The Bold and the Beautiful's Mr. Nice Guy: Tanner Novlan weighs in on Hope and Finn

Tanner Novlan as Finn on The Bold and the Beautiful
Tanner Novlan as Finn on The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful's Finn always wants to do the right thing, even if the right thing ends up causing way too much trouble for his marriage to Steffy.

Finn the good friend

While they were never close friends until this year, Finn and Hope had always gotten along, and Finn has wanted the best for Hope. He didn't think Thomas Forrester was good for Hope and let her know it late last year. After Thomas broke things off with Hope and took off to Paris, that left a lonely Hope with her good friend Finn to talk to.

When Finn's biological mother, Sheila Carter, was found alive, her engagement to Hope's dad, Deacon, brought Hope and Finn closer together. They were even the only people to attend Sheila and Deacon's wedding. Hope and Finn bonded over their two outcast parents, but Finn had no idea Hope was starting to look at him in a new way.

Finn's habit of entering doctor mode and massaging away Hope's headaches didn't help matters much, as Hope began having fantasies about him. In August, Hope blindsided Finn when she pulled him in for a kiss.

A wake-up call for The Bold and the Beautiful's Finn

After Hope kissed him, Finn quickly told Hope in no uncertain terms that she could never do that again. Finn professed his love for Steffy and proved that love when he moved heaven and earth to find his wife when she was missing.

According to Tanner Novlan, Finn might have some lessons to learn.

"I think this is a case of Finn’s big heart getting in the way of bigger issues that could have been at work," Novlan told Soap Opera Digest. "I mean, it’s one of his major character flaws—he wants to help people no matter who they are—obviously with Sheila, stuff like that. But, I think this is a case of his kindness going over the line. It’s one of the lessons that he needs to learn as Steffy pointed out, but where they stand now, we’ll have to see because I know he’s going to keep caring for people."

Novlan acknowledged that Finn might have known Hope had feelings for him, but he hadn't taken the notion seriously until that kiss.

"Well, she professed that she had an attraction to him, but I think that’s something he didn’t take as seriously as he should have and, yeah, I think he probably knew a little bit was going [on]," Novlan said. "But I don’t think it was anything too serious the way that Hope kind of said it to him. I think he put it in a frame of mind of like, 'Oh, no one’s helped her in this way or talked to her in this way and that’s what she’s feeling,' but it was much, much more than that."

Hope has reassured her mother that she is putting her feelings for Finn out of her mind, but does she mean it, or will Finn have to turn her down once again?

Catch all-new episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful weekdays on CBS.

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Edited by Lisa