Victor and Nikki argued about Brad. Jill found out that Billy was in the hospital due to a car accident. Katherine couldn't get Brock off her mind. The district attorney dropped the charges against Tony and Megan.

Monday August 9
by Soap Central
Billy finds Esther just finishing the vacuuming and helps her to put the vacuum cleaner away. He asks her about the cars in the garage, specifically the SUV. Esther tells him that it is his mother's car, one that she often uses in the winter when the roads are hazardous. Jill walks into the room at that time and tells him that they need to have a talk about his driving. She doesn't want to lay down any further rules, but she thinks that he isn't experienced enough at driving to be allowed free reign with all the vehicles. She especially doesn't want him driving into town during rush hour. Billy scoffs at this, saying this isn't New York after all, but she tells him that there is a rush hour when it is dangerous to drive and that the people are just as careless and reckless as they are in New York. Since it isn't rush hour now, she allows him to drive into town, but puts the kebash on his driving the SUV around the estate trails.
Olivia is furious at Malcolm. She tells him that she finally has figured out what happened to get him so angry with her and Neil. She tells him that she slept over at Neil's that night but they didn't sleep together. She explains that she slept in the bed and Neil slept on the couch. Malcolm refuses to believe her. He says that he was in the apartment and saw her sleeping in the bed with nothing on but a sheet while Neil took a shower. Olivia insists that nothing happened between the two of them and now that Malcolm knows, they can get back to setting their marriage aright. However, Malcolm won't let him touch her. He walks out of the studio, leaving Olivia sobbing.
Keith bursts into the DA's office and announces that he will have his say whether the DA listens to him or not. He then begins to rail at the DA for arresting his daughter without even looking into her background. When he finally stops long enough for the DA to get a word in edgewise, he tells Keith that he is dropping the charges against his daughter. When Keith makes a disparaging remark against Tony, the DA says that he should be careful what he says since it was Tony that convinced him to drop the charges. He explains that Tony wanted to confess to the crime in exchange for dropping the charges against Megan. Keith isn't surprised that Tony is guilty but the DA says that on the contrary, he believes that Tony is innocent also. He also says that Keith could do much worse than to have Tony escorting his daughter around.
Paul goes to see Olivia but finds only Callie in the doc's office. He wonders what she is doing there and, of course, suspects the worse of Callie. Callie tells him that she probably just handed Malcolm over to his wife. Now, she says, she is all alone. When Paul offers to take her home, she says that she doesn't even know where home is now.
Megan and Tricia are worried that Keith will only make matters worse by going to see the DA, but there was nothing they could do to stop him. Keith returns home and announces to Megan and Tricia that the charges have been dropped. He notices their surprise and says that he knows that they thought he would just make matters worse. They are so relieved that Megan throws herself into his arms. She thanks him for doing this for her, especially when he says that the charges were also dropped against Tony. He tells her that she is giving him too much credit but he doesn't tell her that it is really thanks to Tony that the charges are dropped. Now that this problem is over, he says it is time to go back to London. They wonder how long he will be there this time but he isn't sure. As he is walking out of the room, he suddenly has a brilliant idea. He turns back and invites Megan to come back to London with him. He reminds her that it is still another month before she starts back to school. Megan isn't sure that she wants to leave but he tells her to think about it.
Raul arrives at the coffeehouse and immediately goes to the computer. Mac asks if he wants anything and he orders a coffee. She tells him that it is lunchtime and he needs more than coffee. He says that he is saving his money; he can't afford the computer and lunch both. He says that the only reason he comes here is because he hasn't access to a computer except here and at school. When he mentions that he is saving for his own computer, she says that you always appreciate what you have had to work and save for. He mentions that he has entered a contest to win tickets to a Dave Mathews concert in Chicago. Later, as Mac brings him his coffee, he is surprised that he has won the four tickets. Just as he mentions that, Billy arrives and invites himself to one of the tickets. Now all they need is a driver. Raul asks Mac to go with him and she accepts. Billy sees Marnie at the next table and decides to see if she wants to go to the concert. Going up to her, he asks if she is over sixteen and has a driver's license. She seems to enjoy a little flirting with Billy but says that she has plans that she can't break, even to go to a Dave Mathews concert. Billy returns to Raul's table in defeat but as they are all looking crestfallen, Billy says that he will drive them to the concert.
Jill and Katherine talk. Jill says that she had to lay down some more ground rules to Billy but they were for his own good. Kay agrees that the rules were needed. Jill warns Kay that Mac could be a con artist who is just lying about being her granddaughter. Kay says that she has proof that Mac is Brock's daughter; at any rate, she is fully satisfied. She asks if Jill thinks she is stupid. Of course, she checked out Mac's story. Jill says that he is only trying to warn her. Kay says that she believes that Jill is worried about her. Jill says that it is probably just a temporary condition. Kay thinks it is a good sign that the two of them can finally get along even if it is just for the children. Who knows, she asks as she leaves the room, they just might find that they like living on peaceful terms rather than in a war zone.
Tony tells Grace about going to see the DA, not that it did him any good. She tells him that Megan has a dad to look after her; he should be thinking of himself now instead of Megan. She asks what good it would do him or Megan if she is free while he is sitting in prison. When she can't get through to him, she says she is going to work. When she opens the door, Megan is standing there prepared to knock on the door.

Tuesday, August 10, 1999

Wednesday, August 11

Thursday, August 12

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