Maggie had the new baby in her arms, but she was worried that Sheila would renege on the adoption. Grant spoke on Ridge's behalf in court, and a judge agreed to give Grant's statements serious consideration. At Thorne's request, Macy signed the divorce papers and faxed them to him in Hawaii. Stephanie and Eric faxed a love letter from Ridge to Taylor in Hawaii, but Thorne intercepted it.

Monday, July 7, 1997
by Michael Keithby Soap CentralRidge is stunned to learn Taylor left for Hawaii with Thorne. He was sureThorne would back away from Taylor. This only increases Ridge's desire tosee Taylor. He implores Jonathan to find Taylor. Nothing has ever been moreimportant than finding her. Once Ridge sees Taylor again, he vows to takeback everything he told her about moving on with here life without him. James and Maggie are delighted the baby has been gaining weight. She isready to be released from the hospital. James notes there has been no wordfrom Sheila. According to the law, Sheila has six months to change her mindabout the adoption. He reassures a worried Maggie that Sheila will notchange her mind. Before leaving the hospital, James announces he has pickedout a name for their baby, Margaret Elizabeth Warick, named after Maggie.Stephanie stops by Grant's office and asks him why he is testifying atRidge's sentencing. Grant offers a song and dance about caring for theForrester family. Stephanie balks at that. She believes Grant wants totestify to have Ridge serve his full prison sentence. That way Ridge wouldbe out of Brooke's life and would not be able to interfere with his marriageto her. Grant denies her allegations. He's testifying because he owes Ridge,Grant says.After giving Margaret the grand tour of her new home, Maggie wonders ifSheila is out of their lives for good. James admits he will feel betterafter the six months are over, but doesn't think Sheila will want the babyback. He hopes Sheila is doing well at whatever she is doing, but is gladshe is out of their lives. Just then, there is a ring at the front door.At Stephanie's request, Jonathan stops by Stephanie's office. She does notwant Grant testifying at Ridge's hearing. Grant is the one person who canpersuade to judge for a less sentence, Jonathan says. Stephanie wonders ifRidge and Jonathan are keeping something from her. She gets irate whenJonathan informs her that Thorne and Taylor went to Hawaii together. Thereason Ridge wants to get a hold of Taylor so badly is he wants to resumetheir relationship.Ridge begins to write Taylor a letter. In it, he regrets speaking to her theway he did, demanding she move on with her life without him. If only hecould see her one more time, Ridge writes. Then he could ask for herforgiveness and explain why he put her through months of hell. Ridge knowsthey can have a future together, even if that means waiting ten years. Aftersitting in jail day after day, he realizes his dream is to be with her.Ridge begs from the bottom of his heart for one last chance. Please comesee me, he writes, please. ^ back to the topTuesday, July 8, 1997by Soap CentralWhile Maggie is enjoying having baby Margaret home, the front doorbell rings.Both James and Maggie fear it is Sheila. Who else knows they were bringingthe baby home today? Relax, it's only a delivery man with a package for thebaby. It's a pillow with the name Mary written on it. James recognizes thatis the name Sheila gave the baby. Maggie thinks the pillow being deliveredto them with that name is some sort of mix up. Later, Maggie notices Jamesis tense. She attributes this to Sheila still bothering him. James andMaggie realize Sheila can change her mind within six months. When Maggieputs the baby down for a nap, James stuffs the pillow into the wastebasket.Taylor admits she is starting to feel better. The place she and Thorne areat has worked magic for her. How did he know this is just what she needed?Her feelings for Ridge haven't changed, Taylor says, although she is stilllosing him. Taylor thanks Thorne for bringing her to Hawaii. She isstarting to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. After admittingshe has a sudden craving for papaya, Thorne brings back two tropical drinksand a menu for tonight's dinner. All the choices on the menu are Hawaiianoriginals. The selections are special, just like him, Taylor says.Stephanie can't understand why Grant is going to speak at Ridge's hearing.What could have happen for Ridge to trust Grant now, Stephanie asks. Nomatter what happens at the sentencing, everyone will be affected by it foryears. Eric says they need to keep an eye on Taylor. She's gone off toHawaii with Thorne, Stephanie informs him. It is hard not to drawconclusions about Thorne and Taylor, but maybe he is only there for supprt,Eric says. Stephanie knows Thorne's intentions where Taylor is concerned gobeyond friendly support. He's bought her an engagement ring. Eric andStephanie agree they need to find Thorne soon before he does something.Grant asks Ridge if he has changed his mind about telling Taylor the truth.No way, Forrester says. He has tried to get a hold of her, but she left forHawaii with Thorne. Thorne is no brother of his anymore, Ridge says. Hecan't trust him. Jonathan stops by and informs Ridge and Grant that he knowsthe truth about the shooting. The least Grant could do is help Ridge get aless sentence, Jonathan says. Ridge gives the letter he wrote for Taylor toJonathan. It is urgent she get the letter, Ridge implores. When Taylorreads the letter, she will come rushing back to him. By this time tomorrow,Ridge says, he will have his future back.^ back to the topWednesday, July 9, 1997by Soap CentralSally seems surprised to read that Grant is testifying at Ridge's sentencing.She does not believe Ridge's theory that he shot Grant. Just for a day, canthey please not talk about the Forresters, Macy asks. Macy admits she stillthinks about Thorne quite a bit, and informs Sally she has not signed thepapers making the divorce final. Thorne phones his lawyer requesting he faxthe divorce decree to him. He can't, the lawyer says, Macy hasn't signed ityet. Thorne's lawyer advises him to give Macy time. He doesn't have time,Thorne says. The reason he is in Hawaii is because he is thinking of gettingmarried. Stephanie gives Megan a list of hotels in Hawaii to locate Thorne. Eric andStephanie admit to Jonathan they are afraid when Grant gets on the stand, hewill attack Ridge and possibly blow Ridge's chances at a less sentence.Jonathan reassures them that Grant is Ridge's only hope for a less sentence.Macy admits she made a mistake when she accused Thorne of having an affairwith Claudia. Talk to Thorne, tell him your feelings before it's too late,Sally advises. It already is too late, Macy says, Thorne's involved withTaylor. Still, Sally urges Macy to talk to Thorne and found out if there isanything left of their marriage. Macy receives a call from Thorne. He wantsto talk about the divorce decree. Macy suggests they meet so they can talkabout it in person. He can't meet with her because he's in Hawaii withTaylor, Thorne says. The reason he called is because he wants Macy to signthe divorce decree and fax it to him. Tearfully, Macy agrees to sign thedivorce decree. It is strange to end a marriage by fax, Macy notes. Uponreceiving the divorce decree via fax, Thorne notes there is a reason foreverything. It is time to move forward with Taylor.Grant realizes Brooke does not trust him to testify at Ridge's sentencing.The reason he is changing his testimony is because one day Rick will realizehe is the one who shot him and Rick will feel an enormous amount of guilt forRidge going to jail for him. If Grant can convince the judge of a lesssentence, that will ease Rick's guilt. Brooke is worried if Grant changeshis testimony that he will be committing perjury. When prosecutor TeresaEmerson stops by, Brooke asks her if Grant will be committing perjury if hechanges his testimony at the sentencing. It depends on how much he changesit, Teresa says. If Grant testifies that what he said under oath at thetrial is a lie, then he will have committed perjury. If Grant simplyelaborates on what he said under oath, that is not perjury. Just tell thetruth, Teresa advises. At the courthouse, Jonathan tells Eric and Stephanie the best Ridge can hopefor is a four to five year sentence with parole. Stephanie notices there issomething going on between Ridge and Grant. When the sentencing begins,Jonathan call Grant to the stand.^ back to the topThursday, July 10, 1997by Soap CentralClarke joins Macy excited about a new design. But Macyisn't interested because she is depressed about signing thedivorce papers. When she tell Clarke that she faxed thepapers to Thorne, Clarke wonders why he needed them in sucha hurry. Macy says that maybe he just wanted it to be over,but Clarke can't accept that. He wonders if his rush tohave the divorce papers means that he is planning to remarrysince Taylor is there with him.At the courthouse, Grant takes the stand. He is remindedthat he is still under oath. He tells the court that Ridgewasn't himself when he shot that gun. He explains how Ridgeand his family were treated, or perceived as being treated,by him. I gave him plenty of motive, he tells the Judge.He admits that they both had motive, but the Judge pointsout that he, Grant, didn't pick up a gun and shoot Ridge!Taylor finds Thorne in deep thought. He tells her that hejust received his divorce papers from Macy. Taylor observesthat it isn't an easy thing to accept--no matter how muchyou thought you wanted the divorce. Thorne agrees that hedidn't know he would feel like this; he can see his wholemarriage flashing before his eyes! Taylor reminds him thatshe has been in that spot and she knows just what he isfeeling!Grant admits that all the humiliation he put the Forrestersthrough was to get back at Ridge for Brooke. It drove Ridgeto do what he did; it could just as easily have been me, hesays. The judge says Ridge still committed a violentact. Grant makes a case for temporary insanity. The Judgeadmits that there is a lot of things for her to thinkabout. She needs a few hours to digest all that she haslearned. She will get back to them as soon aspossible---hopefully today.Ridge approaches Grant and thanks him for his testimony.Eric and Stephanie are stunned by Grant's words. Granttells them that he had no choice---he was telling the truth!As Ridge is taken back to custody, Brooke tells him thattheir thoughts are with him. Grant assures him that he willbe back in Taylor's arms soon.Megan is frantically trying to find Thorne and Taylor. Shecalls Macy to see if she has any idea where she could findThorne. Macy gives her the fax number for the hotel wherethe two are staying.Megan then pages Stephanie. Stephanie hopes it isn't toolate.^ back to the topFriday, July 11, 1997by GladysThe Forrester Home: Eric, Stephanie and Jonathan arespeaking with Ridge by speaker phone. Today they will learnthe Judge's decision. We must hope for the best, they tellRidge. Stephanie tells Ridge that they have found whereTaylor and Thorne are staying. "Make sure she gets myletter," Ridge pleads.Hawaii: Taylor stares at the picture of Ridge and herself.She is remembering meeting Ridge in jail for the last time.He is telling her she has to turn around and walk out thedoor. "How can he expect me to forget?" she wonders. Thenshe remembers the conversation she had with Thorne at thebeach house. He told her that she had to get on with herlife. Hasn't Ridge hurt you enough, he asked her. Back inthe present, she agrees that Thorne is right, but she stilldoesn't know how she can forget!Thorne is planning a special dinner for that night. Hewants it all: candles and champagne. When he returns totheir room, he finds Taylor looking at the picture. He asksif she wants to remain in Hawaii a little longer, but Taylorsays she is ready to return home. She tells him that thisis the second time he has saved her life. Does that tellyou something? Thorne asks. Does that tell you that yourneed me around? Taylor tells him that he knows her betterthan she knows herself. The big question now, she says, iswhat am I going to do. I can answer that, he says, andgrabs her and kisses her. Taylor pulls back and tellsThorne she is going to take a shower before dinner. As sheleaves the room, Thorne begins to mumble to himself. Firstmy brother divorced Taylor; he has hurt her, rejected herand yet she still hangs on. What is it about you, bigbrother? he wonders. She has to come to her senses! hedeclares. I won't let you hurt her anymore. He then ripsup the picture.Back in LA, Stephanie calls the hotel. She asks if Thorneand Taylor are staying there. When she learns that they arethere, she asks for their rooms so she can call and talkwith her son. She is told that they are sharing the sameroom---it was the last one they had when they checkedin---and calling the room is impossible as they don't havephones in the rooms. She also tells Stephanie that Thorneis planning a special night and doesn't want to bedisturbed. Stephanie asks if she can send a fax to Dr.Hayes. She wants Dr. Hayes to get the fax as soon aspossible as it is urgent. And she wants her son to callhome immediately. As she hangs up the phone, she says thatshe doesn't like it; Thorne obviously has somethingplanned. We have no control over the future, Eric tellsher. All we can do is hope and pray for the best.At the jail, one of the guards tries to be friendly. Hecomments on the picture of Taylor. Ridge tells him that sheisn't waiting for him at the moment, but she will. I willget her back, he states. Another guard announces that thereis someone to see Ridge but visiting time is over. Howeverthey allow the visitor to come down. It is Grant. Ridge ishappy to see him. He tells Grant that he has probably savedhis life. Grant tells him that he hope he succeeded. Youhad the motive and the means to bury me, Ridge tellsGrant. Why did you do it? he wonders. Grant tells him thateven though they don't see eye to eye on things, and even thoughthey are different, they still have Brooke to think of. Shestill hasn't gotten over her attraction for you, Grant says,but putting all that aside, what you, me or Brooke thinks isof no importance when it comes to thinking of that littleboy. Grant asks about Taylor. Ridge tells him that hismother has faxed her a letter. As soon as she reads thatshe will be here. He tells Grant that he wants to marryTaylor and if he could have his way, they would be marriedtoday. She is one lady worth waiting for, Grant assureshim. The two embrace and Grant leaves.Back in Hawaii, the woman from the hotel delivers the letterfor Taylor. Thorne accepts the letter as he is told thathis mother wants him to call home immediately. He is aboutto put the letter down when he decides to open and read it.He is shocked to read that Ridge has had a change of heartconcerning Taylor and wants her to come see him as soon asshe can. "No, Big Brother, I am not going to let you hurther again. NO WAY. . ."^ back to the top
Ridge is stunned to learn Taylor left for Hawaii with Thorne. He was sureThorne would back away from Taylor. This only increases Ridge's desire tosee Taylor. He implores Jonathan to find Taylor. Nothing has ever been moreimportant than finding her. Once Ridge sees Taylor again, he vows to takeback everything he told her about moving on with here life without him.
James and Maggie are delighted the baby has been gaining weight. She isready to be released from the hospital. James notes there has been no wordfrom Sheila. According to the law, Sheila has six months to change her mindabout the adoption. He reassures a worried Maggie that Sheila will notchange her mind. Before leaving the hospital, James announces he has pickedout a name for their baby, Margaret Elizabeth Warick, named after Maggie.
Stephanie stops by Grant's office and asks him why he is testifying atRidge's sentencing. Grant offers a song and dance about caring for theForrester family. Stephanie balks at that. She believes Grant wants totestify to have Ridge serve his full prison sentence. That way Ridge wouldbe out of Brooke's life and would not be able to interfere with his marriageto her. Grant denies her allegations. He's testifying because he owes Ridge,Grant says.
After giving Margaret the grand tour of her new home, Maggie wonders ifSheila is out of their lives for good. James admits he will feel betterafter the six months are over, but doesn't think Sheila will want the babyback. He hopes Sheila is doing well at whatever she is doing, but is gladshe is out of their lives. Just then, there is a ring at the front door.
At Stephanie's request, Jonathan stops by Stephanie's office. She does notwant Grant testifying at Ridge's hearing. Grant is the one person who canpersuade to judge for a less sentence, Jonathan says. Stephanie wonders ifRidge and Jonathan are keeping something from her. She gets irate whenJonathan informs her that Thorne and Taylor went to Hawaii together. Thereason Ridge wants to get a hold of Taylor so badly is he wants to resumetheir relationship.
Ridge begins to write Taylor a letter. In it, he regrets speaking to her theway he did, demanding she move on with her life without him. If only hecould see her one more time, Ridge writes. Then he could ask for herforgiveness and explain why he put her through months of hell. Ridge knowsthey can have a future together, even if that means waiting ten years. Aftersitting in jail day after day, he realizes his dream is to be with her.Ridge begs from the bottom of his heart for one last chance. Please comesee me, he writes, please.

Tuesday, July 8, 1997
by Soap Central
While Maggie is enjoying having baby Margaret home, the front doorbell rings.Both James and Maggie fear it is Sheila. Who else knows they were bringingthe baby home today? Relax, it's only a delivery man with a package for thebaby. It's a pillow with the name Mary written on it. James recognizes thatis the name Sheila gave the baby. Maggie thinks the pillow being deliveredto them with that name is some sort of mix up. Later, Maggie notices Jamesis tense. She attributes this to Sheila still bothering him. James andMaggie realize Sheila can change her mind within six months. When Maggieputs the baby down for a nap, James stuffs the pillow into the wastebasket.
Taylor admits she is starting to feel better. The place she and Thorne areat has worked magic for her. How did he know this is just what she needed?Her feelings for Ridge haven't changed, Taylor says, although she is stilllosing him. Taylor thanks Thorne for bringing her to Hawaii. She isstarting to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. After admittingshe has a sudden craving for papaya, Thorne brings back two tropical drinksand a menu for tonight's dinner. All the choices on the menu are Hawaiianoriginals. The selections are special, just like him, Taylor says.
Stephanie can't understand why Grant is going to speak at Ridge's hearing.What could have happen for Ridge to trust Grant now, Stephanie asks. Nomatter what happens at the sentencing, everyone will be affected by it foryears. Eric says they need to keep an eye on Taylor. She's gone off toHawaii with Thorne, Stephanie informs him. It is hard not to drawconclusions about Thorne and Taylor, but maybe he is only there for supprt,Eric says. Stephanie knows Thorne's intentions where Taylor is concerned gobeyond friendly support. He's bought her an engagement ring. Eric andStephanie agree they need to find Thorne soon before he does something.
Grant asks Ridge if he has changed his mind about telling Taylor the truth.No way, Forrester says. He has tried to get a hold of her, but she left forHawaii with Thorne. Thorne is no brother of his anymore, Ridge says. Hecan't trust him. Jonathan stops by and informs Ridge and Grant that he knowsthe truth about the shooting. The least Grant could do is help Ridge get aless sentence, Jonathan says. Ridge gives the letter he wrote for Taylor toJonathan. It is urgent she get the letter, Ridge implores. When Taylorreads the letter, she will come rushing back to him. By this time tomorrow,Ridge says, he will have his future back.

Wednesday, July 9, 1997
by Soap Central
Sally seems surprised to read that Grant is testifying at Ridge's sentencing.She does not believe Ridge's theory that he shot Grant. Just for a day, canthey please not talk about the Forresters, Macy asks. Macy admits she stillthinks about Thorne quite a bit, and informs Sally she has not signed thepapers making the divorce final. Thorne phones his lawyer requesting he faxthe divorce decree to him. He can't, the lawyer says, Macy hasn't signed ityet. Thorne's lawyer advises him to give Macy time. He doesn't have time,Thorne says. The reason he is in Hawaii is because he is thinking of gettingmarried.
Stephanie gives Megan a list of hotels in Hawaii to locate Thorne. Eric andStephanie admit to Jonathan they are afraid when Grant gets on the stand, hewill attack Ridge and possibly blow Ridge's chances at a less sentence.Jonathan reassures them that Grant is Ridge's only hope for a less sentence.
Macy admits she made a mistake when she accused Thorne of having an affairwith Claudia. Talk to Thorne, tell him your feelings before it's too late,Sally advises. It already is too late, Macy says, Thorne's involved withTaylor. Still, Sally urges Macy to talk to Thorne and found out if there isanything left of their marriage. Macy receives a call from Thorne. He wantsto talk about the divorce decree. Macy suggests they meet so they can talkabout it in person. He can't meet with her because he's in Hawaii withTaylor, Thorne says. The reason he called is because he wants Macy to signthe divorce decree and fax it to him. Tearfully, Macy agrees to sign thedivorce decree. It is strange to end a marriage by fax, Macy notes. Uponreceiving the divorce decree via fax, Thorne notes there is a reason foreverything. It is time to move forward with Taylor.
Grant realizes Brooke does not trust him to testify at Ridge's sentencing.The reason he is changing his testimony is because one day Rick will realizehe is the one who shot him and Rick will feel an enormous amount of guilt forRidge going to jail for him. If Grant can convince the judge of a lesssentence, that will ease Rick's guilt. Brooke is worried if Grant changeshis testimony that he will be committing perjury. When prosecutor TeresaEmerson stops by, Brooke asks her if Grant will be committing perjury if hechanges his testimony at the sentencing. It depends on how much he changesit, Teresa says. If Grant testifies that what he said under oath at thetrial is a lie, then he will have committed perjury. If Grant simplyelaborates on what he said under oath, that is not perjury. Just tell thetruth, Teresa advises.
At the courthouse, Jonathan tells Eric and Stephanie the best Ridge can hopefor is a four to five year sentence with parole. Stephanie notices there issomething going on between Ridge and Grant. When the sentencing begins,Jonathan call Grant to the stand.

Thursday, July 10, 1997
by Soap Central
Clarke joins Macy excited about a new design. But Macyisn't interested because she is depressed about signing thedivorce papers. When she tell Clarke that she faxed thepapers to Thorne, Clarke wonders why he needed them in sucha hurry. Macy says that maybe he just wanted it to be over,but Clarke can't accept that. He wonders if his rush tohave the divorce papers means that he is planning to remarrysince Taylor is there with him.
At the courthouse, Grant takes the stand. He is remindedthat he is still under oath. He tells the court that Ridgewasn't himself when he shot that gun. He explains how Ridgeand his family were treated, or perceived as being treated,by him. I gave him plenty of motive, he tells the Judge.He admits that they both had motive, but the Judge pointsout that he, Grant, didn't pick up a gun and shoot Ridge!
Taylor finds Thorne in deep thought. He tells her that hejust received his divorce papers from Macy. Taylor observesthat it isn't an easy thing to accept--no matter how muchyou thought you wanted the divorce. Thorne agrees that hedidn't know he would feel like this; he can see his wholemarriage flashing before his eyes! Taylor reminds him thatshe has been in that spot and she knows just what he isfeeling!
Grant admits that all the humiliation he put the Forrestersthrough was to get back at Ridge for Brooke. It drove Ridgeto do what he did; it could just as easily have been me, hesays. The judge says Ridge still committed a violentact. Grant makes a case for temporary insanity. The Judgeadmits that there is a lot of things for her to thinkabout. She needs a few hours to digest all that she haslearned. She will get back to them as soon aspossible---hopefully today.
Ridge approaches Grant and thanks him for his testimony.Eric and Stephanie are stunned by Grant's words. Granttells them that he had no choice---he was telling the truth!
As Ridge is taken back to custody, Brooke tells him thattheir thoughts are with him. Grant assures him that he willbe back in Taylor's arms soon.
Megan is frantically trying to find Thorne and Taylor. Shecalls Macy to see if she has any idea where she could findThorne. Macy gives her the fax number for the hotel wherethe two are staying.
Megan then pages Stephanie. Stephanie hopes it isn't toolate.

Friday, July 11, 1997
by Soap Central
The Forrester Home: Eric, Stephanie and Jonathan arespeaking with Ridge by speaker phone. Today they will learnthe Judge's decision. We must hope for the best, they tellRidge. Stephanie tells Ridge that they have found whereTaylor and Thorne are staying. "Make sure she gets myletter," Ridge pleads.
Hawaii: Taylor stares at the picture of Ridge and herself.She is remembering meeting Ridge in jail for the last time.He is telling her she has to turn around and walk out thedoor. "How can he expect me to forget?" she wonders. Thenshe remembers the conversation she had with Thorne at thebeach house. He told her that she had to get on with herlife. Hasn't Ridge hurt you enough, he asked her. Back inthe present, she agrees that Thorne is right, but she stilldoesn't know how she can forget!
Thorne is planning a special dinner for that night. Hewants it all: candles and champagne. When he returns totheir room, he finds Taylor looking at the picture. He asksif she wants to remain in Hawaii a little longer, but Taylorsays she is ready to return home. She tells him that thisis the second time he has saved her life. Does that tellyou something? Thorne asks. Does that tell you that yourneed me around? Taylor tells him that he knows her betterthan she knows herself. The big question now, she says, iswhat am I going to do. I can answer that, he says, andgrabs her and kisses her. Taylor pulls back and tellsThorne she is going to take a shower before dinner. As sheleaves the room, Thorne begins to mumble to himself. Firstmy brother divorced Taylor; he has hurt her, rejected herand yet she still hangs on. What is it about you, bigbrother? he wonders. She has to come to her senses! hedeclares. I won't let you hurt her anymore. He then ripsup the picture.
Back in LA, Stephanie calls the hotel. She asks if Thorneand Taylor are staying there. When she learns that they arethere, she asks for their rooms so she can call and talkwith her son. She is told that they are sharing the sameroom---it was the last one they had when they checkedin---and calling the room is impossible as they don't havephones in the rooms. She also tells Stephanie that Thorneis planning a special night and doesn't want to bedisturbed. Stephanie asks if she can send a fax to Dr.Hayes. She wants Dr. Hayes to get the fax as soon aspossible as it is urgent. And she wants her son to callhome immediately. As she hangs up the phone, she says thatshe doesn't like it; Thorne obviously has somethingplanned. We have no control over the future, Eric tellsher. All we can do is hope and pray for the best.
At the jail, one of the guards tries to be friendly. Hecomments on the picture of Taylor. Ridge tells him that sheisn't waiting for him at the moment, but she will. I willget her back, he states. Another guard announces that thereis someone to see Ridge but visiting time is over. Howeverthey allow the visitor to come down. It is Grant. Ridge ishappy to see him. He tells Grant that he has probably savedhis life. Grant tells him that he hope he succeeded. Youhad the motive and the means to bury me, Ridge tellsGrant. Why did you do it? he wonders. Grant tells him thateven though they don't see eye to eye on things, and even thoughthey are different, they still have Brooke to think of. Shestill hasn't gotten over her attraction for you, Grant says,but putting all that aside, what you, me or Brooke thinks isof no importance when it comes to thinking of that littleboy. Grant asks about Taylor. Ridge tells him that hismother has faxed her a letter. As soon as she reads thatshe will be here. He tells Grant that he wants to marryTaylor and if he could have his way, they would be marriedtoday. She is one lady worth waiting for, Grant assureshim. The two embrace and Grant leaves.
Back in Hawaii, the woman from the hotel delivers the letterfor Taylor. Thorne accepts the letter as he is told thathis mother wants him to call home immediately. He is aboutto put the letter down when he decides to open and read it.He is shocked to read that Ridge has had a change of heartconcerning Taylor and wants her to come see him as soon asshe can. "No, Big Brother, I am not going to let you hurther again. NO WAY. . ."

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