Who's yer daddy?

Who's yer daddy?

Poppy's head nearly popped off when Luna cornered Poppy with questions about who fathered her, while Thomas playing big daddy made Hope forget about the six millionth reason she shouldn't be his little girl. Not to be outdone, Luna was over the moon when R.J. channeled daddy Ridge to stage his first seduction. Beget all the soapiness with Two Scoops' Mike!

Has your week been bold and beautiful? Did you get a key to your house and your girlfriend on the same day? Did you openly own your attraction to another woman while your main squeeze was in a general hospital? Did you continue to slide down the slippery slope of your lover's slippery slope? These and more situations faced the Forrester-Logan-Spencer-Finnegan-Nozawa clan this week!

February sweeps are upon us, Scoopers! Hmm...are sweeps actually still a thing? I hope we do get the associated big twists and payoffs, because this week was pretty non-sweepy. Hope seemed to forget Emma was the reason for her time-out with Thomas, and Zende again called a waaaahmbulance for R.J., who turned his new pad into a love shack for Luna. But wait! What's with the hint that Finn might be Luna's pop? Let's Scoop about it!


I really shouldn't have to write about Hope and Thomas, because in a normal soap world, they wouldn't even be flirting with being a couple. Even if Thomas hadn't lied about Hope's daughter being alive and actively tormented her, Thope was still brought up in the same extended family and are more-often-than-not stepsiblings. Chemistry or no, how does this even play? It's gross!

Thomas was caught off guard when Ridge asked about the latest with Hope. Thomas babbled a lot of generalities about how they had things to work out, probably again not mentioning Emma because Ridge is the only one who knows the full truth (not the abridged truth Hope got) about the night Emma died. Good thing for Thomas, because Ridge would not have reacted happily to the news of Thomas' proposal to Hope otherwise.

Nay, as Ridge learned that Thomas and Hope wanted to keep things on the downlow, Ridge praised Thomas for "making healthy choices." It's not that Thomas hasn't grown in a two-steps-forward-one-step-back kind of way, but any therapist worth their salt would tell Thomas that entering into any kind of relationship with the object of your obsession is most decidedly not healthy!

And then there's the whole quasi-related thing. Ridge was good with it, though, and assured Thomas that love would find a way. I just can't with these people. The only character who showed any sense this week about the whole Thope grodiness was Brooke, who took a lot of heat from fans online for getting up in Hope's face about it. Sorry, y'all; Brooke is wrong about a lot of things, but not this one. Team Brooke all the way.

Reminding Hope that she was only recently divorced from Liam (does this mean Liam's divorce papers aren't still sitting between veggie burger wrappers on the floorboard of his car?), Brooke likewise wondered how Hope could have a future with Thomas, knowing all the things Thomas had done. Hell, and that's without Brooke being aware of Thomas' connection to Emma's death. Imagine if Brooke knew!

Like Thomas, Hope kept the name "Emma" out of her mouth but could only deflect about her "situationship" with Thomas so long before she slipped and mentioned another word: "marriage." Naturally, Brooke pounced, and she freaked when Hope revealed her engagement ring necklace. Brooke felt that Thomas' request for Hope to wear his ring close to her heart while she decided was so Old Thomas.

I don't know about that, but Brooke did have a point when she clued Hope in to the fact that Hope was still coping with the end of her marriage. It's true -- on top of the 747 full of baggage Thope has, Hope is on the rebound. I'm amazed that doesn't come up more. In full denial mode, Hope yelped that Liam left her, which Thomas would never do. Yeah, Hope, Liam only left you because you kissed Thomas. Your fault, sweetie.

Bridge then swapped children for stepchildren. Brooke, while vehemently against any relationship between Thomas and Hope, let alone marriage, tried to find a little compassion as she advised Thomas against further involvement with Hope. Brooke wanted for Thomas to be happy but warned him that he was setting himself up for heartbreak, since Hope would not be able to fully commit to him.

At least Brooke had the good sense the soap gods gave a Valley girl, unlike Ridge, who went to Hope, shipping Thope and crowing that he'd be happy to have Hope as a daughter-in-law. I wonder if Ridge ever really recovered his mind after falling from that helicopter in the Middle East. If Ridge and Brooke do go for a ninth legit marriage, and Thomas and Hope marry, Hope will be both Ridge's daughter-in-law and stepdaughter. Eww. And double eww.

Despite knowing Thomas wanted to keep his proposal to Hope a secret, Ridge blabbed to Steffy and Finn, who were both against it, but for different reasons. Steffy worried about the limbo Hope had put Thomas in by accepting-not-accepting, and Finn felt for Hope. Yo, Finn -- whatever happened to you putting a stop to Thope by working with Xander to prove that Thomas was responsible for Emma's death? For real.


Well, Thomas gave Hope more space by pleading his case to her again, and Hope pretended that Emma wasn't a part of her deliberation. Seriously, Hope's only doubt was in the timing of a marriage, adding that maybe one day she'd be ready for that level of commitment with Thomas. If Thomas were really still in therapy, he'd realize that he already has Hope's answer. It's no!

Hope further muddied the waters, blunting any chance Thomas might have to truly do the healthy thing and put a stop to the relationship himself. Nope, Hope wanted some D, and D Hope got. "I just want you! I've never felt this way before! I can't get enough!" Tell me again how Hope is in this for love. Her reiteration that she had never had this level of devotion before just made things worse. We know Wyatt showed Hope that first!

I was hoping when Xander showed up, and Hope found out how Emma went off the road because of Thomas, that Hope would finally return to reality and break things off with Thomas. I can almost understand the scandal aspect of doing this story, because it certainly grabs attention, but too many people, including the writers, seem to be ignoring just how skanky this "romance" is. Hope needs some serious help!


Egged on by R.J.'s hypothesis, Luna point-blank asked Poppy if Bill was her father. Poppy unconvincingly denied it, with Luna noting that Poppy scrambled every time Luna wanted to know who her dad was. Ah, so much like Quinn, right? Wyatt made the same complaint a decade ago when Quinn clammed up about his own paternity, the parallel of which should be our indication that Bill is indeed Luna's pop.

But holy DNA tests, Batman! B&B threw not just one, but two other possibilities into the Luna lottery, and that's sure kept you guys busy on social media! Poppy lost it when Luna threatened to run her own paternity test, and just as Luna wondered why who she should address a Father's Day card to was such a "deep, dark family secret"...Finn walked in!

Now, B&B is known far and wide for having more telegraphs than Samuel Morse's laboratory. So, using that metric would seem to intimate that Finn is not Luna's cousin, but her father? Also, given how much B&B likes to flirt with incest, this development would fit right in: Finn is not biologically related to Li, so sleeping with his "aunt" would be no different than Ridge kissing Bridget back in the day.

This theory was further solidified by Finn's apparent reunion with Poppy, who revealed that Poppy had stayed with the Finnegans while Finn was in college. Oh, Poppy was Finn's roomie a year before Luna was born? Bingo. Add to that that Poppy would "help" if Finn was stressed...well, either we are being set up for the fake-out of the year, which would be kinda epic, or Finn and Poppy played doctor before Finn became a doctor!

Again, I wouldn't put anything past our soap in this too-closely-related regard. But one man, whose name went unspoken, is also standing in line for the role of Luna's dad. (Three guys potentially being one girl's father? What is this, that godawful musical Mamma Mia?) Finn wasn't the only man in the house when Poppy was in residence at Casa Finnegan. That other honor goes to...Jack.

Now, this one carries more weight. Poppy having Jack's child would absolutely explain why Li hates Poppy -- and Luna -- so much. And Jack has already proven to be a cheater (though until there's a DNA test, I won't fully believe that Sheila is actually Finn's mom). Jack is also the less skeevy of the choices, aside from Bill, that is. And any excuse to get Ted King back on my screen is a good excuse, in my opinion.

But just before I could glom on to Jack being Luna's daddy, Luna shrugged to R.J. that she'd just have to stop worrying about who her father was -- cut to Poppy watching Finn take a phone call! Either that telegraph is clicking overtime, or we are being led astray, which I would be okay with. I'd rather have story be less predictable than it has been for too long now, and there's nothing like a good old-fashioned soap "psych!"


Charlie brandished his usual brand of buffoonery at Forrester, first noting to Thomas that Esther (from The Young and the Restless) had been in for a final fitting for the dress she won in the big fashion showdown...a showing that happened in October. It takes three months to fit a dress? Charlie again gushed over the attractive Esther, apparently forgetting that, as far as we know, he's still in a ten-year relationship with Pam.

Yes, Alley Mills is on General Hospital now, and even though she is -- according to the show -- still recurring on The Bold and the Beautiful, you'd think B&B would at least be clear about the fate of Pam and Charlie before having him openly crush on another woman. Then, Charlie interrupted a close moment between R.J. and Luna, hearing about R.J.'s new house and embarrassingly cheering "Cowabunga" when he realized it was a place where the young couple could be "alone."

Charlie, a character who could be great if given the material, finished his foolishness by letting it slip to Zende that R.J. was now living on the beach, which Z-boy took as yet another slight. Indeed, grudgingly wanting to run a design past "golden boy" R.J. to make sure their work wasn't too identical, Zende ran to the beach house -- but the chip on Zende's shoulder was so big, he could barely get through the door when R.J. let him in.

Finding Luna with R.J. seemed to drive Zende extra nuts, because he went on a tirade about how R.J. was able to pay the most assuredly high rent. R.J. must have gotten a bonus from Eric, Zende spat, or maybe Mommy and Daddy Bridge were putting up the cash. First off, I'm about done with Zende's spiteful sense of entitlement. Second, Zende, also the son of a Forrester, albeit via adoption, is just as rich as R.J. is!

Don't tell me Zende isn't flush; gimme a break. Zende went on to play the orphan card (did we ever think that cute little kid Kristen and Tony adopted would end up being such a little s**t?) before surprising me by getting unexpectedly real. Zende pointed out that he was older than R.J., with a lot more experience, while R.J was just starting out. In his situation, Zende opined, "you'd be frustrated, too."

R.J. was feeling Zende on that, offering his cuz empathy over the situation and understanding that Zende didn't want to be overlooked. That seemed to be enough for Zende, who motored but quick. Yet, Zende wasted no time griping out loud about R.J. at Eric's informal pre-prognosis party, where Eric seemed ready to plan another party. I guess if you cheat death, the party never stops!


Well, R.J. and Luna were finally alone, but the message I seemed to get is that R.J. only got his own place so he and his girl could fuh! By the way, where is Luna living? Not with Poppy, who appears to be on an extended trip from her home in San Francisco. Oh, but details, details. The other implication seemed to be that Luna was a virgin, and R.J. went all out in his mission of devirginizing.

I mean, R.J. had flower petals arrayed on the bed and everything. That's a Ridge move! Did Ridge instruct his sons in the art of boom-boom during breaks in design lessons? Ridge would be happy to know that both his boys basically got it on at the same time this week, though at least Luna wasn't raised anywhere near R.J. Oh, am I on that again? You bet your bodice!

How did the past week of episodes fit you, Scoopers? If Thope works for you despite their connection and history, what makes it okay? Should R.J. and Luna have at least gone out on a date before shagging, considering they've only ever made out at the office? And do you think it's even the remotest bit possible that Finn, not Bill or Jack, is Luna's father? Make a move in the Soap Central message boards, or simply click here to submit feedback!

Valentine's Day is nearing, and one unexpected couple is gonna make each other honest in the coming week, so get the rice ready for that. Meanwhile, Luna's paternity lingers, and Thope remains on thin ice, so keep watching, be alert, and most of all, be bold!

READ MORE OF THIS WEEK'S TWO SCOOPSDays of our Lives | General Hospital | The Young and the Restless

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