The web series The Bay returns to the web with its latest installment, titled Chapter 12, on Thursday May 1, 2014. The new season will see the addition of some actors who, while new to The Bay, will be familiar to many soap fans.
Patrika Darbo (ex-Nancy Wesley, Days of our Lives), Judi Evans (Adrienne Kiriakis, DAYS; ex-Paulina Cory, Another World, ex-Beth Raines, Guiding Light), Ronn Moss (ex-Ridge Forrester, The Bold and the Beautiful) and Sean Kanan (Deacon Sharpe, B&B; ex-A.J. Quartermaine, General Hospital) are slated to join the series.
Moss joins the cast as former Bay City District Attorney John Blackwell. Evans will portray John's wife, Katherine Blackwell. The two appear to be in town to reconnect with their son, Damien Blackwell (Erik Fellows), but may have another hidden agenda in mind.
Kanan will assume the role of Press Secretary Kenneth Allen, a role previously portrayed by Brody Hutzler (ex-Patrick Lockhart, DAYS). Darbo joins the cast as Mickey, who runs Patrick's Roadhouse.
The Bay has been leading up to its next season with a series of shorts titled Confessions of Bay City.
The creators of the The Bay are describing the upcoming season as "steamier, edgier, sexier and more passionate" than what came before. In addition to the new cast members, viewers can look forward to the return of favorites including Charles Shaughnessy (ex-Shane Donovan, DAYS) as Capt. Elliot Sanders, Martha Madison (ex-Belle Black, DAYS) as Marly Garrett-Nelson, and Ignacio Serricchio (Alex Chavez, The Young and the Restless; ex-Diego Alcazar, GH) as Manny Ramos.
Chapter 12 of The Bay will stream via the Blip and Roku networks and services beginning Thursday, May 1, 2014.
What do you think of these addition to The Bay's cast? Whose storyline are you most looking forward to in the upcoming season? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below or click here to send us Feedback.