Maggie found Sheila, and the women had an emotional confrontation. Brooke happily welcomed Ridge back to Forrester. Lauren had herself delivered to Eric's office inside an oversized package. Sheila confided in Amber. Eric spent the night with Lauren.

Monday, July 21, 1997
by Soap Central
Maggie is relieved to know Sheila has started a new life for herself in DeathValley. As Maggie is leaving, Sheila grabs her from behind and asks her whatshe is doing here. Maggie says she had to know Sheila has moved on with herlife, and is proud Sheila has stayed true to her word about making a freshstart. As Maggie tries to leave again, Sheila orders her back inside.
Taylor visited James to vent her feelings about Ridge and Thorne. Jamesnotes Taylor has every right to be angry at Ridge for keeping the truth fromher for so long, but he did it for Rick's sake. Still, Ridge she have toldher the truth, Taylor adds, she could have helped him. Taylor informs Jamesthat Thorne proposed and she didn't say yes or no. Thorne is stable, giving,and she feels safe when she's with him, Taylor says. Ridge is moreunpredictable, yet she loves him deeply. Taylor says she doesn't know howmany more times she can be let down by Ridge but feels the moment they havebeen waiting for is here. Taylor admits she wouldn't even be in thisposition if Ridge had only told her the truth for the beginning. Everythinghappens for a reason, James adds. Who is it going to be, Ridge or Thorne?
Ridge enters his office for the first time since being released from prison.Brooke stops by and Ridge say it feels like ages since he saw her. ( I ampleased to announce the return of Katherine Kelly Lang back from maternityleave.) Brooke informs Ridge that Rick is making progress. She owes Ridgeso much, Brooke says. How can she ever thank him for sacrificing hishappiness for Rick's life? Brooke gives Ridge a kiss to show her gratitude.They will get through this crisis with Rick together, Ridge promises.Brooke is amazed at what Ridge has done for her and her family. Brookepromises Ridge that he will always be a part of her family.
Inside the cafe', Maggie asks Sheila how she wound up in Death Valley.Sheila admits when she left the hospital, she got into her car and drove.She had no idea where she was going. She stopped for coffee at this cafe'and the waitress was nice to her and said she was looking for a roommate,Sheila says. She decided to stay in Death Valley because it is the lowestpoint in the western hemisphere and that is how Sheila felt, at her lowest.The cook at the cafe' tells Sheila's friend Amber that Sheila looks like shehas a story to tell. Sheila asks Maggie how the baby is doing. Maggie can'tbelieve Sheila wants to talk about the baby. You expect me not to ask aboutmy own child, Sheila asks? She is not your child, Maggie counters. Sheilasays she is the one who carried her, so the baby is hers! Maggie tellsSheila the baby is loved but does not think telling Sheila any more about thebaby will do any good. Sheila demands Maggie tell her how the baby is doing.
Brooke asks Ridge to come to one of Rick's therapy sessions with James.Ridge says would be glad to go. With his and Brooke's help, Rick will pullthrough this, Ridge says.
Sheila asks if the baby has been brought home from the hospital, what kind offormula is she receiving, does she like her nursery. She just misses her somuch, Sheila says. She imagines holding her baby at night but realizes shecan't. This is the way it has to be, Maggie says. Sheila asks what thebaby's name is, but Maggie says it would be in her best interest not to tellher. The less Sheila knows about the baby, the better. Just know the babyis loved and cherished and is being given the best care available. Sheilasays if Maggie could just feel her emptiness for a moment, she wouldunderstand her need to know about her baby. Maggie can imagine her pain, butthe decision has been made for Sheila to cut all ties to the baby. Beforeleaving, Maggie gives Sheila a final warning: stay away from LA and herfamily. Devastated, Sheila agrees.

Tuesday, July 22, 1997
by Soap Central
Back at home, Maggie fills in James on her confrontation with Sheila. Maggieadmits she had a positive talk with Sheila and more certain than ever thatSheila is not a threat to them. James asks how Sheila was doing, and ifSheila asked about him. Maggie wonders why that is important. She alwayswondered if James cared for Sheila and now that Sheila's gone for good,Maggie feels that she can talk about it.
Eric has a package delivered to his office. When he goes to open it, outpops Lauren! Lauren confesses she has to be creative in her efforts to seeEric. The reason Lauren popped in is to invite Eric to dinner. Ericdeclines, but Lauren doesn't give up. Lauren feels she is being iced out ofEric's life because of her relationship with Stephanie. Don't let whathappened between her and Stephanie come between two friends, Lauren presses.Eric gives in. Meet her at her place around eight, Lauren says. Stephaniewalks in after Lauren leaves and wonders what Eric is smiling about. Whenthe Queen gives Eric a kiss, she smells Lauren's perfume on Eric.
Amber notices how quiet Sheila has become ever since Maggie left. Shequestions Sheila about her moodiness. Sheila reluctantly opens up. Shetells Amber about the baby she gave to James and Maggie. Amber thinks Sheilamust hate Maggie for being with the man she loves and raising her child. Shemisses her baby desperately, Sheila says. Amber pushes Sheila to get herbaby back. James and Maggie are a family, and she is sticking by herdecision to let them raise the baby, Sheila informs. Sheila wants her babyback, Amber muses. She can feel it.
Eric explains to Stephanie how Lauren got into the building and informs herhe is having dinner with her tonight. Stephanie can't believe he is havingdinner with Lauren, despite how she feels. You are not going to like everyfriend of mine, Eric says. Not every friend of yours wants to get into bedwith you, Stephanie counters. Lauren doesn't respect the fact that they aregetting married and want to seduce you, Stephanie says. Don't let Laurenpull you down to her level, she warns. Eric says he can handle Lauren.Stephanie thinks Eric likes being teased by her. He assures Stephanie hestill wants to get married and once they are married, he will not go aroundLauren.
Lauren is getting ready for Eric when Clarke stops by to show her his latestdress. The dress is so perfect, Lauren buys it from him right there.Tonight has to be more than a seduction, Lauren says. She wants Eric tolove her as much as she loves him. Tonight might be her last chance, and shehas to make the most of it.
Eric reconsiders and calls Lauren to cancel. Lauren pretends she is in arush and does not give him time to cancel. Eric calls back but the line isbusy. He will have to take care of Lauren in person, Eric says.

Wednesday, July 23, 1997
by Soap Central
Maggie is unsupportive of Lauren's attempt to seduce Eric. Lauren knowsMaggie can not support her but says this is not a fling, she is in love withEric. Even so, Maggie says, her loyalty is to the Queen. Lauren's dressedin a fabulous gown when Eric stops by. He can not accept her dinnerinvitation, Eric says.
Stephanie drops by Taylor's and is glad to notice Taylor is working again.Stephanie was making wedding plans and she would like to know if she shouldmake it a double wedding. Who would I be marrying, Taylor asks. You're notmarrying Thorne, Stephanie says. She realizes Taylor feels indebted toThorne and Thorne's support must be acknowledged, but Ridge is the only manfor you, Stephanie pushes. Taylor quickly nixes the subject and asks howStephanie is doing. Everything is great except Lauren is still a pain,Stephanie says. Any suggestions on how to handle her?
Lauren coaxes Eric into staying for a drink. Lauren realizes he andStephanie have achieved a lot together, raising four children, building acompany, but they don't have a future together. Both Eric and Stephanie hatefailure and the one thing that failed in their lives was their marriage,Lauren says. Now, Eric is trying to correct that failure. Maybe the divorcewas the failure, Eric says. Lauren admits he and Stephanie are closer thanever, but that does not mean they are marriage material.
Ridge busts into Thorne's office claiming Thorne stabbed him in the back bytaking Taylor to Hawaii after promising to stay away from her. For thatreason, you are no brother to me, Ridge says. Thorne says he didn't betrayRidge, he was only helping Taylor. What about the marriage proposal? Wasthat suppose to help Taylor also? Ridge says Thorne took Taylor to Hawaiiknowing she was vulnerable and confused and took complete advantage of her.Both Ridge and Thorne vow to be the one who marries Taylor.
Stephanie admits she doesn't like the idea of Eric having dinner with Lauren,but he can make his own decisions. Taylor says Eric is not the one who youcan't trust, Lauren is.
Lauren tells Eric they would have been married several months ago if shehadn't backed away from him for Stephanie's sake. Maybe it was suppose tohappen that way, Eric says. The mistake was that I backed away, Laurencounters. Lauren asks Eric if he ever fantasizes about her. He fantasizesabout a lot of women, Eric says, but Stephanie fulfills all his fantasies.Lauren confesses she was going to propose the night of the costume ball buthe had already proposed to Stephanie before she had a chance to talk to him.Now that the crisis with Ridge is over, his only obligation is to himself,Lauren says. Lauren declares her love to Eric. He tries to leave but Laurensays if he goes, she will never hear from him again. She has another idea,Lauren says. They should make love, just this once and if it doesn't liveup to his fantasies, he proposed to the right person. If it does live up tohis fantasies, there is still time to correct his mistake, Lauren offers.
Thorne says Taylor should decide who she wants to be with. Ridge blastsThorne saying he has no integrity because he took Taylor to Hawaii after hepromised to leave her alone. Thorne decks Ridge. After Thorne leaves, Ridgecalls Taylor and says he can't wait any longer to see her. Ridge tellsTaylor to meet him at the private dining room tonight, and wear a specialgown.

Thursday, July 24, 1997
by Soap Central
Grant is on the phone changing the policy to Erichaving the final say on all revisions for designs.Ridge comes in to the office for the first time sincethe shooting. " My relationship with you and your family haschanged." states Grant. Grant offers to take an importantcall for Ridge from Milan while he is at the private diningroomthat evening. He wishes Ridge good luck with Taylor.
Macy stops by the beach house to leave some ofThorne's old stuff with his new pal Taylor. Taylor saysthat she wont see him tonight; cause she is having dinnerwithRidge. Of course she also mentions that she doesn't want totalk aboutThorne. Macy is curious as to why Thorne needed the divorcepaperswhile he was in Hawaii. So Taylor tells her about theproposal and thatshe hasn't made any decisions yet due to the fact that shehas to sort outherfeelings. Macy has Taylor promise her that she will call herwhen she doescome to a decision. Taylor apologizes to Macy and says thatshe realizesthismust be hard on her.
Lauren is still trying to get Eric out of his pants," so whydon we see ifour reality lives up to the fantasy?" kiss kiss" just onetime Eric. Onetime."But Eric is annoyed and says that she is seriouslydetermined to get whatshe wants from me. he insists that he is not stubborn and heis not wrong.He and Stephanie had their problems from time to time whenthey weremarried;but they are beyond all of that now.
Lauren is upset and says that she guesses all of the timeshe thought hehadfeelings for her; she was wrong. she brings up the stolenkisses in thesaunaand in his office at Forrester. " I guess i was wrong, youjust don't trulywantme." so with that Eric replies that he does not want her andLauren askshim to show himself to the door.
Lauren is crying in her bedroom. She unzips her black dressto reveala black lacy teddy. She takes off her earrings. She feels ahand touch herby the neck and turns around to find Eric there. He looks ather and grabsher. He picks up her and puts her on the bed and well youcan take it fromthere......
Grant is looking at his wedding photo( the one with thefake captain)and says to himself that the Forresters are starting toaccept us, it is allcoming together for us now. Just then Clarke barges in andGrant isannoyedat hisprofessional ethics. He doesn't want him coming aroundanymore causehe works for Spectra the competition. " Clarke you are theenemy;not mine but theirs." So Clarke is ticked off and remindshim that he isthe friend who stood by him but he will leave before QueenStephaniefindshim on the enemy grounds.
Taylor is wearing a silk purple evening gown and Ridge is inhis tux at thediningroom. They kiss and he tells her that is what he missed whenhe was inprison.he tells her that he missed her so much and asks how shefelt. Taylorrepliesthat she missed having an honest relationship with someoneshe loved.Ridge continues to explain to her that she cant begin toknow what it waslikein the prison cell especially at night.
Taylor tells him that she almost didn't survive. she had togive up on herdreamof being married, having a family. she wants to know why hecouldn'tconfidein her, the woman he was supposed to marry. she says thatshe would nothavemade it if it had not been for his brother. she had no willto go on becausetoo much of her was invested in him. " I can never putmyself in thatposition again.You have this ability to move on with out me. I don't. I amtalking aboutwhatmight happen if I allow myself to commit to you."
Ridge promises that it wont happen again and acknowledgesthat he isimpossible.He tells Taylor not to be afraid and promises that he wonthurt her again.they ki

Friday, July 25, 1997
by Gladys

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