Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

A judge ordered the Warricks to return Mary to Sheila. Lauren told Eric that Sally had been behind the picture in the Bible, and Sally was showing his designs in her collection. At Sally's fashion show, Grant took all the credit for the designs. Eric leaped at Grant, but security dragged Eric off.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

Monday, September 22, 1997

by Soap Central

Sheila surprises Maggie when she barges in her house demanding she get herbaby back. Maggie tries to calm Sheila down but Sheila won't give in.Sheila demands either Maggie bring Margaret to her, or she will get herherself. I am the one who brought Margaret into the world, Sheila remindsMaggie. Yes, but you gave her up, Maggie counters. Sheila admits that was amistake and she is here to correct that mistake. When Maggie doesn't move,Sheila tries to get past her but they wind up trading blows.

Brooke is happy to see Thorne when he stops by her office. She asks him howthings are with he and Taylor. Brooke can't wait until Stephanie finds outabout Thorne and Taylor because she was so convinced Taylor was in love withRidge. Brooke admits Thorne must be quite a stud to be able to take Tayloraway from Ridge. Thorne turns the table and asks how things are with Brookeand Ridge. Brooke fills in Thorne on the time she spent with him at BigBear. She also has something in the works that will enable her to spend moretime with Ridge, but Thorne will have to wait until the board meeting to findout what. After Thorne leaves, Brooke asks Megan to setup the itinerary fora trip to Paris, Tokyo, and Milan. Megan asks who is going on the trip.Ridge and I are going, Brooke responds.

Stephanie asks Taylor if she is really carrying Thorne's baby. Taylorinsists she is doing the right thing for herself and the baby and doesn'twant to talk about it. If you slept with Thorne that was a mistake, one thatcan be forgiven, Stephanie suggests. It was no mistake, Taylor says. Stephfinds it hard to believe that Taylor would sleep with Thorne while in lovewith his brother. You don't have to marry Thorne just because you slept withhim one time, Steph informs. In the long run, marrying Thorne will onlybring everyone involved pain, Steph continues.

Maggie and Sheila are throwing punches and rolling around when James bustsin. They stop fighting and Sheila admits she tried to live without her babybut she is her daughter and she needs her back. You're not ready to have achild and you're not taking our child out of this house, Maggie screams.James agrees and offers to help Sheila but states she is not leaving thehouse with Margaret. "I have my right," Sheila says. "It hasn't been sixmonths and I am going to get Mary back." Sheila storms out and James asksAmber to go with her to keep an eye on her. We have to do something, Maggieimplores. We can't lose our baby!

Stephanie says she realizes Taylor was vulnerable in Hawaii with Thorne andthat things happen, but that's life. Steph offers to help Taylor and Ridgeget their life back on track. Ridge loves you and wants a future with you,Stephanie reminds Taylor. You don't love Thorne and can't marry him, shecontinues. It's not your decision, Taylor says. How am I destroying my lifeby marrying Thorne, Taylor asks, Ridge has Brooke. To marry Thorne would beirresponsible and foolish, Steph says. Ridge has already divorced me onceand Brooke said to my face she is going after Ridge, Taylor informs. Howmuch self-respect should I sacrifice this time? Again, Stephanie says you canfill yourself with rage and bitterness, but Thorne will never fulfill you theway Ridge can. There are lots of reasons to marry someone, Taylor says,including friendship and loyalty.

Thorne walks in on Stephanie and Taylor. Stephanie tells Thorne what she hasbeen saying to Taylor: you two will never work out because Taylor is in lovewith Ridge. Ridge only brings her pain and rejection, so what is so wrongwith trying to start a new life with someone else, Thorne asks his mother.Besides, Ridge will never get over Brooke. Thorne asks Stephanie to leaveand says if she wants to be a part of her grandchild's life, she is going tohave to accept he and Taylor together.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, September 23, 1997

by Soap Central

Lauren phones Eric wanting to explain what happen at the wedding but he wantsnothing to do with her. Eric finds Stephanie and wants to patch things upwith her. Eric vows not to let one stupid mistake ruin everything they had.Stephanie doesn't want to talk about the aborted wedding and fills Eric inon the news of Taylor's pregnancy. By the way, Steph mentions, it's Thorne'sbaby.

Thorne, Brooke, and Ridge are upset that they can't find the collection fortheir upcoming fashion show. They don't know what they will do if Grant doesnot give back the collection.

At Spectra, everyone is busy getting ready for their showing. Sally issending out invitations to the Forresters. They will be stunned to learnthat Grant is the new head designer of Spectra. Macy worries about thelegality of showing Grant's collection since he designed them while workingat Forrester.

Brooke informs Ridge that Eric hired a private detective to find the missingcollection but so far he has not found anything. Brooke also wants Ridge toready for the meeting. Something is going to come up in the meeting that youmight not like, Brooke warns Ridge.

Eric is stunned to learn Taylor is pregnant with Thorne's child. Steph saysTaylor feels secure with Thorne, and Steph can relate to the way Taylorfeels. Afterall, loyalty is very important to a woman. Eric apologizesagain for sleeping with Lauren and asks if there is anything he can do tomake it up to her.

Sally wants Eric and Stephanie to have an unobstructed view at the Spectrashowing. Lauren wants to speak to Sally about what happened at Eric andStephanie's wedding. Sally admits she planted the picture in the minister'sBible for Lauren's own good. Besides, she loves to see Stephanie squirm,Sally admits. Lauren is upset because Eric thinks she is the one who plantedthe picture. Both have a laugh over Stephanie throwing Lauren in the pool.In a round about way, Lauren thanks Sally for stopping the wedding.Stephanie had her chance, Lauren says. Now she is going to make the mostout of her opportunity to win Eric back, Lauren promises.

Tempers flare when all the Forresters gather for a meeting. Steph tries tocalm down Ridge and Thorne. Eric reminds everyone why they are having ameeting: to find out what they are going to do about a collection thisseason. Forrester is one of the biggest fashion houses in the world and ifthey don't have a collection this season, by this time next year, they couldbe out of business.

Sally is glad Lauren is going after Eric again. Sally admits she is planninganother surprise for the Forresters and introduces Grant as the new headdesigner of Spectra. Grant has given Spectra a collection that is sobrilliant, it is going to put Spectra on the map with the biggest fashionhouses in the world, Sally promises. Lauren wonders if Eric's missingcollection is the one Sally is planning on showing.

Eric reports the private detective found nothing while looking for themissing collection. The Forresters realize Grant stole their collection butdo not realize Grant is working at Spectra. They vow to find to designswithin the next few hours.

Sally gives her crew a pep talk before their showing. This collection isgoing to give Spectra the power, success, and glory it so rightfullydeserves. Spectra will be on top of the fashion world after the showing,Sally promises. Not only is Spectra going to take over the USA, but Spectrais about to take over the world!!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, September 24, 1997

by Soap Central

Everyone at Spectra is getting ready for the fashion show. Sally makes surethat two seats on the front row are left open for Eric and Stephanie. Howappropriate that Eric and Stephanie will be there to watch Spectra greatshowing, Sally says.

Brooke admits she does not know what Grant might have done with theircollection. Eric and Ridge feel awful for hiring Grant in the first place.Brooke has a solution she says Stephanie won't like. Brooke proposes anitinerary to every major market Forrester sells to: New York, Paris, Milan.With each market, Brooke suggests an all out publicity tour complete withbillboards, magazine covers. The two people she suggests go on this sixmonths publicity tour are, (surprise) she and Ridge.

Grant and Macy get ready for Spectra's big showing. Grant thanks Macy forher support while he has been working at Spectra and says nothing would bepossible without her. Later, Grant gives the models a pep talk and says thisis the year Spectra make it's mark on the fashion industry. Grant is adamantthe show not begin until the Forresters arrive.

Sally can't wait for the moment of truth. Nothing is going to get in the wayof Spectra's big showing, not even the Forresters, Sally says.

Clarke joins the Forrester meeting. Thorne and Brooke both want to hire him,but Ridge wants nothing to do with Garrison. Stephanie receives herinvitation to the Spectra showing. Thorne reminds everyone Clarke wasinstrumental in getting rid of Grant. Clarke asks only to help on the springcollection and if his designs are not any good, he will leave. Eric realizesthey need help in getting a spring collection out with their collectionstolen. Eric hires Clarke on a trial basis. Brooke, Clarke, Stepahanie, andEric head for Spectra.

Before leaving for Spectra, Lauren catches Eric alone in his office. Sheadmits she taped their night in bed together but she had nothing to do withplanting the picture in the minister's Bible. Eric is furious when Laurentells him Sally is the one behind the picture. Eric can't believe SallySpectra blew up his wedding. There's more news, Lauren says. She knowswhere his missing designs are...

Brooke arrives at the Spectra showing with Clarke. What an odd pair, Sallyremarks. Grant notices Brooke's arrival and says she is about to witness herworst nightmare.

The show starts with a dazzling, brilliant collection. Finally, it is paybacktime for Brooke, Grant says.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, September 25, 1997

by Soap Central

The Spectra fashion show begins! Model after model wearing Grant'sdesigns strut their stuff down the runway. Flash bulbs go off and thecrowd is pleased by what they see.

Clarke and Brooke sit in reserved seats at the very front. As themodels parade by, they are astonished by what they see. Where did thesecome from, Clarke wants to know; Brooke is speechless. Standing in theshadows behind the curtain is Grant. He is not only watching the show,but he is watching his "honored guests." He appears pleased by what hesees on both counts. Finally, he whispers. Finally, Brooke, it ispay back time.

Backstage all is organized madness and mayhem. The main topic ofconversation---except for the fashions---is the guests of honor. Sallyis as high as a kite on excitement.

Brooke continues to be impressed but puzzled by the designs she isviewing. Are they yours? she asks Clarke. No way, Clarke answers. Hesays that he left Spectra with nothing. He doesn't know where thesedesigns came from. They are really good, Brooke admits.

As they supervise the show, the Spectra women are elated.

Back in Eric's office, Lauren has just told him that it was Sally whoput the picture of them in the minister's Bible. But there is more, shesays. This had better be good, Eric tells her angrily. I know whereyour designs are, she tells him. Eric is hopeful as he asks her wherethey are. They are at Spectra, Lauren tells him, Grant is their newhead designer for Spectra. I don't believe Grant would do this; whywould he be that stupid. He has to be stopped. Eric reaches for thephone but Lauren stops him. It is too late, she tells him; the designsare on the runway as we speak. Eric is angry. He goes to the phone andcalls Jonathan. He yells into the phone that Grant is showing thedesigns at Spectra. He can't get away with this, he tells Jonathan. Hetells Jonathan to call him in the car; he is on his way to Spectra.Lauren tries to stop him but it is no use. She follows Eric out of theoffice.

The show continues. More and more wonderful designs are shown. Many ofthe designs have a dramatic Oriental look. Suddenly the fashion designschange to shorter, more traditional wear. One of these designs is abeautiful tangerine lace slip dress with an open back. Brooke isinterested in all the designs but this particular one catches her eye.Clarke, could Sally have designed these? she asks. No way, Clarke tellsher. I know Sally's work and she couldn't even touch this. Thatdress---Brooke begins----there is something familiar about it. Then shegasps! Oh My God! she says. This is our collection!

Clarke and Brooke look angry. A reporter is on the phone tellingsomeone that this is big. It is going to be the lead story. I don'tyet know who this designer is but whoever it is, he is the next star ofLA Fashion.

In the limousine, Eric is very impatient. It seems it is taking foreverto get to Spectra. Eric checks his watch. I don't believe this. Theshow must be half over by now. Let Jonathan take care of it, Laurentells him. No! it is my collection! Eric responds.

I can't believe Grant would do this, Brooke tells Clarke. He is aweasel, Clarke tells her. He actually stole our collection, Brookecontinues, unbelievably. I can't believe he would do that.

The fashion parade continues with more gowns; these are long, sexy andultra feminine mostly in soft but vibrant colors. Brooke's eyes areabout to pop out of her head and her mouth hangs open.

Backstage, Sally approaches Grant. How do you feel Genius? she askshim. This is a total success. You should see the press; they have beenbombarding me with questions. Darla hurries up. Elsa Klensch wants aninterview with you, she exclaims. There you are, Sally says as she patsGrant on the back. You are now an International Sensation!Brooke walks backstage. She and Grant stare at each other across theroom.Eric arrives with Lauren. As the guard tries to stop them, Lauren tellshim it is okay; Eric is with her. They rush into the crowded room.Grant approaches Brooke. Are you enjoying the show? he asks. How couldyou do this? she asks him. Do what? the innocent designer asks. Youstole our designs, Brooke accused him. No, no I didn't steal yourdesigns. These are my designs. You may have changed the fabrics, thecolors and put a different aspect to them, but they are still Forresterdesigns, Brooke tells him. You were an employee of Forrester so thedesigns belong to them. No, Brooke, I was the CEO and working without acontract. These are my designs. "So I guessyou got your revenge," Brooke says. "Now we are even." "No, Brooke, wearen't anywhere near even. I have lost much more here than you have andI will never, ever be even. You will excuse me now, as I have a show tofinish," he tells her sadly and walks away.

Eric watches as the models make one last walk down the runway and backto the stage. That is ours! he says. A change in fabric but stillours.

The show-stopper appears. It is a dramatic gown with a magnificentheadpiece. At first all you see is a solid full cape of soft, solidaquamarine. As the model swings around the full cape swirlsdramatically and falls open to reveal the gown. It is a full-skirted,strapless gown of cream antique brocade with a pattern of aquamarineroses; there are also inserts of aquamarine with cream roses. Thebodice is covered with small fabric roses. The headpiece of aquamarinenetting stands tall and cage like with roses floating inside.

As the show ends, all the models come onto the stage wearing theirbeautiful dresses and gowns. Sally then makes an entrance. Ladies andGentlemen, this is Spectra. You have just seen our Spring '98collection and it is HOT! Pstttt!! And now, I want to present thecreative genius who designed this collection---Mr. Grant Chambers.Grant appears and is greeted by thunderous applause.

Eric rushes up on the stage and grabs Grant. The flashbulbs pop!Guards rush up and grab Eric as he is shouting that these designs arehis. The guards drag him off the stage and into the back of the room.He watches helplessly as Grant takes his bows. Sally is looking at Ericas she tells the audience that these are designs of Spectra. Forresterhas been left behind. This is a new day in fashion. As the sayinggoes: "The king is dead; long live the king!"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on B&B

Friday, September 26, 1997

by Gladys

Brooke is shaking her head over the news in the morning paper. Thorneenters and says he has already read the paper. If only I had waiteduntil after the fashion show to throw Grant out! Brooke laments. Yes,but then Taylor wouldn't know that you are free for Ridge, respondsThorne. I can't believe my life this past year, Brooke moans. First Imarry Grant, then the shooting happens, I find out my marriage is phonyand now this!

Taylor is moping around her house. Let's see if I can hold this down,she tells herself. There is a knock at the door and it is Ridge. Shelets him in when he tells her he needs to talk. She mentions thenewspaper story and he says his dad is strong; he will bounce back. Buthe isn't sure about himself. If you are her to vent . . . Taylorbegins, but Ridge says that is not the reason. Then why? Taylor wantsto know.

James, Maggie and Margaret enter their home attended by Scott. The sadlooks on their faces tell it all. I love her so much, Maggie says asshe places a kiss on Margaret's head. How could the Judge do it? Wedidn't even have the chance to tell him about Sheila. There was nothingelse he could do, explains Scott. We should have told him how dangerousSheila is, Maggie insisted. I'm her father, James shouts. Don't I haveany rights?

Picasso is pacing the floor at Sheila's house. Mike is resting on thesofa; he tells her to settle down---her pacing is getting on hisnerves. I'm just so nervous, Amber tells him. What is going to happennow? Well, babe, Mike tells her, the old Sheila is back. Things aregonna start happening now! The door opens and Sheila enters with herattorney. She introduces the attorney to her friends. She happilyannounces her news: the Judge has given her back her baby. There isnothing the Warricks can do? demands Amber. There ensues a few momentsof dead quiet as everyone stares at Amber who is obviously upset by thenews. Just at that moment, the doorbell sounds. It is a delivery fromBabyland. Sheila tells Amber to show them to the spare room. But . . .that is my room; where will I sleep? Amber wants to know. Sheila tellsher that they will work something out. Mike wants to know when theywill get the baby and Sheila says just as soon as the Sheriff's deputyarrives. At this, Mike decides he has to leave. I'll be back later, hetells Sheila. Amber returns and asks if the baby will be back tonight.Sheila tells her that she will pick the baby up in just a little while.

Yes, you have rights, James, Connor says. But the Judge tends to leantoward the natural mother. You will have to prove that Sheila is anunfit mother and that isn't easy to do. While Maggie can't adopt thebaby, you can fight to get custody. There is no way to keep Sheila fromtaking the child today.

Thorne and Brooke are talking about the World Publicity Tour. It isexactly what this company needs, Thorne admits. Brooke says it isexactly what Ridge needs to get you and Taylor off his mind. He willtake some convincing, she says, since all he can think about is Taylor.He has been very focused on Taylor and we haven't had a chance to talk.No time like the present, Thorne tells her. Brooke calls Ridge butMegan tells him that he is at Taylor's.

Ridge is at Taylor's! Thorne gasps. He is probably just looking forsome closure, Brooke tells him. Don't worry; you are with Taylor nowand she is carrying your baby. Taylor has made her decision; if shecared for Ridge, she never would have been intimate with you. By theway, you never did tell me exactly how it happened. Thorne is evasive;he acts like he doesn't know what she is talking about. But Brookewon't let it go. She wants to know the intimate details of their nightof love in Hawaii. Give me the details. Did it happen in the bedroom,on the beach, where? Thorne continues to evade but Brooke pushes on.You and Taylor created a life. The best thing for you, for Ridge, forall of us is to get Ridge out of the country as soon as possible.

Why are you here? Taylor asks. Ridge tells her that he isn't sure. Hekeeps thinking---well not thinking as much as reeling---I keep bouncingall over the place; he is furious, miserable; he hates Thorne, he hatesher, he hates himself. He can't make sense of any of it, but he didn'twant to leave things like they were the last time they talked. He tellsher he was out of control and he is sorry. Taylor says she canunderstand why he does a lot of things but that doesn't mean she likesit or can live with it. I don't want that to be the way you rememberedme. You make it sound like I'll never see you again, Taylor says. Areyou going away? Ridge says he doesn't know what he is going to do.Taylor says he will figure things out; he did pretty well when shethought she was dead. Ridge is hurt and she apologizes to him. Ridgeadmits that he has failed. When he thought she had died, he wasangry---at fate, God; but this time, it is even harder---maybe becausehe is so angry with himself. But he has been learning to do better; hethought he was doing better. When she told him she was pregnant, he wasso happy! I just keep making myself crazy, thinking that's the waythings would have been if I'd just . . . I am sorry. Taylor reaches outto him.

The delivery men keep bringing in baby things. Amber says she justthought Sheila would give the Warricks a chance to say good-bye. Sheilatells her she has been without her baby for too long. My daughterbelongs with me and the State of California agrees. The deputy arrivesand they are ready to leave.

As they leave, Amber wants Sheila to give this a little more thought.Sheila has had enough. She tells Amber that she is running out ofpatience. She should either get with the program or get her little buttback to Death Valley. But then again, maybe James and Maggie will takeher in and treat her like one of their own. She turns and stridesconfidently out the door. After thinking for a second, a snide smileappears on Amber's face.

Don't beat yourself up, Taylor tells Ridge. If you had to work thathard to make me happy, we weren't meant to be. But Ridge insists thatthey were meant to be and he just screwed it up. Lets move on, shesays. Easier said than done, Ridge admits. But maybe not in yourcase. This decision was not easy for me, Taylor tells him. That wasthen; what about now? Ridge asks. If you have any regrets at all, youdon't have to do anything just because of the baby. It's not just aboutthe baby. It is about me; what I can handle and what I can't. Ridgestarts to leave but Taylor says she can't let him leave; not withouttelling him . . .But Ridge stops her. I know there is a lot unsaid, but maybe we need toleave it that way. You are with Thorne now. How can I expect you tohang around waiting for me to get my act together when you have Thorne.He'll be good for you and the baby. Good-bye. Taylor bites her lipsand lets him walk out. She tells the baby that she is sorry. Outside,Ridge gazes into the distance.

Connor tells Maggie and James that she would move heaven and earth if hethought he could help. The doorbell rings. Oh no, no, Maggie cries asJames goes to the door. It is Sheila, her attorney and the deputy.James gives Sheila an "if looks could kill" look. Sheila is happy tosee her daughter. She says she will take her now but Maggie turns awayand implores James. James wants Sheila to reconsider but she tells himshe has made up her mind. James yells at Sheila as he moves to Maggie'sside. The deputy tells Maggie to turn over the baby. James roughlygrabs Sheila's arm and tries to drag her away. The deputy steps betweenthem but Sheila tells him it is okay; just keep an eye on the baby.James and Sheila go into the nursery. James tells Sheila she is makinga terrible mistake. Sheila says her mistake was in agreeing to theadoption in the first place. James says she can't just take the babyaway from it's home but Sheila says the baby's home is with her. Howcan you be so selfish? James asks. Me, selfish! You take away the mostbeautiful thing I ever do in my life and I am selfish? James begs fromthe bottom of his heart that she don't do this. There is a close-up ofSheila's face, but she doesn't answer.

Edited by SC Desk
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