Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

SC Desk
A special week of episodes featuring some of The Bold and the Beautiful
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Brooke and Taylor planned dinner parties on the same night, and each woman invited Ridge. Ridge was given an ultimatum: decide that night whom he would stay with. Ridge made his decision. Macy was surprised to find Thorne had moved in next door.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Monday, April 13, 1998

by Michael Keith

Ridge remembers Brooke's request of his presence at dinner tonight. If Ridgeshows up, Brooke will know she and Ridge will be together and they can getback to being a family. Eric stops by and says he is ok from last night'sencounter with Rush. Ridge admits he is struggling with a decision and knowshe can't put it off.

Taylor wonders if she should have given Ridge an ultimatum like Brooke did.Maggie's experience with Sheila has told her she should have fought harder forJames so she advises Taylor to fight for Ridge. Taylor says she can raiseThomas on her own but doesn't want to. Ridge sees Taylor as a strong,independent woman, but Maggie advises Taylor to give Ridge another option.Taylor heads out the door.

Brooke and Katie are planning for dinner tonight when Stephanie stops by.Stephanie blasts Brooke for giving Ridge an ultimatum when he is obviously notready to make a decision. Brooke says her children depend on Ridge and havebeen asking a lot of questions. Therefore, she felt Ridge needs to make adecision. Steph reminds Brooke that Rick and Bridget have always had thefamily's support. Stephanie feels Brooke is using her children to force Ridgeinto making a decision he is not ready to make.

Ridge wonders what he should tell Rick and Bridget. The truth, Eric advises.Brooke has made Ridge the happiest he has ever been, but Taylor is the motherof his only child and he doesn't want his boy to grow up without a mother anda father living together. Ridge meant his wedding vows to Brooke, and didn'tmarry her just because he couldn't have Taylor. Ridge knows Brooke or Taylorwill get hurt and wishes the one getting hurt was him.

Brooke tells Stephanie her dinner tonight is about Ridge making a commitment.Steph fires back by saying Brooke was the only one at their wedding who knewthe truth about Thomas' paternity, yet she vowed to Ridge to be honest whileshe was keeping that truth from him. Katie interrupts and gives the Queen apiece of her mind. Brooke reminds Steph that the decision not to tell Ridgeabout Thomas was not her choice. Honesty is always a choice, Steph says.Ridge had the right to know he was the father of Taylor's baby. Beforeleaving, Stephanie warns Brooke not to expect Ridge for dinner tonight andcertainly don't tell the children he is coming.

Taylor stops by Ridge's office. She knows he is confused but advises Ridge tomake the decision for himself, not Brooke's children or Thomas. Taylorcontinues by saying she is not belittling Rick or Bridget's needs, but Brookeis forcing the issue by giving Ridge her ultimatum. Taylor invites Ridge toher house tonight for dinner with her and Thomas. They can have the love backbeginning tonight, Taylor says. She and Thomas will be waiting.

Back at home, Taylor sets the table for dinner while Brooke sets her table.Both are sure Ridge will not let them down.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Tuesday, April 14, 1998

by Michael Keith

Brooke is getting ready for the dinner with Ridge when she calls him and tells him that Rick is determined to make it down the stairs to impress you. Brooke says she is not asking Ridge to give up Thomas, but when he walks through the door tonight, she will know Ridge is here to stay.

Taylor is also making last minute preparations when Stephanie stops by to check how things are going. Taylor admits she is nervous but this is the night she has been waiting and dreaming about. Stephanie is confident Ridge will do the right thing and choose a life with Taylor and his son. This is the perfect chance for Rick and Bridget to establish a better relationship with their real father, Eric. Stephanie leaves but wishes she could see the look on Taylor's face when Ridge shows up.

Rick tells his mother he wants to surprise Ridge tonight by being able to walk down the stairs. This is important to Rick after everything Ridge has done for he and Bridget. Rick wants to look his best and asks Brooke what Ridge would think is something cool to wear.

Bridget visits Ridge at Forrester. She fills Ridge in on what's going on in her life but admits her mother has been sad lately. Ridge assures Bridget that she will always be able to count on him because her family is so important to him.

Taylor gets a knock on her door and is disappointed when it's Maggie. Taylor says she's on edge because it is not a sure thing that Ridge will show up. Maggie advises Taylor to relax and enjoy the anticipation.

Stephanie also visits Ridge after Bridget leaves and advises him that things will get better. Steph admits Brooke makes a lot of her choices out of concern for her children, but they usually misguided. For instance, Brooke thinks Ridge is indispensable to her children. If Ridge lives with Brooke, there will be animosity between Thomas, Rick and Bridget, Steph says. If Ridge lives with Taylor and his son, Brooke's children will respect him even more for doing the right thing. Brooke's children and Thomas will relate to each other the way Ridge related to his sisters and his brother. Stephanie concludes that Rick and Bridget know Ridge loves them and will continue to love him even when he chooses to live with Taylor.

Brooke changes into a beautiful dress while Bridget comes home from Forrester. She saw Ridge, Bridget says but he didn't say anything about coming to dinner tonight. Rick walks down the stairs.

Eric and Stephanie compare notes on their talks with Ridge. Steph thinks that Eric will be the missing link in deciding which way Ridge will go. Ridge knows Eric will be there for his own children and that will tip the scale to Taylor's favor. Besides, Ridge loves his own child and Taylor. Eric thinks Ridge's decision will ultimately come down to which woman he loves more.

Ridge looks at himself in the mirror and says you know what you have to do, so go do it.

With everyone ready, all that's left is Ridge to show up. Brooke says he has to show up for the kids. The doorbell rings. Is it Ridge?

Taylor is ready for Ridge also. Everything is all set. Tonight, she and Ridge begin their life together. There's a knock on the door. Is it Ridge?

One thing is certain. Either Taylor or Brooke will be devastated.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Wednesday, April 15, 1998

by Michael Keith

Decision time for Ridge. Will he spend the rest of his life with Brooke orTaylor?

Eric advises Stephanie not to set herself up for disappointment since Ridgecould go either way. Stephanie is sure Ridge will choose a life with hisfamily and let Eric have the chance to get his young children back. Part ofEric hopes Ridge will choose Taylor. He isn't convinced Ridge will make thedecision to live with his son since Eric doesn't live with Rick or Bridget andhe has a wonderful relationship with both of them.

Taylor anticipates Ridge's arrival when there is a knock on the door. Pleaselet it be Ridge, Taylor hopes. It's James. He brought some medical journalsby he thought Taylor might like to read. Taylor is short with James andrushes him out the door since she wants to be alone with Ridge when hearrives.

Brooke nervously awaits Ridge's arrival and when the doorbell rings, Rick sayshe will answer the door to show Ridge how much he is able to get around. Rickopens the door. It's Ridge! Rick and Bridget hug him while Brooke isdelighted and thanks him for showing up. Everyone gathers around the tablefor dinner. Rick says the blessing and gives special thanks for Ridge comingtonight.

Taylor puts Thomas to bed but wishes Ridge would have gotten there beforeThomas fell asleep. There's another knock on the door and Taylor is sure itis Ridge, but it turn s out to be a messenger with an envelope. Taylor signs for it and hopes thatit is not a letter from Ridge.

Rick asks why Ridge hasn't been around much lately, but Ridge says there hasjust been a lot going on. Rick and Bridget leave to give Brooke and Ridge timealone.

Inside the envelope is a letter from Ridge. He writes that he is sorry hecouldn't make it tonight but he will explain later. Devastated, Taylor can'tbelieve Ridge has let her down again.

Eric takes a business call while Stephanie answers a call from Taylor. Taylorneeds Stephanie's support because Ridge didn't show up and couldn't makedinner tonight. Stephanie advises Taylor to stay calm and she is on her wayover.

Brooke tells Ridge how happy the children are that he is back. Ridge sayshe's back because they are a family and he wants Rick and Bridget to feel he'sthere for them. Ridge tells Brooke he loves her and that he has thought a lotof the current situation. Ridge wants what's best for everyone and is gratefulto Brooke for forcing him to make a decision. That made Ridge think of thefuture and what he needs to do. Ridge continues by praising the job Brookehas done with Rick and Bridget, but the kids are still fragile and need him intheir lives. Ridge wants to tell Rick and Bridget about Thomas and hisobligation to his son. Thomas needs me more than Rick and Bridget do, Ridgesays, and they will understand that. Ridge wants Brooke to understand thatThomas needs him more than her kids do also. Brooke wonders what exactly itis that Ridge is saying. Is Ridge bidding Brooke goodbye?

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Thursday, April 16, 1998

by Gladys

Grant is outside his new house admiring the view when Macy appears in herswimsuit. He thinks she is over dressed; she could say the same about him,but he tells her that he is planning on taking off his robe. And what do youhave on under the robe, Macy asks. Grant just smiles and Macy is shocked.This is a public beach! She says. And Taylor's house is just down the beach.Suppose she goes for a walk. Grant doesn't think Taylor is doing muchwalking these days with Thomas to care for.

Stephanie arrives at Taylor's beach house to find Taylor in tears. She readsthe letter that Ridge sent.

Ridge tells Brooke that he has to do this for his son, but he will always bethere for Brooke and the kids. Brooke doesn't want him to be just apart-time father to her children. Brooke begins to talk so much that Ridgecan't get in a word.

Taylor can't believe that Ridge would do this to her again. She thought heloved her and Thomas. Stephanie can't believe it; she was sure Ridge woulddo the right thing.

Macy can't believe Grant would do that (he took off her swimsuit in theocean), and it was an expensive swimsuit, she laughs. Grant tells her thathe is a designer and can design her as many swimsuits as she wants. Yes, butwill you let me wear them? Macy asks. When she repeats that she couldn'tbelieve he did that, he says that she wasn't saying that last night. Shewasn't talking about his sense of humor last night, she tells him.

Grant thinks that they have the perfect house; it is a nice house forraising children. Macy asks how many children he thinks he can handle and hetells her that the sky is the limit. Macy can't believe that she is finallygoing to have a family with the man she loves. They make love on the chaiseloungers by lamplight.

Ridge is sorry that he is hurting Brooke. Brooke insists that she doesn'tknow what he is trying to say. Ridge tells her that part of her has alwaysknown that if he found out about Thomas he would be telling her this. Thatis why you kept the secret, he says. Ridge tells her that he wants to be afull time father to Thomas. He is my son and I just can't leave him, Ridgesays. Brooke doesn't want to hear this but Ridge says that this is thehardest thing he has ever had to do. Brooke begs him not to decide now; shewas wrong to make him make a decision today. She asks him to give them just30 days more. If he then feels the same way then she won't try to stop him.

Macy and Grant are wondering if they have just made a little boy or littlegirl. Macy thinks she is having her first craving, but Grant thinks it is alittle early for that. But if she is the mother of his child, she can beginher cravings any time she wishes. What are you craving, he asks. A doublechocolate malt crunch sugar cone double scoop, she answers. Grant says, "Seeyou later," as he goes on his first ice cream run.

Taylor was sure that Ridge loved her and Thomas and Stephanie assures herthat he does. Then how can he stay with Brooke? She asks. He must love hermore than he loves me, she guesses. She is regretting not telling Ridgeabout the baby sooner; a year ago, he was ready to marry me, she cries. Wewould have been married and together all this time. We would have been afamily. Stephanie tells her that Ridge is making a mistake and he will cometo realize it. Realize what? That she is a liar and a manipulator? No,Taylor says, if he chooses her now after hearing about our child, thenThomas and I are alone; there is no future with him.

Brooke asks for just another week, but Ridge says that the decision hasalready been made. "NO!" Brooke cries. "I love you; I love what we have.Tonight at dinner, looking at all of you, I couldn't believe that I had tosay goodbye. But I have another family and they need me even more." Ridgetells Brooke. Brooke says that that isn't true. "And I need them. I need tobe a real father to my son. That means being there with him and being partof his life. I don't want to be just a visitor in his home." Brooke wondersif what they have built together means nothing. What about us? Ridge says itmeans everything---almost everything. Brooke can't believe this ishappening. It has nothing to do with being angry or trying to punish her.

Brooke wonders why he even bothered to come to dinner tonight. Ridge saysthat it was for Rick and Bridget; he owes them an explanation. Brookeaccuses him of letting the kids think that everything was okay; he didn'texplain anything to them. Ridge says that he will stay on long enough toexplain everything to the children and to help them adjust. Brooke says thatshe will never adjust and neither will he, because they are a part of eachother. "You just cut out my heart," she tells him. Ridge says he knows thatand he is sorry, but his life is with Taylor and his son. He tells her thathe wants an annulment.

Macy is relaxing on the lounge when she hears someone whistle. You just can't get enough of me, can you? She asks. Macy! Comes an astonished voice. Macylooks around and she is shocked. It is Thorne; he tells her that he liveshere. He just rented the house next door!

Brooke is shocked; an annulment! She can't believe that Ridge wants to annultheir marriage. He says that there is no other way. Love is not alwaysenough, he tells her, sadly. Brooke tries to convince him that this is wrongfor her, for the children, but most of all for Taylor and Thomas. How can hebe a good husband and father when his heart belongs somewhere else. Ridgesays he would agree if he didn't also have feelings for Taylor, but he hasloved her all along. Brooke reminds him of their vows, and predicts thatTaylor will soon see that he meant those vows of love. Ridge doesn't want totalk about Taylor with Brooke. He tells her to get Katie to be with her soshe doesn't have to go through this alone. He then tells her that he has togo now. She follows him to the door shouting, "Oh, Ridge; oh, Ridge." Comingback into the house, she tries to ascend the stairs, but she collapses onthe stairs sobbing and crying out Ridge's name.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 13, 1998 on B&B

Friday, April 17, 1998

by Gladys

Brooke sits alone, crying. Katie comes in and wonders what is the matter.Ridge left me; he is going to Taylor. "No," Katie says, "he came to dinner.I thought that meant he was staying with you." Brooke says that that iswhat she thought, but Ridge left her. He said that his decision was thebest for everyone.

Taylor is crying. "I can't believe he could give us up. I thought hereally loved Thomas and he said he loved me." Stephanie doesn't know why hechose Brooke, but she is going to find out. Taylor tells her to leave italone; don't get involved. I'm already involved. He is my son and that ismy grandson. Taylor tells Stephanie that if she were alone, she could havelived without Ridge. But now that she has Thomas, she will always bereminded of Ridge. There is a knock at the door; Stephanie looks out andsays, "My God, Taylor; it is Ridge." Taylor tells her that she doesn't wantto see him.

Sally thanks Darla for sitting with C.J. to make sure he didn't "try to breakout." Darla wonders how long C.J. will be grounded and Sally tells her that grounded from two to ten years for drag racing. She hopes that is enoughtime for him to think.

Thorne says he came to celebrate with his new neighbors; he didn't know thatwould be Macy and Grant. Macy wants him to get out of his lease and Thorneagrees. He can't see how this arrangement will work out. Noticing thatMacy is using her robe to cover herself, he guesses that she wasn'texpecting him either!

Sally and Darla are talking about Thorne. Darla reminds Sally that she usedto like him, but Sally says that was only because he was married to herdaughter. She thought he cherished Macy and was going to make her happy.She thought he had escaped the family curse. "What curse," asks Darla.Sally says that a famous magician put a curse on the Forrester's making itimpossible for the Forrester's to be happy; for them to always ruin thelives of their mates, making it impossible for them to have a decent lifewith the one that they love. I guess I should be grateful to Thorne forletting my daughter go and for leaving her in such a cruel way, because sheis definitely doing much better without him, she says..

Macy tells him to turn around, but he says they were once married; he's seenher without clothes. She tells him to turn around anyway. He says that heis going to hate giving up that house next door; it was perfect. He askswhat she did with the condo and she tells him that she sold it. He wouldn'thave wanted it anyway, too many memories, he says. Thorne apologizes forintruding on her honeymoon.

Grant has returned, but he stands outside listening to their conversation.

Thorne asks about the wedding; he is sorry he couldn't stay. He shouldn'thave been there in the first place, but he hopes Grant wasn't upset at hisshowing up. Macy admits that she didn't tell Grant.

"Then why did he even show up?" Katie asks. Brooke tells Katie that Ridgeonly showed up because Rick was counting on him. "How could he just sitthrough dinner and not say a thing? How could he do this to you?" Brookanswers, "He told me that he loved me and didn't want to leave; he said thathe was only leaving for the baby." Katie says that he doesn't have toleave to be a father to the baby. "I know, and that is what I told him,"Brooke says. "But he said that he loves Taylor. He doesn't love her in thesame way as he loves me, he said, but he loves her. Oh, Katie. How am Igoing to tell the children; how am I going to tell them that he is gone?"

Stephanie tells Ridge that Taylor doesn't want to speak to him and "you don't want to talk to me either because I am so angry at you. It would be bestif you just went home!" Ridge tells her, while looking at Taylor, that hewants to explain. Taylor turns her back. Stephanie asks if he had dinnerat Brooke's. When he admits that he did, she says that that is all Taylorneeds to hear. "How could you choose that woman over Taylor and your son?"she asks. Still, she adds, he is a grown man and can make any choice hewants to make, but having made it, he should leave Taylor alone. Ridge saysthat this is between him and Taylor; please leave, Mother he says. Ridgetells Taylor that he has to talk to her. If she won't listen to him now, hewill camp out on her front porch until she will listen. Taylor tells him togo ahead and say what he came to say. Ridge asks Stephanie to leave andgive them some privacy. Stephanie asks if that is what Taylor wants.Taylor says she will be all right; go ahead and she will call her later.Stephanie gives her son a hard look and leaves.

Katie can't believe Ridge would do this to Brooke; she knows that Ridgeloves her so much. So what if he had a baby with Taylor; that can't eraseeverything he had with Brooke. Brooke says that he only felt obligated, butKatie says that he and Brooke belong together. They are a family; anyonecan see that. Not everybody, Brooke answers. Not Stephanie and not Taylor.Then they are clueless, Katie proclaims. And Ridge is making a terriblemistake. The man adores you, that is so obvious. I know he thinks he isdoing what is right for Taylor and Thomas, but this is the worse thing hecan do for his son because he is going to realize that he can't live withouther. You cannot let him go through with this, she says.

Ridge puts his hand on Taylor's shoulder, but she pulls away. "Let's getthis over with," she says. "Man, I should have handled this differently,"Ridge says.

"Would it have mattered?" Taylor asks. "Because anyway you cut it, I amgoing to be raising my son by myself." "No you won't" Ridge tells her.Taylor says, "Oh, right! You will always be there for Thomas. You probablythink I should be happy with that, but I am not. I love you." Ridge triesto tell her that that isn't what he is there to tell her, but Taylorcontinues to talk. "I am tired of this constant rejection, Ridge. I justwant to know one thing, where is the man who told me he would never leave meand that nothing would ever come between us?"

I am right here, Ridge tells her. "Then what was that man doing at Brooke'stonight," Taylor wants to know. Ridge says that the children needed himtonight. "Don't even tell me that your father's children needed you andthat is the reason you are staying with Brooke!" Taylor tells him. Ridgesays, "No, I am not telling you that. Will you please listen to me. Brooke's kids don't even know that Thomas is my child. They have no idea of whatis going on other than that I haven't been staying there. They are scared.If I hadn't shown up tonight, Brooke would have had to answer all thosequestions alone---and she didn't have all the answers."

"So you went to Brooke's for Rick and Bridget's sake?" Taylor asks. "That,and to tell Brook my decision," Ridge answers. "I told her that I wouldstay there long enough to let the kids understand," Ridge says.

"Understand what?" Taylor asks. Ridge answers. "That my place is not withthem; it is with you, Taylor, you and our son." Taylor is astounded. "Me!Oh my God!" Ridge tells her, "Yes, yes, you!" She grabs him and holds himas tight as she can.

Katie says that Brooke has to convince Ridge that marrying Taylor is notgoing to help Thomas, not when he really wants to be here with Brooke. Hewill never be able to forget you; Taylor has to know that. That child willbe raised in an atmosphere of tension, bitterness and arguments. Brookeagrees, but doesn't know how to get through to him. Katie tells her thatshe just has to keep trying. Brooke says she has gone through too much tolose Ridge now.

Taylor can't believe it! "You mean you are going to stay with Thomas andme? We are going to be a family?" Ridge answers, "Yes, Doc, we are afamily." They kiss and Taylor starts crying. "Why did you make me thinkthat you didn't want me?" She asks. Ridge says that he didn't want to tellher on the phone; he thought he would be back to the beach house sooner."So Brooke knows?" Taylor asks. "What did you say to her." Ridge answersthat he told Brooke that he was a man with two families, but one needed himso much more than the other.

Taylor tells him that his decision can't be made on what she and Thomaswant, but what will be right for him. Ridge says that he has wanted to be afather for so long; now that he is a father, he doesn't want to do ithalfway. He wants his son to grow up with two parents in the same house wholove him. That is all that matters. Taylor disagrees. While she isthrilled that he cares for Thomas so much, he can't be the only reason forthem to be a family. Ridge tries to speak, but Taylor tells him to wait andlet her finish. She tells him that his happiness and hers are alsoimportant. She says that she can't be happy that he is with them if. . . if.. . Ridge interrupts. "Wait, hold on here. Do you remember the night thatwe conceived our beautiful little boy? Remember us talking about all ourdreams; remember all the plans that we made? A lot has changed since then;we have hurt each other, but the way I feel about you, Taylor that hasn'tchanged. I still want it; I want it all!" Taylor "You mean we are going tobe a family me you and the baby". They come together with hugs and kisses;Taylor is laughing and crying all at once. She is so happy!

Brooke is alone once again. "I can't give up. I am going to have you back,Ridge. I AM NOT GOING TO LET MY MARRIAGE END!"

Edited by SC Desk
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