Scott Clifton has grown weary of Liam's waffling ways on The Bold and the Beautiful
It's been a whole year since The Bold and the Beautiful's Liam Spencer spotted his wife Hope kissing Thomas in front of the Roman Colosseum and promptly ended their marriage.
For a while, it looked like Liam would go after Steffy full force, but that never truly came to fruition. He kissed her just moments after witnessing that fateful Hope and Thomas kiss, but Steffy rebuffed him.
Once Liam and Hope were back in L.A., Liam confronted Hope about what he saw without mentioning that he kissed Steffy. Those confrontation scenes were so powerful that both Scott Clifton and Annika Noelle used them for their Emmy reels this year. Liam and Hope soon divorced, so Liam tried a few more kisses with Steffy that went nowhere. Then, he seemed to retreat into the background and hasn't had a leading storyline since.
For Clifton, it was a welcome reprieve because it gave him time to adjust to being a single dad to his son, Ford, following his divorce.
"I'm navigating this new world," Clifton told Women's World. "It's been hard to figure out because I don't have family and up until recently, I didn't have any childcare."
Thankfully, Liam's little break helped. "There was a lull in story for me, and fortunately, that happened to coincide with when I really needed to figure out how to do this. Now I'm working a bit more and I have kind of a system down."
Clifton shared that he has been taping some "really cool" things that are a far cry from Liam waffling between Steffy and Hope, as he did for more than a decade. While the character shared a few moments and a kiss with his ex Ivy last month, Clifton wants to see Liam without a woman in his life for a while.
"I'm glad I'm working a lot right now, but also that Liam is not doing that thing he does, which is ping-pong back and forth between Hope and Steffy," he said.
So, what does Clifton really wish for his wishy-washy alter-ego?
"I would like to see him be single for a while and eat his karma because he keeps getting rewarded for bad behavior by women falling for him -- or re-falling for him and forgiving him. And you don't redeem a character that way. You redeem them by giving them what they deserve. Liam made his bed. Just lie in it for a minute. Suffer some consequences."
Some fans would say it's a miracle that Liam has been shut out of Hope and Steffy's lives for so long, but perhaps this is the reset the character has needed.
Do you want to see Liam with a new woman? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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