Sheila offered James a way out of their engagement, and James and his accomplices set up a scheme to prove that Sheila was an unfit mother. Ridge and Brooke decided to hold off getting married until they found Eric. Lauren and Eric couldn't figure out if they'd been rescued or captured.

Monday, November 17, 1997
by Michael Keith
Still no word about Eric, Ridge and Brooke decide not to tell the kids untilthey know something for sure. Instead they decide to tell the kids of theirengagement. Once Ridge and Brooke inform Rick and Bridget of theirengagement, Bridget is happy but Rick is more reserved. He's been down thisroad before. Ridge and Brooke were suppose to get married last year, butthat didn't happen. Ridge stresses what he really wants is for the four ofthem to be a family.
Doctor Santana informs Taylor he blood pressure is down and if it continuesto stabilize, she might be able to get out of bed. Taylor tells Thorne but hehas news of his own: Eric's plane crashed and there is no word yet if Ericis alive.
While calling for help, Rush disconnects the battery from the radio andpretends he is still trying for help. He says he can't get through becauseof the storm and will have to wait until after the storm blows over. Eric isworried about what his family must be going through. Lauren thinks they arelucky they did not crash in the ocean. After Rush takes off, Eric tries theradio himself and when he can't get any power, he realizes the radio doesn'thave a battery.
Thorne fills in Taylor about Eric. Thorne says this crash brings into focushow precious life is and they should make the most of the time they have.With Taylor's health improving and Ridge and Brooke engaged, Thorne thinksthis is the perfect time for he and Taylor to get married. Taylor doesn'twant to rush into marriage. Thorne gets upset with Taylor's indecision aboutwhen she wants to marry. Is he suppose to wait forever? Thorne storms outof the house. What if the baby never gets to know it's grandfather, Taylorsays. Taylor wonders what Ridge must be going through and after picking upthe phone to call him, she puts it down.
Lauren wants to know why this guy saved them if he does not want them to befound? Eric doesn't know what Rush is after but realizes if he kills them,no one would know...
Ridge and Brooke realize Rick is cautious of being happy for them because hehas faced so many disappointments already in his life. Who could blame him?If Eric is dead, Ridge knows he could never take the place of their father,even though he is like a second father to them. Still, it's not the same asbeing a real father, something Ridge has always dreamed about. Ridge says hewants a child of his own to carry on his legacy. Even though he has neverhad children of his own, Ridge says the reason might be because he is supposeto give his full attention to Rick and Bridget.
Taylor gets a call from Ridge looking for Thorne. Taylor asks how Ridge isdoing and when he is comforting everyone else, remember to take care ofhimself.

Tuesday, November 18, 1997
by Michael Keith
Eric and Lauren wonder what Rush has in store for them when Rush comes infrom the cold. Rush can tell Eric and Lauren are suspicious of him anddemands to know why. Eric says they know about the radio being dead, andwonder why he had to lie about it. Rush says his rules are what's keepingthem alive and if they don't like it, they can go back to where he foundthem. Rush explains he took the battery out of the radio to save power afterhe made the call. Eric apologizes for being suspicious of Rush's motives,but still does not trust him.
After viewing the tape James has on Sheila, she realizes that tape is notenough to prove Sheila is an unfit mother. With James and Sheila's weddingslated for tomorrow, Maggie wants the wedding postponed until they can getmore proof. James considers that he might have been wrong about Sheila. He hasbeen living with Sheila for a month and she has shown no signs of putting thebaby in any kind of danger. Conner has an idea that might be James andMaggie's last hope of getting their daughter back.
Sheila gets a surprise visit from Mike. He came to check on Sheila when heheard the news of her wedding. Mike doesn't think James loves her. The onlyreason James is being nice is because he wants something, Mike explains.James' father, Damian arrives in time for the wedding. Damian is happy tosee Sheila and congratulates her on her finally winning James' heart. Sheilaadmits she is not sure James really loves her. Something just doesn't feelright, Sheila says.
Conner's idea is to make Margaret an inconvenience to Sheila. The plan isbefore the wedding, Amber, who is supposed to watch Margaret during theceremony, to leave and not make it back to the church on time. This willforce Sheila to wait until Amber gets back to the house since she will not beable to take Margaret to the church because the car seat will be with Amber.This will make Sheila choose between her own happiness or putting the baby'sneeds first. If Sheila leaves the house without the baby, it will beabandonment. If Sheila heads to the church with Margaret but without the carseat, that is against the law and Maggie will be there waiting to have Sheilaarrested.
Lauren notices a notebook full of pages something Rush has typed. Rushcathches her and demands she stop what she is looking at. Lauren asks whathe is writing. A novel, poetry, Rush explains. Rush gets hot and takes offhis shirt while Lauren watches.
James is leery about trapping Sheila. Maggie explains Sheila will have theoption not to leave the house with Margaret without a car seat. Maggiethinks Sheila will put her needs before the baby's and leave Margaret byherself. That is what makes Sheila unfit. Maggie realizes James might havereservations about tricking a former patient of his but poses this question:who is more important, Sheila or their baby?
When James returns home, he is happy to see his father. Sheila has aquestion though. She asks James if he is being completely honest with her.Is this marriage based on truth and love for life? Or is it based onsomething else? Sheila wants to know if James really loves her.

Wednesday, November 19, 1997
by Michael Keith
James wants to know why Sheila is suspicious of his professed love for her.Six weeks ago, you were ready to condemn me, now you want to marry me,Sheila explains. It seems a bit of a stretch that James' feelings couldchanged in such a short amount of time. Sheila says its not too late forJames to tell her if he doesn't really love her. Everything James has saidto her the past few weeks has been great, Sheila continues. She is just hasto wonder if this bliss is real. It's almost too perfect.
Sheila's mother, Molly arrives in LA and is greeted by James' father, Damian.They talk about their children and the upcoming wedding while Molly holdsher granddaughter. Damian seems to feel somewhat hesitant about theJames/Sheila union, but does not express his concern to Molly.
Maggie is not worried so much about their plan, but if James can actually gothrough with what they are planning. Since Sheila used to be one of James'patients, their plan to fool Sheila goes against James' ethics. Sometimesyou have to throw ethics out the window if it's for a good cause, Amberjustifies. Still the heart of the plan is to deceive Sheila, and Maggie isnot sure James can go against his ethics.
Macy explains to Sally that the reason she is upset is because Grant proposedgoing to bed together, not marriage. Macy admits the night was beautifuluntil Grant asked her to go to bed with him and not ask Macy to marry him.Macy was so sure Grant was going to ask her to marry him.
The reason Sheila says she has changed is because she feels love and securityfrom James. That is why she loves him so much. Sheila admits she nevershould have given her baby to Maggie and apologizes for that. If there is aplan to get Mary back to Maggie, Sheila wants to know. She explains if theydon't marry, James will still be able to see his daughter. But is Maggie isthe woman he truly wants, Sheila wants to know now. James lies and says hewants Sheila to be his wife. Sheila is delighted. The wedding is tomorrow.
Thursday, November 20, 1997
Sheila is praying. She thanks God for such a beautiful day and for whatis about to happen: her wedding. She lovingly greets her mother andDamon, who tells her that after today, she will be calling him Father.He has brought her a wedding gift. It is the wedding gown that his ownwife, Mary, wore at their wedding.
James walks into Maggie's house. He apologizes for taking that libertybut she reminds him that it is his home too. He tells her that theyneed to talk.
"You are having second thoughts," she accuses him. She tells him thatthey cannot back down now. They have to get their baby from thatlunatic. He has to put aside his scruples for once to get what theyboth want.
James tells Maggie that Sheila is so positive and hopeful. But Maggiedoesn't care. She says that Sheila is a liar and a manipulator andright now she is using all her powers on him to get her own way. Justlook at her past, she tells him. We were good to her. We moved herinto our home and saw to it that she got good prenatal care. And howdoes she thank us? Does she let us have that beautiful baby? No, shetook the baby back. She is selfish and cruel. James tries to reasonwith his ex-wife. Sheila is not manipulating him. She just could notgive up her baby and she acted within the law to get the baby back.
Maggie tells him that they cannot gamble with the life of a child.James has to bend the rules, lie, do whatever he has to do to get thatchild back. "Either we do as we planned or you marry that bitch. Whichis it going to be?"
Ridge is trying to keep his mind on work when Brooke enters. There hasbeen no news, he tells her. His father couldn't have crashed into aworse environment. Brooke tells him that she has canceled the weddingbut he tells her that it isn't canceled, only postponed. They agreethat they must focus all their attention on getting Eric back.
When Amber returns home and joins Sheila, Damon, and Molly, they wonderif she knows where James is. She exclaims over the gown and asks if shewill wear it tonight. That will be James' decision, Sheila tells them.
"Okay," James tells Maggie. "We will go through with the plan." Theythen go over the plan in detail. Amber will call Sheila and tell herthat she is stuck in traffic. Sheila will either have to stay at homewith the baby and miss the wedding, or she will leave the baby alone andgo to the wedding. Maggie will be watching the house with the agentfrom Child Protective Services. They will go in and remove the baby.
"What if she stays with the baby?" James asks.
"She won't," Maggie assures James. "I guarantee Sheila will not put offthe marriage."
But if she does stay with the baby, James says, then we will come cleanand tell her about the test. We will tell her everything.
James returns home. He is stunned to see Sheila with his mother'swedding gown. When Damon tells his son that it is up to him whetherSheila wears the dress he bought for her or this gown, James immediatelytells him that Sheila will wear his mother's gown.
Sheila tells him that this is his last chance to back out, but he tellsher that he is ready. This is what he wants. You won't regret it,Sheila promises him.
"Tonight it ends," declares Maggie. "Tonight your best day will turninto your worse night and no one deserves it more. I will get my babyand husband back. Tonight I get them both back."
Friday, November21, 1997
Amber walks in and finds Sheila smiling to herself. I just can't stopsmiling, she tells her friend. I have dreamed of this day for so longand it has finally arrived. I can't remember ever being so happy!
Maggie and Connor are talking. My husband and baby will be hometonight, she tells her lawyer. Tonight Sheila will suffer the biggestdisaster of her life.
We need to go over the plans again, Connor tells her. They summarizewhat they plan to do and what the outcome will be. As they get to thepart where she claims her baby and calls Conner so that he can call offthe disaster of a wedding, the phone rings. It is James; he is havingsecond thoughts.
"You have to stay strong," Maggie tells her ex husband. You have tothink about the baby. You cannot leave her in harms way.
"That is just it; I am not so sure she is "in harms way." James tellsher. Maggie recites Sheila's crimes and tells him that he has toprotect his child. As she hangs up, Conner realizes that James' resolveis weakening. He has to get over there!
Amber tells James that this is going to destroy Sheila. "Does shereally deserve this?" she wants to know.
Before James can answer, Molly and his father enter the room dressed intheir finery. As Sheila comes down the stairs in her dressing gown,Damon orders her back upstairs. Don't you know it is bad luck for thegroom to see the bride on the wedding day?
But Sheila tells her father-to-be that she feels like the luckiest girlin the world. She is getting the man she loves and she has never beenso happy.
Amber interrupts to say she needs something from the store. She won'tbe long; she will be back in time to help Sheila dress. Just as Amberleaves, Connor arrives. He in introduced to Molly and Damon but he saysthey need to leave for the church. Molly wants to wait with Sheila, butshe tells her mother to go on ahead; Amber will be back soon.
Maggie answers the door and lets Lucy Grimes, the CPS agent into thehouse. Lucy says she has been reading Sheila's file and it is hard tobelieve all that is in there. "Oh it is true," Maggie assures her."That woman is incapable of raising a child." Lucy is hesitant toaccept that from a stranger, but Maggie assures that she will prove ittonight.
As they enter the church, Molly exclaims at the beauty of the chapel.Damon says it is the perfect setting for an intimate wedding. He asksif James chose the church, but James tells them that it was Sheila whofound the church and made the arrangements. He turns to Connor andtells him he would like to speak to him in private. They head out tothe Groom's Room.
James tells Conner that what they are doing isn't right. He isdeceiving a patient. Conner tells him that what he is doing is assuringa safe and secure environment for his baby. The baby belongs with himand Maggie. He gets a call; it is Maggie. They are on their way toSheila's house. She asks how James is and Conner tells her that heisn't sure. He then turns to James and tells him that he has tosacrifice his professional ethics for the sake of the child; he cannotsacrifice his child.
As Sheila is getting ready, she talks to her baby. She tells Mary theplans that she has. I'm going to marry your father. She then looks atthe time and wonders where Amber is.
Connor is telling James to be a parent first when Amber enters theroom. She is having trouble making the call. Connor reminds her thatthey are talking about the future of an innocent, vulnerable child. Shecalls Sheila and tells her that she has had a break down. She will bethere as soon as possible. She then encourages Sheila to leave the babyand come on to the church. It won't be for long, she assures Sheila.No, Sheila says. She will wait. Conner is disappointed when Ambertells him that Sheila isn't going to leave the baby.
Back at the house, Sheila looks lovingly at her baby and tells her thatshe couldn't leave her all alone.
Outside, Molly and Damon are wondering why it is taking so long. Theminister tells them that time is limited. There is another weddingscheduled right after this one.
Maggie and Lucy park outside Sheila's house. The agent wants to go in,but Maggie tells her to wait. Why? Maggie tells her that she will knowsoon.
Connor tells Amber to call Sheila and tell her that she is on her way.I can't, Amber tells him. Sheila is a bomb just waiting to explode,Conner reminds her. She calls.
"I will be there in a few minutes," she tells Sheila. "Just go ahead tothe church. I will be there in no time. When Sheila protests, Ambertells her to "Just do it. GO!"
Lucy tells Maggie that she has s full work load. She cannot afford tospend time sitting in cars. Maggie begs her to wait just a littlelonger. Just then, the door of the house opens and Sheila, dressed inher wedding dress, exits the house.
"There she is!" exclaims a triumphant Maggie. "Got her!"

Thursday, November 20, 1997
by Gladys
Sheila is praying. She thanks God for such a beautiful day and for whatis about to happen: her wedding. She lovingly greets her mother andDamon, who tells her that after today, she will be calling him Father.He has brought her a wedding gift. It is the wedding gown that his ownwife, Mary, wore at their wedding.
James walks into Maggie's house. He apologizes for taking that libertybut she reminds him that it is his home too. He tells her that theyneed to talk.
"You are having second thoughts," she accuses him. She tells him thatthey cannot back down now. They have to get their baby from thatlunatic. He has to put aside his scruples for once to get what theyboth want.
James tells Maggie that Sheila is so positive and hopeful. But Maggiedoesn't care. She says that Sheila is a liar and a manipulator andright now she is using all her powers on him to get her own way. Justlook at her past, she tells him. We were good to her. We moved herinto our home and saw to it that she got good prenatal care. And howdoes she thank us? Does she let us have that beautiful baby? No, shetook the baby back. She is selfish and cruel. James tries to reasonwith his ex-wife. Sheila is not manipulating him. She just could notgive up her baby and she acted within the law to get the baby back.
Maggie tells him that they cannot gamble with the life of a child.James has to bend the rules, lie, do whatever he has to do to get thatchild back. "Either we do as we planned or you marry that bitch. Whichis it going to be?"
Ridge is trying to keep his mind on work when Brooke enters. There hasbeen no news, he tells her. His father couldn't have crashed into aworse environment. Brooke tells him that she has canceled the weddingbut he tells her that it isn't canceled, only postponed. They agreethat they must focus all their attention on getting Eric back.
When Amber returns home and joins Sheila, Damon, and Molly, they wonderif she knows where James is. She exclaims over the gown and asks if shewill wear it tonight. That will be James' decision, Sheila tells them.
"Okay," James tells Maggie. "We will go through with the plan." Theythen go over the plan in detail. Amber will call Sheila and tell herthat she is stuck in traffic. Sheila will either have to stay at homewith the baby and miss the wedding, or she will leave the baby alone andgo to the wedding. Maggie will be watching the house with the agentfrom Child Protective Services. They will go in and remove the baby.
"What if she stays with the baby?" James asks.
"She won't," Maggie assures James. "I guarantee Sheila will not put offthe marriage."
But if she does stay with the baby, James says, then we will come cleanand tell her about the test. We will tell her everything.
James returns home. He is stunned to see Sheila with his mother'swedding gown. When Damon tells his son that it is up to him whetherSheila wears the dress he bought for her or this gown, James immediatelytells him that Sheila will wear his mother's gown.
Sheila tells him that this is his last chance to back out, but he tellsher that he is ready. This is what he wants. You won't regret it,Sheila promises him.
"Tonight it ends," declares Maggie. "Tonight your best day will turninto your worse night and no one deserves it more. I will get my babyand husband back. Tonight I get them both back."

Friday, November21, 1997
by Gladys
Amber walks in and finds Sheila smiling to herself. I just can't stopsmiling, she tells her friend. I have dreamed of this day for so longand it has finally arrived. I can't remember ever being so happy!
Maggie and Connor are talking. My husband and baby will be hometonight, she tells her lawyer. Tonight Sheila will suffer the biggestdisaster of her life.
We need to go over the plans again, Connor tells her. They summarizewhat they plan to do and what the outcome will be. As they get to thepart where she claims her baby and calls Conner so that he can call offthe disaster of a wedding, the phone rings. It is James; he is havingsecond thoughts.
"You have to stay strong," Maggie tells her ex husband. You have tothink about the baby. You cannot leave her in harms way.
"That is just it; I am not so sure she is "in harms way." James tellsher. Maggie recites Sheila's crimes and tells him that he has toprotect his child. As she hangs up, Conner realizes that James' resolveis weakening. He has to get over there!
Amber tells James that this is going to destroy Sheila. "Does shereally deserve this?" she wants to know.
Before James can answer, Molly and his father enter the room dressed intheir finery. As Sheila comes down the stairs in her dressing gown,Damon orders her back upstairs. Don't you know it is bad luck for thegroom to see the bride on the wedding day?
But Sheila tells her father-to-be that she feels like the luckiest girlin the world. She is getting the man she loves and she has never beenso happy.
Amber interrupts to say she needs something from the store. She won'tbe long; she will be back in time to help Sheila dress. Just as Amberleaves, Connor arrives. He in introduced to Molly and Damon but he saysthey need to leave for the church. Molly wants to wait with Sheila, butshe tells her mother to go on ahead; Amber will be back soon.
Maggie answers the door and lets Lucy Grimes, the CPS agent into thehouse. Lucy says she has been reading Sheila's file and it is hard tobelieve all that is in there. "Oh it is true," Maggie assures her."That woman is incapable of raising a child." Lucy is hesitant toaccept that from a stranger, but Maggie assures that she will prove ittonight.
As they enter the church, Molly exclaims at the beauty of the chapel.Damon says it is the perfect setting for an intimate wedding. He asksif James chose the church, but James tells them that it was Sheila whofound the church and made the arrangements. He turns to Connor andtells him he would like to speak to him in private. They head out tothe Groom's Room.
James tells Conner that what they are doing isn't right. He isdeceiving a patient. Conner tells him that what he is doing is assuringa safe and secure environment for his baby. The baby belongs with himand Maggie. He gets a call; it is Maggie. They are on their way toSheila's house. She asks how James is and Conner tells her that heisn't sure. He then turns to James and tells him that he has tosacrifice his professional ethics for the sake of the child; he cannotsacrifice his child.
As Sheila is getting ready, she talks to her baby. She tells Mary theplans that she has. I'm going to marry your father. She then looks atthe time and wonders where Amber is.
Connor is telling James to be a parent first when Amber enters theroom. She is having trouble making the call. Connor reminds her thatthey are talking about the future of an innocent, vulnerable child. Shecalls Sheila and tells her that she has had a break down. She will bethere as soon as possible. She then encourages Sheila to leave the babyand come on to the church. It won't be for long, she assures Sheila.No, Sheila says. She will wait. Conner is disappointed when Ambertells him that Sheila isn't going to leave the baby.
Back at the house, Sheila looks lovingly at her baby and tells her thatshe couldn't leave her all alone.
Outside, Molly and Damon are wondering why it is taking so long. Theminister tells them that time is limited. There is another weddingscheduled right after this one.
Maggie and Lucy park outside Sheila's house. The agent wants to go in,but Maggie tells her to wait. Why? Maggie tells her that she will knowsoon.
Connor tells Amber to call Sheila and tell her that she is on her way.I can't, Amber tells him. Sheila is a bomb just waiting to explode,Conner reminds her. She calls.
"I will be there in a few minutes," she tells Sheila. "Just go ahead tothe church. I will be there in no time. When Sheila protests, Ambertells her to "Just do it. GO!"
Lucy tells Maggie that she has s full work load. She cannot afford tospend time sitting in cars. Maggie begs her to wait just a littlelonger. Just then, the door of the house opens and Sheila, dressed inher wedding dress, exits the house.
"There she is!" exclaims a triumphant Maggie. "Got her!"

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