanie realizes Sheila is certainly capable of harmingThomas and decides in order to protect him, she will just have to stay awayfrom James. James drops by but Stephanie tries to rush him out. She tries todismiss what happened last night between them but James reminds her with akiss. Stephanie backs away and reminds James he is married. James realizesthat but last night was wonderful and he doesn't want to let that feeling go.

Stephanie says James was reaching out to her last night because he's at adifficult point in his life since he just lost his license. James admits hedoesn't know what he needs. Yes he has a wife and a daughter, but he likedwhat happened when he and Stephanie kissed. Stephanie agrees the kiss wasgreat but they have to protect their families. Steph asks James to leavebefore they suffer the consequences.

Before leaving, Amber asks Brooke to give her one more chance. Brooke wouldlike to and she sees a lot of herself in Amber, but Amber has been carelesswith Rick and Bridget too many times to dismiss. Brooke advises Amber to findsome goals and show some restraint and respect for others. Amber wonders howBrooke will handle Rick since he will still want to see her. Brooke ordersAmber to leave and never come back.

James returns home and admits he just got back from Stephanie's. Sheilaremarks at how close the two of them have become. James says even thoughStephanie is thrilled Ridge and Taylor got married, she is not quite herself.Stephanie looks over a picture of Ridge, Taylor, and Thomas when a packagearrives. Stephanie opens it and finds a horrifying doll with it's headchopped off. Inside the package is a note from Sheila that reads, " Very goodStephanie, you kept your mouth shut. Stay away from James or else!"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Thursday, July 2, 1998

by Gladys

Stephanie is talking to Taylor; Taylor notices that something is wrong by Stephanie's voice. Stephanie assures her that everything is fine with Thomas; she wouldn't let anything happen to this baby. After hanging up, she remembers Sheila's threat. Then she wonders if after all these years of being friends she and James could actually be falling in love. She hears the sound of the door slamming; when she turns, there is Sheila. She congratulates her on being cold to James and hopes that she keeps it up. As she walks forward, Stephanie steps between her and the baby's crib. Sheila says that she doesn't enjoy making a threat against a baby's life. Stephanie challenges her to prove whether she has really changed or not.

With an avocado mask applied to her face, Lauren hesitates to answer the doorbell. It is James and he doesn't want to talk through the door. He is startled when she opens the door! He makes her swear before he tells her his good news. He has discovered feelings for someone; feelings he has never felt before. He is talking about Stephanie.

Macy, wearing an apron, sits on Grants lap. Thinking about Ridge and Taylor's wedding brings out the romantic in her. She wonders whom the baby will look like because she thinks that this could be the month! He wonders if she brought home another pregnancy test. She sure did and she goes to try it out. She is feeling lucky.

When she returns, she is disappointed; the verdict was negative again. Grant tries to console her, but she is tired of being patient; she just wants a baby of her own. She wants Grant to get tested, but he thinks she is jumping the gun. If they are infertile, she wants to know it now, not somewhere down the road.

Sheila assures Stephanie that she is healthy and normal; she feels like she is only protecting her family. Stephanie tries to convince Sheila that she isn't a threat, but she has to admit that James thinks he has feelings for her. She promises that she will stay away from James but she can't control his feelings for her.

Lauren can't believe it! Even James is a little stunned at the prospect of having feelings for James. Lauren wants to know how this happened. James doesn't know but she moves him; he felt it the first time he kissed her. KISSED HER! She reminds James of what he is getting into by reminding him of how much trouble Eric has with her. Lauren thinks this is great; he will be better off with Stephanie than Sheila. Stephanie should be doing cartwheels; no matter what Stephanie says she must be very happy. Then why is she building a wall between us.

Sheila accuses Stephanie of making moves against her husband. She reiterates her threat. As she leaves, Sheila looks down and says, "Goodbye, Thomas. He really is so beautiful. You take care of him, Stephanie."

Macy wants to eliminate any possible problems, but Grant knows that he is all right. We need to be sure, Macy insists. Grant isn't fond of all these trips to the doctor. They are supposed to be making a baby, not doing a science project. Macy didn't enjoy all the poking and prodding either, but if it gets them the baby that they want, it will be worth it. Grant has to do this for that little soul out there just waiting to come into their lives. Grant finally gives in.

Lauren just thinks that Stephanie is only having a hard time dealing with the change in the relationship. It was unexpected but exciting; she has to adjust. It is exciting, James says. When he woke up this morning, she was the first person he thought of. When Lauren goes to wipe the mask off her face, James looks at the phone.

"What are we going to do, Thomas?" Stephanie asks as she cradles Thomas in her arms. "Sheila has really lost it. She has threatened to do something to you and I can't let that happen. The only thing to do is to stay away from James." She answers the phone and finds James at the other end. He wants to apologize for kissing her this morning and he'd like to make it up to her. "No," Stephanie says. "You and Sheila are married and have a child. I am not interested, period." She hangs up.

James tells Lauren that Stephanie hung up on him but she tells him not to give up. He won't; life has been difficult recently but he is going to turn things around. There is only one person that can do that for him. He will not let her just walk out of his life.

Stephanie gazes out over the city from her terrace. "If only I could tell you how much I care for you, but I can't do that now. There you are all alone and I'll never be able to tell you---never."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 29, 1998 on B&B

Friday, July 3, 1998

by Gladys

Taylor and Ridge are on their way home from the honeymoon. They are talking about how it would be nice to live in the plane for the rest of their lives. Since they were in St. Barts, Ridge asks if they will be naming their next child Bart.

Lauren goes to see Stephanie about James. She encourages her to go for it! Stephanie tells her that she isn't interested in James regardless of what James has told her. When Lauren continues, Stephanie says that James is a married man and she cannot get involved with him. Lauren says that this is the perfect opportunity for everyone to get what they want. She gets James, Lauren gets Eric and Looney Sheila is out of their lives. She declares that she is going to see Sheila herself and tell her what James is feeling for Stephanie. This frightens Stephanie so much that she tells her about the threats against Thomas. She also shows her the doll that Sheila sent. Before Lauren can respond, Ridge and Taylor arrive home. Immediately they go to the baby; they are overjoyed to see him again. Lauren and Stephanie exchange knowing glances.

Sheila has been shopping for dinner. James is reading when she gets home and wants to speak to her. However, Sheila has a feeling what he wants to talk about. She tells him that it will have to wait, as she has to get the food prepared before it spoils. Later, as she is going out for something she forgot, James insists on talking to her now. He tells her that last night Stephanie kissed him. Sheila acts a little upset but she doesn't blame him; instead, she thanks him for being honest with her. He then tells her that this morning he kissed Stephanie. Sheila tries to say that James isn't responsible; it was Stephanie's fault all the way. She also reminds him of his promise to always be with her and asks if he is going to keep his promise.

Stephanie tells Ridge and Taylor that Thomas was an angel! As they thank her for taking care of him, they say that they knew she would be safe here. Stephanie and Lauren exchange another look. Lauren takes this opportunity to leave; she tells Stephanie to call if she needs anything. Ridge wonders what Lauren was doing there, but Stephanie says that it was nothing for him to worry about. After they are gone Stephanie tries to convince herself that she is doing the right thing.

Stephanie answers the phone; it is Sheila. Sheila tells her that she lied about James. Stephanie says that she didn't lie, but Sheila says that James told her about today's kiss. Stephanie says that she pushed James away and told him to leave her alone. "Don't you realize how serious I am?" Sheila asks. "If you do, then you stay the hell away from him!" Stephanie promises to stay away; it won't happen again. Stephanie is frantic with worry.

Grant and Macy are at the fertility doctor's office. Grant is not happy; he is humiliated by all the testing that has been done, because he doesn't think that all this is necessary. Finally, the doctor enters the room and tells them that all of their tests are finished and the results are in. There is a problem.

Edited by SC Desk
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